Proceedings in High Court to be disposed of by single Judge
10.—(1)  Every proceeding in the High Court and all business arising thereout shall, except as otherwise provided by any written law for the time being in force, be heard and disposed of before a single Judge.
(2)  A Judge may, subject to Rules of Court or Family Justice Rules, exercise in court or in chambers all or any part of the jurisdiction vested in the High Court, in all such causes and matters and in all such proceedings in any causes or matters as might immediately before 9th January 1970 have been heard in court or in chambers respectively by a single Judge, or as may be directed or authorised to be so heard by Rules of Court or Family Justice Rules for the time being in force.
[Act 27 of 2014 wef 01/10/2014]
(3)  [Deleted by Act 42 of 2014 wef 01/01/2015]
(4)  If a Judge reserves judgment in any proceedings and his appointment as a Judge expires or is terminated before his judgment is delivered, he shall have power to deliver judgment in respect of those proceedings, notwithstanding that his appointment as a Judge has expired or has been terminated.
(5)  No Judge shall sit in the High Court on the hearing of, or determine any application in proceedings incidental or preliminary to —
(a)an appeal from a judgment or an order made by him as the Presiding Judge of the State Courts or the Presiding Judge of the Family Justice Courts;
[Act 27 of 2014 wef 01/10/2014]
(b)an appeal against a conviction before him or a sentence passed by him as the Presiding Judge of the State Courts or the Presiding Judge of the Family Justice Courts;
[Act 27 of 2014 wef 01/10/2014]
(c)the consideration of any case stated by him under section 395 of the Criminal Procedure Code (Cap. 68) as the Presiding Judge of the State Courts or the Presiding Judge of the Family Justice Courts;
[Act 27 of 2014 wef 01/10/2014]
(d)any application made under section 400 of the Criminal Procedure Code in relation to any judgment or order made, or sentence passed, by him as the Presiding Judge of the State Courts or the Presiding Judge of the Family Justice Courts; or
[Act 27 of 2014 wef 01/10/2014]
(e)any proceedings relating to any judgment, order or direction made by him as the Presiding Judge of the State Courts or the Presiding Judge of the Family Justice Courts.
[Act 5 of 2014 wef 14/04/2014]
[Act 27 of 2014 wef 01/10/2014]