Revised Edition of the Laws Act
(Chapter 275, Sections 10(6) and 17(6))
Notice under Sections 10(6) and 17(6) for the Issue of Revised Loose-leaf Pages of Subsidiary Legislation
Issue 1/99
N 18
G.N. No. S 128/1999

(31st January 2001)
[1st April 1999]
Whereas under sections 10(6) and 17(6) of the Revised Edition of the Laws Act, the Law Revision Commissioners have prepared and published the loose-leaf pages set out in the Schedule incorporating all amendments up to 1st March 1999 made to the Rules of Court (Cap. 322, R 5):
Now, therefore, it is hereby notified for general information that the Law Revision Commissioners have appointed 1st April 1999 as the date the revised loose-leaf pages of the Rules of Court in this Issue shall come into force.