Animals and Birds Act |
Animals and Birds (Licensing of Farms) Rules |
R 3 |
G.N. No. S 5/1972 |
(25th March 1992) |
[7th January 1972] |
Citation |
1. These Rules may be cited as the Animals and Birds (Licensing of Farms) Rules. |
Definitions. |
2. In these Rules —
Licence |
3. No person shall keep or maintain a farm unless he has a valid licence issued by the Director for that purpose. |
Application for licence |
Discretion of Director |
5. The Director may in his discretion refuse to issue or of Director. renew a licence or revoke any licence already issued without assigning any reason. |
Validity period |
6. A licence issued under these Rules shall expire on 31st December in the year in which it is issued unless previously revoked. |
Fees |
7.—(1) The fee for a licence or for each renewal thereof shall be $200 for a pig farm and $80 for any other farm.
Licensee to exhibit licence |
8. The licensee shall exhibit his licence in a conspicuous place in the farm. |
Licensee to supply information |
9. Every licensee shall supply such information pertaining to the production and sale of animals or birds on his farm as may be required by the Director. |
Unauthorised structures prohibited |
10. No person shall erect or cause to be erected any structure on his farm without first obtaining a permit for that purpose from the Director. |
Application to erect new structure |
11.—(1) The applicant for a permit to erect a structure shall apply on a form prescribed by the Director together with —
Refusal to issue permit |
12.—(1) The Director may in his discretion refuse to issue a permit without assigning any reason.
Dimensions to structure |
13. Unless otherwise approved by the Director —
Floor to be properly constructed |
14. The floor of any piggery or chicken house shall be cemented or constructed with such materials as may be approved properly by the Director. |
Structures to contain facilities |
15.—(1) A structure constructed for the keeping of animals or birds shall contain facilities for the effective disposal of excreta.
Distance between structure and boundary |
16.—(1) The distance between any structure and the boundaries of its lot shall be not less than 3 metres, measured horizontally from the eaves of the structure.
Structure not to be used for other purposes |
17. A structure shall not be used for any purpose other than that for which a permit has been issued except with the prior written approval of the Director. |
Extensions prohibited |
18.—(1) No person shall construct or cause to be constructed any extension to any existing structure or any structure for which a permit has been issued without first obtaining a permit from the Director.
Excreta in farm to be disposed of |
19.—(1) All animal or bird excreta in a farm shall be completely disposed of.
Feeding stuffs to be properly stored |
20. All feeding stuffs shall be properly stored in a storage shed. |
Human excreta not to be used for manure |
21.—(1) No human excreta shall be used for manuring in any farm.
Offences |
22. Any person who contravenes or fails to comply with any of the provisions of these Rules shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $500 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 6 months or to both. |