Animals and Birds Act
(CHAPTER 7, Sections 59 and 80)
Animals and Birds (Dog Licensing and Control) Rules
R 1
G.N. No. S 413/2007

(1st October 2007)
[1st September 2007]
1.  These Rules may be cited as the Animals and Birds (Dog Licensing and Control) Rules.
2.  In these Rules, unless the context otherwise requires —
“animal infirmary” means any veterinary centre licensed under section 54 of the Act, or any premises designated by the Director-General to be used for the keeping or treatment of animals;
“dog farm” means a farm licensed under the Animals and Birds (Licensing of Farms) Rules (R 3) and which is used for the breeding of dogs;
“keep”, in relation to a dog, includes keeping the dog for the purposes of sale, or arranging adoption or fostering;
[S 38/2017 wef 01/03/2017]
“licence” means a licence issued by the Director-General under rule 4(2)(a) or 4AA(4)(a);
[S 727/2020 wef 01/09/2020]
“licence fee” means the fee referred to in rule 5;
“licensee” includes a transferee who is issued a licence under rule 4AA(4)(a);
[S 727/2020 wef 01/09/2020]
“microchip” means a microchip that conforms with the standards of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO);
[S 686/2010 wef 15/11/2010]
[S 38/2017 wef 01/03/2017]
“owner” has the same meaning as in section 41 of the Act;
[S 38/2017 wef 01/03/2017]
“perpetual licence”, in relation to a dog, means a licence that is valid for the lifetime of the dog unless the licence is earlier revoked or cancelled;
[S 727/2020 wef 01/09/2020]
“pet shop” has the same meaning as in rule 2 of the Animals and Birds (Pet Shop and Exhibition) Rules (R 2).
[S 38/2017 wef 01/03/2017]
Requirement for licence and approval
3.—(1)  No person shall own or keep a dog unless that person has taken out a licence in respect of the dog.
[S 38/2017 wef 01/03/2017]
(1A)  The Director‑General may exempt any person or class of persons from paragraph (1) for such duration, and subject to such conditions, as the Director‑General may determine.
[S 38/2017 wef 01/03/2017]
(2)  No person shall keep more than 3 dogs in any premises (not being a dog farm or a pet shop) without the prior permission of the Director-General.
[S 38/2017 wef 01/03/2017]
(3)  The Director-General may grant permission under paragraph (2) for the keeping of more than 3 dogs in any premises (not being a dog farm or a pet shop), subject to —
(a)the imposition of additional conditions of the licence; and
(b)the payment of the appropriate licence fee.
[S 38/2017 wef 01/03/2017]
(4)  No person shall keep more than one dog of any breed specified in the Second Schedule in any premises without the prior permission of the Director-General.
[S 686/2010 wef 15/11/2010]
(5)  The Director-General may grant permission under paragraph (4) for the keeping of more than one dog of any breed specified in the Second Schedule in any premises, subject to —
(a)the imposition of additional conditions of the licence; and
(b)the payment of the appropriate licence fee.
[S 686/2010 wef 15/11/2010]
(6)  Paragraph (4) shall not apply to any person who, immediately before 15th November 2010, holds valid licences for more than one dog of any breed specified in the Second Schedule for so long as those licences are not revoked or are renewed and not subsequently revoked.
[S 686/2010 wef 15/11/2010]
(7)  The issue of a licence in respect of a dog of any breed specified in the Second Schedule upon an application that is made pursuant to rule 4(8) less than 12 months after the expiry of the previous licence in respect of the same dog shall be deemed to be a renewal for the purposes of paragraph (6).
[S 686/2010 wef 15/11/2010]
Application for and issue of licence, etc.
4.—(1)  An application for a licence in respect of a dog shall be made to the Director-General in such form or manner as the Director-General may require, and shall be accompanied by —
(a)[Deleted by S 727/2020 wef 01/09/2020]
(b)such particulars, information and documents as may be specified by the Director-General; and
(c)proof that the dog has been implanted with a microchip.
(2)  On receipt of an application under paragraph (1), the Director-General may —
(a)on the payment of the appropriate licence fee, issue a licence to the applicant subject to any condition that the Director-General thinks fit to impose; or
[S 727/2020 wef 01/09/2020]
(b)refuse to issue a licence to the applicant.
(3)  Where the Director-General refuses to issue a licence under paragraph (2)(b), he shall, if requested to do so by the applicant, state in writing the reasons for his refusal.
(4)  A licence issued is valid —
(a)for the duration specified in the licence; or
(b)in the case of a perpetual licence, for the lifetime of the dog,
unless the licence is earlier revoked or cancelled.
