SkillsFuture Singapore
Agency Act 2016
This revised edition incorporates all amendments up to and including 1 December 2021 and comes into operation on 31 December 2021
An Act to establish the SkillsFuture Singapore Agency.
[3 October 2016: Except section 71(1)(a) and (2) ;
4 October 2016: Section 71(1)(a) and (2) ]
Short title
1.  This Act is the SkillsFuture Singapore Agency Act 2016.
2.  In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires —
“adult education” means that part of post‑secondary education and training which is directed towards the development or upgrading of skills and knowledge in relation to work in commerce or industry;
“Agency” means the SkillsFuture Singapore Agency established by section 3;
“Chairperson”, in relation to the Agency, means the member of the Agency who is appointed under section 12 as the Chairperson of the Agency, and includes any individual appointed under section 14 to act in that capacity;
“Chief Executive” means the Chief Executive of the Agency, and includes any individual acting in that capacity;
“commerce or industry” includes any trade, manufacturing or service industry, business or other related activity;
“committee” means a committee of the Agency appointed under section 34;
“committee member” means an individual appointed to be a member of a committee;
“company”  —
(a)has the meaning given by section 4(1) of the Companies Act 1967; and
(b)includes a foreign company within the meaning of that Act;
“delegate” means a person to whom the Agency under section 36(1) delegates the performance or exercise of any of its functions or powers;
“Deputy Chairperson”, in relation to the Agency, means the member of the Agency who is appointed under section 12 as the Deputy Chairperson of the Agency;
“functions”, in relation to the Agency, means functions conferred on the Agency by this Act or any other Act;
“further education” means a post‑secondary education program that leads to the development of knowledge and skills that are not specific to any particular occupation;
“grant” includes a grant by way of reimbursement under a reimbursement arrangement;
“member”, in relation to the Agency, means a member of the Agency who is appointed under section 10, and includes any person appointed under section 14 to act in that capacity;
“post‑secondary education” means education of persons —
(a)who are 16 years of age or older; and
(b)who are not undergoing a course of education at any of the following:
(i)a Government school;
(ii)a school registered under the Education Act 1957 and which receives a grant‑in‑aid or subvention extended by the Government to aided schools within the meaning of that Act;
(iii)an education institution providing education in accordance with religious beliefs and principles;
“private education” has the meaning given by the Private Education Act 2009;
“reimbursement arrangement” means a written arrangement made in respect of any adult education or further education provided to a person eligible to financial incentives, support, grant, aid or assistance from the Agency to the effect that where —
(a)the person so eligible receives or undergoes adult education or further education for a charge; and
(b)the provider of the adult education or further education incurs costs and expenses in providing the education to that eligible person,
the provider of the adult education or further education is entitled, under the arrangement, to reimbursement from the Agency of the whole or part of its charges in respect of the education so provided, but in no case exceeding that person’s eligibility to financial incentive, support, grant, aid or assistance (as the case may be) for that education;
“Singapore Workforce Development Agency” or “SWDA” means the Singapore Workforce Development Agency established by the Singapore Workforce Development Agency Act (Cap. 305D, 2004 Revised Edition);
“subdelegate” means a person to whom a delegate under section 36(2) further delegates the performance or exercise of any of the Agency’s functions or powers;
“transfer date” means 3 October 2016;
“Workforce Singapore Agency” means the SWDA renamed as the Workforce Singapore Agency by the Singapore Workforce Development Agency (Amendment) Act 2016.
[20/2016; 5/2018; S 461/2020]