89.  In this Part —
“Consolidated Fund” means the Consolidated Fund established under the Constitution of the Republic of Singapore;
“Government-aided school” means a private school receiving a grant from the Government;
“national examinations” has the same meaning as in the Singapore Examinations and Assessment Board Act (Cap. 299A);
“School Fund” means the School Fund established under regulation 90;
“Singapore Examinations and Assessment Board” means the Singapore Examinations and Assessment Board established under section 3 of the Singapore Examinations and Assessment Board Act.
School Fund
90.—(1)  For the purpose of controlling the moneys collected from pupils in Government and Government-aided schools, there shall be established a School Fund which shall be administered by the Director-General and into which shall be paid moneys as directed by the provisions of this Part or the Director-General.
(1A)  The Director-General may authorise the principal of any Government or Government-aided school or any cluster superintendent to assist him in the administration of the School Fund.
(1B)  Every principal or cluster superintendent authorised by the Director-General to administer the School Fund under paragraph (1A) shall, with respect to that part of the School Fund he is authorised to administer —
(a)perform such duties and cause such records and accounts to be kept and rendered as may be prescribed by these Regulations or by instructions issued by the Director-General or the Government in matters of financial and accounting procedures; and
(b)comply with such other directions as the Director-General or the Government may issue from time to time.
(c)[Deleted by S 252/2003 wef 19/05/2003]
(1C)  If it appears to the Director-General that any principal or cluster superintendent who is not in the employment of the Government but who is authorised by the Director-General to administer the School Fund under paragraph (1A) —
(a)has failed to collect any moneys owing to the School Fund the collection of which he was responsible for;
(b)is responsible for any improper payment of moneys from the School Fund or for any payment of such moneys which was not duly vouched; or
(c)is responsible for any deficiency in any moneys in the School Fund,
the Director-General shall require the principal or cluster superintendent to furnish an explanation for the matter referred to in sub-paragraph (a), (b) or (c), as the case may be, within the period specified by the Director-General.
(1D)  If a satisfactory explanation is not furnished to the Director-General within the period specified by him under paragraph (1C), the Director-General may appoint a committee to inquire into the matter and to submit a report to him.
(1E)  The committee referred to in paragraph (1D) shall consist of —
(a)a public officer appointed by the Director-General;
(b)a person appointed by the employer of the principal or cluster superintendent concerned; and
(c)a person, not being a public officer or an employee of the employer referred to in sub-paragraph (b), appointed jointly by the Director-General and the employer referred to in sub-paragraph (b).
(1F)  The Director-General may, upon considering the report of the committee referred to in paragraph (1D), surcharge against the principal or cluster superintendent concerned the whole or such proportion as the Director-General thinks fit of any amount not collected, improper payment or deficiency, as the case may be.
(1G)  The Director-General may at any time withdraw any surcharge in respect of which a satisfactory explanation has been received or if it otherwise appears that no surcharge should have been made.
(1H)  The amount of any surcharge made under paragraph (1F) and not withdrawn under paragraph (1G) shall be a debt due to the Government from the person against whom the surcharge is made and may be sued for and recovered in any court of competent jurisdiction at the suit of the Government.
(1I)  The Director-General may direct that the amount of any surcharge shall be recovered by equal monthly instalments by deductions from the salary of the person against whom the surcharge is made in amounts not exceeding one-fourth of the total monthly salary of such person.
(2)  Any interest accruing to the moneys in the School Fund shall be retained in the School Fund and used for the benefit of pupils and the advancement of education.
(3)  [Deleted by S 140/2004]
(4)  For the purposes of this rule, “cluster superintendent” means any person who has been designated by the Director-General to perform supervisory and advisory functions over a group of schools in a cluster.
Collection of moneys in a Government and Government-aided school
91.—(1)  No collection of moneys shall be made from pupils in a Government or Government-aided school other than —
(a)school fees;
(b)tuition and registration fees;
(c) miscellaneous fees;
[S 896/2023 wef 01/01/2024]
(ca)where the school is an autonomous school, autonomous school fees;
[S 896/2023 wef 01/01/2024]
(d)examination fees in respect of any of the national examinations, for and on behalf of the Singapore Examinations and Assessment Board;
(e)miscellaneous payments for text-books, school magazines, educational publications, report books, stationery, concerts, educational visits and tours, uniforms, school badges and ties and other articles normally used by pupils; and
(f)[Deleted by S 493/92 wef 01/01/1993]
(g)such other fees or payments as may be approved by the Director-General from time to time.
(2)  The fees collected under paragraph (1)(a) from pupils in a Government school shall be paid into the Consolidated Fund.
(3)  The fees collected under paragraph (1)(a) from pupils in a Government-aided school may be retained by the school for the purpose of meeting the expenses of maintaining the school.
(4)  The fees collected under paragraph (1)(b) shall, in the case where the tutorial classes are held —
(a)in a Government-aided school, be retained by the school to meet the allowances payable to the supervisor and the teachers of those classes; and
(b)in a Government school, be paid into the Consolidated Fund.
(5)  The moneys collected under paragraphs (1)(c), (ca), (e) and (g) shall be paid into the School Fund and shall be used for the purposes for which they are collected.
[S 896/2023 wef 01/01/2024]
(6)  The fees collected under paragraph (1)(d) shall be paid to the Singapore Examinations and Assessment Board.
(7)  [Deleted by S 493/92 wef 01/01/1993]
Collection of other moneys
92.  All moneys received by or collected on behalf of a Government or Government-aided school to be used for the purposes of the school, the benefit of the pupils and the advancement of education shall be paid into the School Fund.
Examination fees collected from private candidates
93.  All examination fees payable by persons who are not pupils of a Government or Government-aided school in respect of any of the national examinations shall be paid to the Singapore Examinations and Assessment Board.
Director-General must approve fees
94.—(1)  The supervisor of every private school other than a Government-aided school shall submit to the Director-General for approval a list of the proposed fees to be charged for tuition and other purposes.
(2)  No change in the nature or amount of these fees shall be made without the approval of the Director-General.
Approved fees to be published in Gazette
95.  The Director-General shall cause to be published in the Gazette the amount of the approved fees of every school as they are severally approved together with the name of the supervisor and the address of the school.
Statement of fees to be displayed in school
96.  A notice showing the fees approved by the Director-General under regulations 91 and 94 for particular classes or groups of classes shall be displayed in a conspicuous place in every school and shall be renewed as often as necessary to keep it clearly legible.
Method of collection of fees
97.  Unless otherwise permitted in writing by the Director-General, the approved monthly fee shall be collected either —
(a)in 12 equal payments collected on or after the first school day of each month of the calendar year; or
(b)in 10 equal payments collected on or after the first school day of each of the months January to October inclusive:
Provided that where the whole of a month is contained in a holiday the approved monthly fee for that month may be collected during the last week of the previous term.
Formal receipts
98.  The payment of every sum of money by or on behalf of a pupil to a supervisor, manager or teacher shall be forthwith acknowledged in writing by the supervisor, manager or teacher, respectively, on a proper form of receipt.
Accounting for fees received from pupils
99.—(1)  The supervisor of every school shall account for all fees collected from pupils in proper books of account.
(2)  Every account book kept by the supervisor shall be preserved throughout the period of office of the principal who operates the account book or for a period of 5 years from the date of the last entry in such book, whichever is the longer.
(3)  All such accounts shall be made available at all times for scrutiny by an Inspector of Schools.