[S 727/2020 wef 01/09/2020]
(5)  The Director-General may, at any time, vary or revoke any of the existing conditions of the licence or impose new conditions.
(6)  Every licensee shall, except where he has informed the Director-General of the loss or death of his dog or his ceasing to keep the dog under paragraph (7), renew his licence before its expiry —
(a)by paying to the Director-General the appropriate licence fee; and
(b)by providing to the Director-General such particulars, information and documents as may be specified by the Director-General.
(7)  A licensee must, within the time specified in the licence, inform the Director‑General and produce documentary proof —
(a)of the loss or death of the licensee’s dog; or
(b)that the licensee is no longer keeping the dog.
[S 38/2017 wef 01/03/2017]
(7A)  Where a licensee informs the Director‑General under paragraph (7)(b) that the licensee is no longer keeping the licensee’s dog, the licensee must also provide to the Director‑General the particulars of the person who is keeping the dog.
[S 38/2017 wef 01/03/2017]
(7B)  A licence in respect of a dog (that is not kept for sale in a dog farm or a pet shop) is cancelled —
(a)in the case of the loss or death of the dog, upon the licensee informing the Director‑General of such loss or death under paragraph (7)(a); or
(b)in the case where the licensee is no longer keeping the dog, when —
(i)the licensee has provided the Director‑General the particulars required under paragraph (7A); and
(ii)the dog becomes the subject of another licence.
[S 38/2017 wef 01/03/2017]
(8)  Where a licensee does not renew the licence for his dog before its expiry, he shall apply for a new licence in accordance with paragraph (1).
Transfer of licence
4AA.—(1)  Subject to paragraph (2), an application for the transfer of a licence (whether issued before, on or after 1 September 2020) for a dog (whether or not it is sterilised) may be made by the licensee (called the transferor) to another person (called the transferee) if, as at the date on which the application is made, the dog is not kept for sale in a dog farm or a pet shop.
(2)  In addition to the condition in paragraph (1), an application to transfer a perpetual licence may only be made if, as at the date on which the application is made, not more than 2 other dogs are kept at the premises at which the dog (the licence of which is to be transferred) is to be kept after the transfer.
(3)  An application mentioned in paragraph (1) must be —
(a)made to the Director-General and in the form and manner required by the Director-General; and
(b)accompanied by the particulars, information and documents specified by the Director-General.
(4)  On receipt of an application under paragraph (1), the Director-General may —
(a)issue a licence to the transferee subject to any condition that the Director-General thinks fit to impose; or
(b)refuse to approve the application.
(5)  Where the Director-General refuses to approve the application to issue a licence under paragraph (4)(b), the Director-General must, if requested to do so by the transferor, state in writing the reasons for his refusal.
(6)  A licence issued under paragraph (4)(a) —
(a)is valid for the remaining validity period of the licence that is transferred; or
(b)is a perpetual licence if the licence that is transferred is a perpetual licence.
[S 727/2020 wef 01/09/2020]
Compliance with licence conditions
4A.  A licensee must comply with any condition of the licence imposed under these Rules.
[S 38/2017 wef 01/03/2017]
Licence fee
5.—(1)  The licence fee payable for the issue or the renewal of a licence (other than a licence mentioned in paragraph (2)(a) or (b)) is specified in Part I of the First Schedule.
(2)  The licence fee payable for the issue or the renewal of —
(a)a licence to keep dogs for breeding in a dog farm is specified in Part II of the First Schedule; and
(b)a licence to keep dogs for sale in a dog farm or a pet shop is specified in Part III of the First Schedule.
(3)  The appropriate licence fee to be paid under rule 4(2)(a) or (6) must be for the whole validity period of the licence required to be issued or renewed.
[S 727/2020 wef 01/09/2020]
(4)  The Director‑General may, as the Director‑General thinks fit, waive or refund, wholly or in part, any licence fee paid or payable under these Rules.
[S 38/2017 wef 01/03/2017]
Conversion to perpetual licence for sterilised dogs
5A.—(1)  A specified licence for a dog that has been sterilised as at the date the licence is issued is converted to a perpetual licence with effect from 1 September 2020.
(2)  Where —
(a)before, on or after 1 September 2020, a licence with a validity period of 3 years was issued in respect of an unsterilised dog;
(b)the dog was sterilised before the expiry of the licence; and
(c)the licensee provides the evidence of the sterilisation in the form and manner specified by the Director-General,
the licence is converted to a perpetual licence with effect from —
(d)where the dog was sterilised before 1 September 2020 and the licensee had, before that date, provided the evidence of the sterilisation in the form and manner specified by the Director-General — 1 September 2020; or
(e)where the dog was sterilised whether before, on or after 1 September 2020 and the licensee provides, on or after that date, the evidence of the sterilisation in the form and manner specified by the Director-General — the date on which the licensee provides the evidence of the sterilisation.
