No. S 148
Environmental Protection and
Management Act
Environmental Protection and Management
(Composition of Offences) (Amendment)
Regulations 2013
In exercise of the powers conferred by section 77 of the Environmental Protection and Management Act, the National Environment Agency, with the approval of the Minister for the Environment and Water Resources, hereby makes the following Regulations:
Citation and commencement
1.  These Regulations may be cited as the Environmental Protection and Management (Composition of Offences) (Amendment) Regulations 2013 and shall come into operation on 25th March 2013.
Amendment of regulation 2
2.  Regulation 2 of the Environmental Protection and Management (Composition of Offences) Regulations (Rg 7) is amended by inserting, immediately after the words “regulation 3” in paragraph (c), the words “or 4A”.
[G.N. Nos. S 626/2008; S 486/2011]
Made this 12th day of March 2013.
National Environment Agency,
[AG/LLRD/SL/94A/2010/8 Vol. 1]
(To be presented to Parliament under section 77(3) of the Environmental Protection and Management Act).