No. S 220
Environmental Public Health Act
Environmental Public Health (Public Cleansing)
(Amendment) Regulations 2018
In exercise of the powers conferred by section 111 of the Environmental Public Health Act, the National Environment Agency, with the approval of the Minister for the Environment and Water Resources, makes the following Regulations:
Citation and commencement
1.—(1)  These Regulations are the Environmental Public Health (Public Cleansing) (Amendment) Regulations 2018 and, except for regulation 2(b) and (c), come into operation on 25 April 2018.
(2)  Regulation 2(b) and (c) comes into operation on 1 October 2018.
Amendment of First Schedule
2.  The First Schedule to the Environmental Public Health (Public Cleansing) Regulations (Rg 3) is amended —
(a)by inserting, immediately after paragraph 1, the following paragraph:
    “1A.   For any refuse, matter or thing conveyed to the TuasOne Waste‑to‑Energy Plant (called in this paragraph the Plant) by a person, at the person’s expense, for burning, which refuse, matter or thing a person authorised by the waste disposal licensee maintaining or operating the Plant accepts for burning —
(a)For cashless mode of payment
(i)Disposal Base Gate Fee
 $0.77 for every 0.01 tonne or part thereof;
(ii)Peak Period Surcharge
(b)For payment by cash at the weighbridge of the Plant
(i)Disposal Base Gate Fee
 $0.79 for every 0.01 tonne or part thereof;
(ii)Peak Period Surcharge
(b)by deleting paragraph 2 and substituting the following paragraph:
    “2.   For any refuse, matter or thing conveyed to the Tuas Incineration Plant or Tuas South Incineration Plant by a person, at the person’s expense, for burning, which refuse, matter or thing the Director‑General accepts for burning —
(a)For cashless mode of payment
(i)Disposal Base Gate Fee
 $0.77 for every 0.01 tonne or part thereof;
(ii)Peak Period Surcharge
(b)For payment by cash at the weighbridges of the disposal sites
(i)Disposal Base Gate Fee
 $0.79 for every 0.01 tonne or part thereof;
(ii)Peak Period Surcharge
 Nil.”; and
(c)by inserting, immediately after paragraph 2A, the following paragraph:
    “2B.  For any refuse, matter or thing conveyed to the Tuas Marine Transfer Station by a person, at the person’s expense, for the purpose of disposal or deposition, which refuse, matter or thing the Director‑General accepts for that purpose —
(a)For cashless mode of payment
(i)Disposal Base Gate Fee
 $0.97 for every 0.01 tonne or part thereof;
(ii)Peak Period Surcharge
(b)For payment by cash at the weighbridge located at Tuas South Incineration Plant
(i)Disposal Base Gate Fee
 $0.99 for every 0.01 tonne or part thereof;
(ii)Peak Period Surcharge
[G.N. Nos. S 221/2000; S 49/2001; S 176/2001; S 244/2001; S 287/2001; S 316/2001; S 359/2001; S 360/2001; S 199/2002; S 377/2004; S 639/2004; S 589/2005; S 168/2006; S 500/2006; S 712/2006; S 17/2009; S 405/2009; S 402/2010; S 554/2010; S 596/2011; S 300/2012; S 165/2013; S 626/2013; S 367/2014; S 794/2014; S 799/2014; S 162/2015; S 379/2016; S 620/2016; S 111/2017]
Made on 2 April 2018.
National Environment Agency,
[NEA/LD/39/8/1 V.1; MEWR030/01/101; AG/LEGIS/SL/95/2015/1 Vol. 1]
(To be presented to Parliament under section 111(4) of the Environmental Public Health Act).