No. S 479
Registration of Criminals Act 1949
Registration of Criminals Act 1949
(Amendment of First and Third Schedules)
Order 2024
In exercise of the powers conferred by section 50 of the Registration of Criminals Act 1949, the Minister for Home Affairs makes the following Order:
Citation and commencement
1.  This Order is the Registration of Criminals Act 1949 (Amendment of First and Third Schedules) Order 2024 and comes into operation on 1 June 2024.
Amendment of First Schedule
2.  In the Registration of Criminals Act 1949, in the First Schedule, after Part 8, insert —
Part 9
Offences under other laws included
with effect from 1 June 2024
Misuse of Drugs Act 1973
Part 2A, section 8(a) punishable under section 33(3B), sections 8(b) and 31(2) punishable under section 33(4AB), section 11I(1)(a) punishable under section 33(3B), and section 11I(1)(b) punishable under section 33(3C) or (3D).
Amendment of Third Schedule
3.  In the Registration of Criminals Act 1949, in the Third Schedule, after Part 2, insert —
Part 3
Offences under other laws included
with effect from 1 June 2024
Misuse of Drugs Act 1973
Trafficking in psychoactive substance — Section 11F.
Made on 24 May 2024.
Permanent Secretary,
Ministry of Home Affairs,
[MHA 112/2/49 VOL 1; AG/LEGIS/SL/268/2020/1 Vol. 1]