No. S 600
Active Mobility Act 2017
Active Mobility
(Enforcement Detection System Testing —
Exemption) Order 2024
In exercise of the powers conferred by section 66 of the Active Mobility Act 2017, the Minister for Transport makes the following Order:
Citation and period in force
1.—(1)  This Order is the Active Mobility (Enforcement Detection System Testing — Exemption) Order 2024.
(2)  This Order is in force for the period between 18 July 2024 and 30 September 2027 (both dates inclusive).
2.  In this Order —
“Active Mobility Enforcement Detection System” means a system of the Authority that uses closed‑circuit television cameras to detect offences committed under this Act or the Road Traffic Act 1961 by individuals riding bicycles, power‑assisted bicycles, personal mobility devices, mobility scooters or motorised wheelchairs;
“Fonda Global Engineering Pte. Ltd.” means the company incorporated under the Companies Act 1967 as Fonda Global Engineering Pte. Ltd. (UEN 199403805W);
“specified activity” means the testing of the Authority’s Active Mobility Enforcement Detection System between 18 July 2024 and 30 September 2027 (both dates inclusive) by the use of one or more specified PAB to simulate the commission of offences under this Act or the Road Traffic Act 1961;
“specified PAB” means a power‑assisted bicycle that is not a non‑compliant power‑assisted bicycle;
“working day” means any day other than a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday.
Exemption for riding specified PAB on public paths
3.  Sections 15(1), 16(1)(a), 20A(2) and 21 of the Act do not apply to the rider of a specified PAB on a public path under the following conditions:
(a)the rider is authorised by Fonda Global Engineering Pte. Ltd. to ride the specified PAB in connection with the specified activity;
(b)Fonda Global Engineering Pte. Ltd. gives at least 3 working days’ written notice to the Authority of each date, time and location where the specified PAB will be ridden;
(c)the specified PAB displays a white light at the front of the specified PAB and a red light or red reflector at the back of the specified PAB when ridden from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m.;
(d)the rider rides at a speed not exceeding —
(i)10 km/h on pedestrian‑only paths;
(ii)20 km/h on footpaths; and
(iii)35 km/h on shared paths;
(e)the rider wears a suitable protective bicycle helmet securely on his or her head when riding the specified PAB;
(f)there is in force, at any time the specified PAB is ridden in connection with the specified activity, a policy of insurance in relation to the specified PAB insuring against any liability in respect of —
(i)the death of or bodily injury sustained by any person (other than the rider); and
(ii)any property damage suffered by any person (other than the rider),
caused by or arising out of the use of the specified PAB;
(g)the risk under the policy of insurance mentioned in sub‑paragraph (f) is assumed by an insurer who, at the time the policy is issued, is lawfully carrying on an insurance business in Singapore.
Made on 17 July 2024.
Permanent Secretary
(Transport Development),
Ministry of Transport,
[MOT.LT.443.; LTA/L18.056.002/NZT/PSL/EO.AMEDS.24.01; AG/LEGIS/SL/2C/2020/1]