No. S 51
Revised Edition of the Laws Act
Revised Edition of the Laws
(Legitimacy Act) (Rectification)
Order 2019
In exercise of the powers conferred by section 23(1) of the Revised Edition of the Laws Act, the Law Revision Commissioners make the following Order:
1.  This Order is the Revised Edition of the Laws (Legitimacy Act) (Rectification) Order 2019.
Rectification of error
2.  In paragraph 6 of the Schedule to the Legitimacy Act (Cap. 162, 1985 Ed.), delete “contrued” and substitute “construed”.
Made on 23 January 2019.
Law Revision Commission.
[AG/LEGIS/SL/275/2015/2 Vol. 1]
(To be presented to Parliament under section 23(2) of the Revised Edition of the Laws Act).