No. S 679
Infrastructure Protection Act 2017
Infrastructure Protection
(Photography of Protected Areas
and Protected Places — Exemption)
(No. 2) Order 2024
In exercise of the powers conferred by section 82 of the Infrastructure Protection Act 2017, the Minister for Home Affairs makes the following Order:
Citation and commencement
1.  This Order is the Infrastructure Protection (Photography of Protected Areas and Protected Places — Exemption) (No. 2) Order 2024 and comes into operation on 30 August 2024.
2.  In this Order —
“contractor” means a person engaged by another person to provide goods and services, otherwise than under a contract of service;
“Energy Market Authority” means the Energy Market Authority of Singapore established under the Energy Market Authority of Singapore Act 2001;
“specified person” means —
(a)a contractor (A) engaged by the Energy Market Authority to conduct geophysical surveys of Singapore; or
(b)any of the following persons acting on A’s behalf for the conduct of the geophysical surveys of Singapore:
(i)an employee of A;
(ii)a sub‑contractor engaged by A;
(iii)an employee of a sub‑contractor engaged by A;
“sub‑contractor” means a person engaged by a contractor to provide goods and services, otherwise than under a contract of service.
Exemption from section 29(1) of Act
3.  Section 29(1) of the Act does not apply to a specified person who takes a photograph of a protected area or a protected place if the photograph is taken —
(a)in accordance with the directions of the Energy Market Authority;
(b)during the period from 31 August 2024 to 31 June 2026 (both dates inclusive); and
(c)for the sole purpose of conducting the geophysical surveys mentioned in the definition of “specified person” in paragraph 2.
Made on 21 August 2024.
Permanent Secretary,
Ministry of Home Affairs,
[MHA 112/2/96/001; AG/LEGIS/SL/137B/2020/9]