No. S 589
Telecommunications Act 1999
(Dealers) (Amendment)
Regulations 2023
In exercise of the powers conferred by section 97 of the Telecommunications Act 1999, the Info‑communications Media Development Authority, with the approval of the Minister for Communications and Information, makes the following Regulations:
Citation and commencement
1.—(1)  These Regulations are the Telecommunications (Dealers) (Amendment) Regulations 2023 and, except for regulation 5, come into operation on 1 September 2023.
(2)  Regulation 5 is deemed to have come into operation on 31 December 2021.
Amendment of regulation 3
2.  In the Telecommunications (Dealers) Regulations (Rg 6) (called in these Regulations the principal Regulations), in regulation 3(12)(b), replace “Business Registration Act (Cap. 32)” with “Business Registration Act (Cap. 32, 2004 Revised Edition) (as in force before 3 January 2016) or the Business Names Registration Act 2014”.
Amendment of regulation 7
3.  In the principal Regulations, in regulation 7(c), replace “Business Registration Act (Cap. 32)” with “Business Names Registration Act 2014”.
Amendment of Fifth Schedule
4.  In the principal Regulations, in the Fifth Schedule, replace item 1 with —
“1.Short Range/Low Power devices excluding Ultra Wide Band devices
9‑315 kHz
30 dBµA/m @ 10m
16‑150 kHz
100 dBµV/m @ 3m
66 dBµA/m @ 10m
150‑5,000 kHz
13.5 dBµA/m @ 10m
510‑1,600 kHz
57 dBµV/m @ 3m
6,765‑6,795 kHz
42 dBµA/m @ 10m
7,400‑8,800 kHz
9 dBµA/m @ 10m
10.200‑11.000 MHz
9 dBµA/m @ 10m
13.553‑13.567 MHz
94 dBµV/m @ 10m
10 mW ERP
26.960‑27.280 MHz
500 mW ERP
29.700‑30.000 MHz
10 mW ERP
34.995‑35.225 MHz
100 mW ERP
40.500‑41.000 MHz
0.01 mW ERP
40.660‑40.700 MHz
65 dBµV/m @ 10m
500 mW ERP
72.080 MHz
1000 mW ERP
72.130‑72.210 MHz
500 mW ERP
72.200 MHz
1000 mW ERP
72.400 MHz
1000 mW ERP
72.600 MHz
1000 mW ERP
88.000‑108.000 MHz
60 dBµV/m @ 10m
146.350‑146.500 MHz
100 mW ERP
151.125 MHz
1000 mW ERP
151.150 MHz
1000 mW ERP
158.275/162.875 MHz
1000 mW ERP
158.325/162.925 MHz
1000 mW ERP
169.400‑175.000 MHz
500 mW ERP
180.000‑200.000 MHz
50 mW ERP
216.000‑217.000 MHz
100 mW ERP
240.150‑240.300 MHz
100 mW ERP
300.000‑300.300 MHz
100 mW ERP
312.000‑316.000 MHz
100 mW ERP
433.050‑434.790 MHz
10 mW ERP
444.400‑444.800 MHz
100 mW ERP
446.000‑446.100 MHz
500 mW ERP
446.325‑446.475 MHz
500 mW ERP
470.000‑534.000 MHz
50 mW ERP
487.000‑507.000 MHz
112 dBµV/m @ 10m
534.000‑614.000 MHz
10 mW ERP
614.000‑698.000 MHz
50 mW ERP
866.000‑869.000 MHz
500 mW ERP
917.000‑925.000 MHz
500 mW ERP
1,880‑1,900 MHz
250 mW EIRP
2,400‑2,483.5 MHz
200 mW EIRP
5,150‑5,350 MHz
200 mW EIRP
5,470‑5,725 MHz
1000 mW EIRP
5,725‑5,875 MHz
1000 mW EIRP
5,945‑6,425 MHz
250 mW EIRP
10.500‑10.550 GHz
117 dBµV/m @ 10m
24.000‑24.250 GHz
100 mW EIRP
57.000‑66.000 GHz
76.000‑77.000 GHz
55 dBm peak EIRP
23.5 dBm average EIRP for pulse radar
50 dBm average EIRP for other radar types
122.000‑123.000 GHz
100 mW EIRP
244.000‑246.000 GHz
100 mW EIRP
All other frequencies
25 µW ERP”.
Miscellaneous amendments
5.  In the principal Regulations —
(a)in regulation 2, in the definition of “identity card”, replace “(Cap. 201)” with “1965”;
(b)in regulations 3(12)(c) and 7(b), replace “(Cap. 50)” with “1967”;
(c)in regulations 3(12)(c) and 7(ba), delete “(Act 5 of 2005)”;
(d)in regulation 18(3), delete “Cap. 272A,”; and
(e)in the Second Schedule, in paragraph 6(1)(a), replace “(Cap. 114)” with “1966”.
[G.N. Nos. S 478/2005; S 396/2007; S 210/2010; S 178/2011; S 251/2013; S 414/2014; S 725/2014]
Made on 27 August 2023.
Info-communications Media
Development Authority,
[LER.0001.200008; AG/LEGIS/SL/323/2020/5 Vol. 1]