(3)  Where —
(a)before, on or after 1 September 2020, a licence with a validity period of 3 years was issued in respect of an unsterilised dog;
(b)the licence was transferred for the remaining validity period (whether or not the licence had previously been transferred to the transferor), and a licence issued to the transferee for the remaining validity period;
(c)as at the date of the application to transfer the licence from the transferor to the transferee, not more than 2 other dogs were kept at the premises at which the dog (the licence of which was to be transferred) was to be kept after the transfer;
(d)the dog (the licence of which was transferred) is sterilised before the expiry of the remaining validity period mentioned in sub-paragraph (b); and
(e)the transferee provides the evidence of the sterilisation in the form and manner specified by the Director-General,
the licence is converted to a perpetual licence with effect from —
(f)where the dog was sterilised before 1 September 2020 and the transferee had, before that date, provided the evidence of the sterilisation in the form and manner specified by the Director-General — 1 September 2020; or
(g)where the dog was sterilised whether before, on or after 1 September 2020 and the transferee provides, on or after that date, the evidence of the sterilisation in the form and manner specified by the Director-General — the date on which the licensee provides the evidence of the sterilisation.
(4)  In this rule, “specified licence” means a licence that is —
(a)issued with a validity period of 3 years for a dog before 1 September 2020; and
(b)in force as at that date.
[S 727/2020 wef 01/09/2020]
Amendment of licence for dog farm or pet shop
6.—(1)  Where a licence has been issued in respect of the dogs in a dog farm or a pet shop, the licensee shall inform the Director-General of any change in the particulars pertaining to the dogs (other than the address at which the dogs are to be kept), as specified in the licence or the conditions thereof, within 14 days of the occurrence of the change.
[S 38/2017 wef 01/03/2017]
(2)  After considering the change referred to in paragraph (1) and any additional information the Director-General requests from and is provided by the licensee, the Director-General may vary the licence, subject to the imposition of additional conditions on the licence.
(3)  Where the number of dogs kept in a dog farm or a pet shop exceeds the maximum number of dogs permitted by the licence issued in relation to the dog farm or the pet shop, the licensee shall apply to the Director-General to vary the licence within 14 days of the occurrence of the change.
[S 38/2017 wef 01/03/2017]
(3A)  At any point in time, the number of dogs kept for sale in a dog farm or a pet shop must not exceed 200.
[S 38/2017 wef 01/03/2017]
(4)  After considering an application for a variation of a licence in relation to a dog farm or a pet shop and any additional information the Director-General requests from and is provided by the licensee, the Director-General may vary the licence, subject to the payment of an additional fee by the licensee which shall be the amount which is —
(a)the difference between the licence fee paid for the licence to be varied and the licence fee which would have been payable if a licence is issued in relation to that dog farm or that pet shop with the increased number of dogs; and
[S 38/2017 wef 01/03/2017]
(b)adjusted pro-rata according to the proportion the remaining validity period (rounded to the nearest month) of the licence bears to the total validity period of that licence.
[S 38/2017 wef 01/03/2017]
[S 38/2017 wef 01/03/2017]
Change of address, etc.
7.—(1)  No licensee shall keep a dog in respect of which the licence is issued, or cause or permit that dog to be kept, at an address other than the address stated in the licence without the prior approval of the Director-General.
(2)  Where a dog is to be kept at an address other than the address stated in the licence, the licensee shall apply, in writing and within the time specified in the licence, to the Director-General for approval of the change of address at which the dog is to be kept.
[S 38/2017 wef 01/03/2017]
(3)  Where the Director-General refuses to approve the change under paragraph (2), he shall, if requested to do so by the licensee, state in writing the reasons for his refusal.
(4)  Every licensee shall inform the Director-General in writing of any change in his address as stated in his licence within 28 days of such change.
(5)  Where the address stated in the licence is the residential address of the licensee, and the licensee has made a report of the change of his residential address under section 10 of the National Registration Act 1965, he shall be deemed to have informed the Director-General of the change of his residential address in compliance with paragraph (4).
[S 686/2010 wef 15/11/2010]
[S 670/2024 wef 31/12/2021]
Licensee of specified dog to comply with certain requirements, etc.
