No. S 595
Legal Profession Act 1966
Legal Profession
(Qualified Persons)
(Amendment) Rules 2024
In exercise of the powers conferred by sections 2(2) and 11E of the Legal Profession Act 1966, the Minister for Law, after consulting the Board of Directors of the Singapore Institute of Legal Education, makes the following Rules:
Citation and commencement
1.—(1)  These Rules are the Legal Profession (Qualified Persons) (Amendment) Rules 2024 and, except for rule 3(b), come into operation on 17 July 2024.
(2)  Rule 3(b) is deemed to have come into operation on 31 December 2021.
Amendment of rule 1
2.  In the Legal Profession (Qualified Persons) Rules (R 15) (called in these Rules the principal Rules), in rule 1(2)(b), replace “section 14(4)” with “section 11C(4)”.
Amendment of rule 2
3.  In the principal Rules, in rule 2 —
(a)delete the definition of “Malayan practitioner”;
(b)in the definition of “National University of Singapore”, in paragraph (b), replace “(Cap. 50)” with “1967”;
(c)in the definition of “relevant legal training”, in paragraph (b), delete “or” at the end;
(d)in the definition of “relevant legal training”, in paragraph (c), insert “or” at the end; and
(e)in the definition of “relevant legal training”, after paragraph (c), insert —
(d)any supervised training in relation to the practice of Singapore law —
(i)through working —
(A)as a Judicial Service Officer or a Legal Service Officer (or both); or
(B)under the supervision of a relevant legal officer (called in this paragraph a qualifying relevant legal officer) who is an advocate and solicitor of not less than 5 years’ standing and who, for a total of not less than 5 out of the 7 years immediately preceding the date of commencement of the supervised training, has been a relevant legal officer or has been in active practice in a Singapore law practice or both;
(ii)through working under the supervision of 2 or more qualifying relevant legal officers; or
(iii)partly through working as a Judicial Service Officer or a Legal Service Officer (or both) and partly through working under the supervision of one or more qualifying relevant legal officers;”.
Deletion of rules 15A and 18
4.  In the principal Rules, delete rules 15A and 18.
Saving provision
5.  To avoid doubt, a person mentioned in rule 8(1) or (2), 9(1), (2) or (2A) or 9A(1) of the principal Rules who, before 17 July 2024, has received supervised training in relation to the practice of Singapore law as mentioned in rule 15A of the principal Rules for any duration, is treated as having completed the same duration of relevant legal training for the purposes of the principal Rules as amended by these Rules.
[G.N. Nos. S 348/2003; S 145/2004; S 493/2005; S 217/2006; S 587/2006; S 187/2008; S 331/2009; S 243/2011; S 290/2014; S 492/2015; S 602/2015; S 354/2016; S 515/2017; S 677/2017; S 439/2020; S 21/2022]
Made on 15 July 2024.
Permanent Secretary,
Ministry of Law,
[LAW 59/002; AG/LEGIS/SL/161/2020/4]
(To be presented to Parliament under section 185 of the Legal Profession Act 1966).