Principal responsible for discipline
83.  The principal of every full-time primary or full-time secondary school shall be responsible for the discipline of the pupils of the school whether on the school premises or off the school premises in such circumstances as to permit the pupils to be identified as pupils of the school.
Supervisor to support disciplinary measures of principal
84.  The supervisor of every such school shall assist the principal to carry out all such disciplinary measures as the principal may decide upon.
Pupils not to remain in premises after regular hours
85.  No pupil of any such school other than a boarder in a registered boarding school shall remain on the school premises after the regular hours of instruction except for purposes approved by the principal.
Police to be called in if pupils refuse to leave premises
86.  If the pupils of any such school refuse to obey an order of the principal or the supervisor to leave the school premises, the supervisor, or if he be not available the principal, shall without delay call upon any police officer to enter the premises and the police officer shall take whatever action seems to him necessary.
Pupils to be dismissed for disorderly conduct and subversive propaganda, etc.
87.  The supervisor or the principal of every such school shall, unless the Director-General otherwise permits in writing, dismiss from the school —
(a)pupils participating in any unlawful or disorderly assembly;
(b)pupils participating in any dispute between employers and employees;
(c)pupils carrying on subversive propaganda whether on or off the school premises; or
(d)pupils resisting school discipline.
Corporal punishment
88.—(1)  No corporal punishment shall be administered to girl pupils.
(2)  The corporal punishment of boy pupils shall be administered with a light cane on the palms of the hands or on the buttocks over the clothing. No other form of corporal punishment shall be administered to boy pupils.
(3)  Where there is more than one teacher in a school, corporal punishment shall be inflicted by the principal only or under his express authority.
Application of this Part
88A.—(1)  In this Part, a full-time secondary school shall include any junior college and Centralised Institute providing pre-university education.
(2)  This Part shall also apply to any Government school.