8.—(1)  Where a licensee owns or keeps any of the breeds of dogs specified in Part I of the Second Schedule, he shall comply with the following requirements:
(a)the dog shall be implanted with a microchip;
(b)the dog, if over 6 months of age, shall be sterilised;
(c)the licensee shall have in force a policy of insurance approved by the Director-General for an amount of not less than $100,000 to cover any injury to persons or animals or damage to property that might be caused by the dog;
(d)the licensee shall furnish to the Director-General security in the form of a banker’s guarantee for $5,000, which shall be forfeited if —
(i)the licensee allows the dog to be in a public place otherwise than on a leash and securely fitted with a muzzle sufficient to prevent it from biting a person; or
(ii)the dog is reported lost; and
(e)the licensee whose licence was obtained on or after 15th November 2010 shall subject his dog to undergo obedience training in a manner and within such period that may be determined by the Director-General.
[S 686/2010 wef 15/11/2010]
(2)  Where a licensee owns or keeps any of the breeds of dogs specified in Part II of the Second Schedule, he shall comply with the following requirements:
(a)the dog shall be implanted with a microchip;
(b)the licensee shall have in force a policy of insurance approved by the Director-General for an amount of not less than $100,000 to cover any injury to persons or animals or damage to property that might be caused by the dog;
(c)the licensee shall furnish to the Director-General security in the form of a banker’s guarantee for $2,000, which shall be forfeited if —
(i)the licensee allows the dog to be in a public place otherwise than on a leash and securely fitted with a muzzle sufficient to prevent it from biting a person; or
(ii)the dog is reported lost; and
(d)the licensee whose licence was obtained on or after 15th November 2010 shall subject his dog to undergo obedience training in a manner and within such period that may be determined by the Director-General.
[S 686/2010 wef 15/11/2010]
(3)  The Director-General may, in his discretion, give a direction to any licensee who owns or keeps any dog that is not of a breed specified under the Second Schedule to comply with all or any of the requirements specified in paragraph (1) or (2).
[S 686/2010 wef 15/11/2010]
(4)  Any licensee who is given a direction by the Director-General under paragraph (3) shall comply with the direction.
[S 686/2010 wef 15/11/2010]
Dog bite cases
8A.—(1)  Where a person makes a report to the Director-General that he was bitten by a dog, the Director-General may require the person to provide a medical report relating to his injury for the purposes of investigation.
(2)  Where a person makes a report to the Director-General that an animal belonging to him or under his charge was bitten by a dog, the Director-General may require the person to provide a veterinary report relating to the animal’s injury for the purposes of investigation.
(3)  The Director-General or an authorised officer may in writing direct the licensee of any dog that is reasonably believed to have bitten a person or another animal to deliver the dog as well as the whole or any sample of any article or substance which has been in contact therewith to an authorised examiner at a specified place and time.
(4)  The Director-General may, having regard to all the circumstances of the case and the severity of the injury caused to any person or animal by a dog as a result of biting, in his discretion direct the licensee of the dog involved to —
(a)comply with all or any of the requirements specified in rule 8(1) or (2); and
(b)secure the premises where the dog is kept to prevent the escape of the dog from the premises.
(5)  Any licensee who is given a direction by the Director-General under paragraph (3) or (4) shall comply with that direction.
(6)  This rule shall apply only to cases of dog bites occurring on or after 15th November 2010.
[S 686/2010 wef 15/11/2010]
Dog at large
9.—(1)  A dog (whether or not licensed) may be seized, impounded, destroyed or otherwise dealt with in such a manner as the Director-General thinks fit if it is found —
(a)at large;
(b)in a public place otherwise than on a leash and under the control of the person in charge of the dog at the time; or
[S 686/2010 wef 15/11/2010]
(c)in a public place without being securely fitted with a muzzle sufficient to prevent the dog from biting a person, where it is of any of the breeds specified in the Second Schedule or where the Director-General has required the dog to be fitted with a muzzle as a condition of licence.
(2)  The owner of any dog that is found under any situation referred to in paragraph (1)(a), (b) or (c) shall be guilty of an offence and shall —
(a)in the case of a situation referred to in paragraph (1)(a) or (b), be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $5,000; and
(b)in the case of a situation referred to in paragraph (1)(c), be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $5,000 and, in the case of a second or subsequent conviction, to a fine not exceeding $10,000.
10.—(1)  Any dog that is found to be, or suspected to be, suffering from any injury or is in poor physical condition —
(a)may be impounded and taken to an animal infirmary; and
(b)may be —
(i)treated in the animal infirmary until cured and released to the owner after treatment; or
(ii)destroyed at once, or at any time whilst under treatment in the animal infirmary.
(2)  A dog may be impounded at any animal infirmary or police station and detained therein pending instructions from the Director-General if —
(a)it is suffering from any injury or is in poor physical condition; and
(b)its owner is not known or cannot after reasonable efforts be found.
