Sections 4(1) and 64(1) |
Occupational Diseases |
1. Aniline poisoning |
2. Anthrax |
3. Arsenical poisoning |
4. Asbestosis |
5. Barotrauma |
6. Beryllium poisoning |
7. Byssinosis |
8. Cadmium poisoning |
9. Carbamate poisoning |
10. Compressed air illness or its sequelae, including dysbaric osteonecrosis |
11. Cyanide poisoning |
12. Diseases caused by ionizing radiation |
13. Diseases caused by excessive heat |
14. Hydrogen Sulphide poisoning |
15. Lead poisoning |
16. Leptospirosis |
17. Liver angiosarcoma |
18. Manganese poisoning |
19. Mercurial poisoning |
20. Mesothelioma |
21. Noise-induced deafness |
22. Occupational asthma |
23. Occupational skin cancers |
24. Occupational skin diseases |
25. Organophosphate poisoning |
26. Phosphorus poisoning |
27. Poisoning by benzene or a homologue of benzene |
28. Poisoning by carbon monoxide gas |
29. Poisoning by carbon disulphide |
30. Poisoning by oxides of nitrogen |
31. Poisoning from halogen derivatives of hydrocarbon compounds |
32. Musculoskeletal disorders of the upper limb |
33. Silicosis |
34. Toxic anaemia |
35. Toxic hepatitis. [18/2011] |