3. The Fifth Schedule to the Strategic Goods (Control) Regulations is amended —(a) | by deleting the full-stop at the end of paragraph (g) of item 1 and substituting a semi‑colon, and by inserting immediately thereafter the following paragraphs: | (b) | by inserting, immediately before “1A202,” in item 2(b), “1A007,”; | (c) | by inserting, immediately before “1B201,” in item 2(c), the words “1B101, 1B115 (only 1B115.b.),”; | (d) | by deleting paragraph (d) of item 2 and substituting the following paragraph:“(d) | 1C010, 1C107, 1C111, 1C116, 1C117, 1C118, 1C202, 1C210, 1C216, 1C225, 1C226, 1C227, 1C228, 1C229, 1C230, 1C231, 1C232, 1C233, 1C234, 1C235, 1C236, 1C237, 1C238, 1C239, 1C240, 1C241, 1C350 (only 1C350.1. to 9., 11., 12., 13., 17., 18., 19., 21., 22., 23., 26. to 36., 38., 46., 51., 52., 54. to 57., 59. and 63.), 1C351 (only 1C351.a.1., 2., 4., 5., 6., 8., 9., 11., 12., 14., 16., 17., 18., 21. to 25., 27., 34., 38., 43., 45., 50., 54., 57., 58., 1C351.c.1. to 6., 13. to 17., 22. and 1C351.d.1., 2., 4. to 7. and 12.), 1C354 (only 1C354.b.1., 5. and 1C354.c.1.), 1C450;”; |
| (e) | by deleting paragraph (h) of item 2 and substituting the following paragraph:“(h) | 2B001, 2B002, 2B003, 2B004, 2B005, 2B006, 2B007, 2B008, 2B009, 2B109, 2B116, 2B120, 2B121, 2B201, 2B204, 2B206, 2B207, 2B209, 2B219, 2B225, 2B226, 2B227, 2B228, 2B230, 2B231, 2B232, 2B233, 2B350 (only 2B350.a., 2B350.e. and 2B350.i.), 2B352 (only 2B352.b. and 2B352.c.);”; |
| (f) | by inserting, immediately before “6A202,” in item 2(n), “6A107,”; and | (g) | by deleting the full-stop at the end of paragraph (p) of item 2 and substituting a semi-colon, and by inserting immediately thereafter the following paragraphs:“(q) | 7A101, 7A102, 7A103 (only 7A103.d.); | (r) | 7B102, 7B103 (only 7B103.b.); | (s) | 9A105 (only 9A105.a.), 9A106 (only 9A106.c. and 9A106.e.), 9A107, 9A108 (only 9A108.c.), 9A109, 9A120; | (t) | 9C110.”. |