Notice to produce dog for examination
11.—(1)  The Director-General may, at any time, give a direction to the owner of a dog to produce the dog for examination or observation at an animal infirmary within 7 days of the date of the notice.
(2)  Any owner of a dog who is given a direction by the Director-General under paragraph (1) shall comply with the direction.
(3)  Any dog presented for examination or observation at an animal infirmary may be —
(b)treated until cured; or
(c)destroyed at the discretion of the Director-General, if the veterinary surgeon attending to the dog considers the condition of the dog to be incurable or that the keeping of the dog entails suffering amounting to cruelty to the dog.
(4)  Where the owner of a dog contravenes paragraph (2), the Director-General may impound the dog, treat it and release it to the owner or dispose of it in any manner he thinks fit.
Release of impounded dog
12.—(1)  Any dog that has been seized or impounded under these Rules may, at the discretion of the Director-General, be released to its owner.
(2)  The Director-General may notify the owner by writing to his last known address to claim any dog seized or impounded under these Rules.
(3)  If the owner of any dog that has been seized or impounded under these Rules fails to claim the dog within such period (which shall not be less than 7 days) as stipulated in the notice referred to in paragraph (2), the Director-General may dispose of the dog as he thinks fit.
[S 686/2010 wef 15/11/2010]
(4)  The owner of any dog seized or impounded under these Rules shall be liable to pay all expenses for the treatment, feeding and caring of the dog, and any other expenses incurred by the Director-General before the dog is released to the owner under paragraph (1).
Removal of stray dogs from premises
13.—(1)  The Director-General may give a direction to the owner of any premises —
(a)to remove any stray dog found in the premises; and
(b)to take such measures as may be necessary to prevent any stray dog from entering, or having shelter or breeding in, the premises.
(2)  Any owner of any premises who is given a direction by the Director-General under paragraph (1) shall comply with the direction.
(3)  In this rule, unless the context otherwise requires —
“owner”, has the same meaning as in section 2(1) of the Building Maintenance and Strata Management Act 2004, and includes any person for the time being in occupation of any premises;
[S 670/2024 wef 31/12/2021]
“premises” does not include any housing estate built on any land vested in or held in trust for the Housing and Development Board established under the Housing and Development Act 1959.
[S 670/2024 wef 31/12/2021]
Revocation of licence
14.—(1)  Where a licence has been revoked under section 62 of the Act, the licensee in respect of a dog shall, within 7 days of the revocation of the licence —
(a)surrender the dog to the Director-General; or
(b)with the prior approval in writing of the Director-General, transfer the ownership and custody of the dog to another person.
(2)  Where a person whose licence has been revoked fails to comply with paragraph (1), the Director-General may impound the dog and dispose of it in any manner he thinks fit.
15.  [Deleted by S 686/2010 wef 15/11/2010]
16.  Any person who contravenes rule 3(1), (2) or (4), 4(7) or (7A), 4A, 6(1), 7(1), (2) or (4), 8(1), (2) or (4), 8A(5), 11(2), 13(2) or 14(1) shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $5,000.
[S 686/2010 wef 15/11/2010]
[S 38/2017 wef 01/03/2017]
Transitional and savings provisions
17.—(1)  Notwithstanding the revocation of the Animals and Birds (Dog Licensing and Control) Rules (R 1, 1994 Ed.) and subject to paragraphs (2) and (3) —
(a)any licence for a dog issued under the revoked Rules and which remains valid immediately before 1st September 2007; and
(b)any licence for a dog issued on or after 1st September 2007 in respect of which the application for the issue or renewal of the licence is made before that date,
shall, unless revoked, and in so far as it is not inconsistent with these Rules —
(i)continue and be deemed to be a licence issued under these Rules;
(ii)be subject to the terms and conditions specified in the licence; and
(iii)expire on, and be renewable before, the date it would have expired as if these Rules had not been made.
(2)  Where a person holds a licence for a dog that is of a breed specified in item 5, 6 or 7 in Part I of the Second Schedule to these Rules, or any crosses thereof, which remains valid immediately before 1st September 2007, then unless the licence is revoked, he need not comply with the requirements in rule 8(1) of these Rules until the licence expires.
(3)  Where a person holds a licence for a dog (not being of a breed specified in items 1 to 4 in Part I of the Second Schedule to these Rules, or any crosses thereof) which remains valid immediately before 1st September 2007, he need not comply with the requirement in rule 4(1)(c) of these Rules that the dog be implanted with a microchip if, and only if, the licence remains in force or is renewed under these Rules.