Compliance with standards
9.  A gas service worker shall ensure that any gas service work which he carries out is in compliance with the Singapore Standard SS 608:2015.
[S 288/2016 wef 01/07/2016]
Inspection and maintenance of gas installation, etc.
10.—(1)  Except where the consumer is a direct access customer, a gas transporter shall ensure that any gas installation or gas fitting which is used to supply gas to the premises of that consumer —
(a)is maintained at all times in a safe and proper operating condition;
(b)functions at all times in a reliable manner; and
(c)is reasonably protected against damage.
(2)  For the purposes of paragraph (1), the gas transporter may require the responsible person for any premises to engage a licensed gas service worker or a professional engineer to certify the fitness of any gas installation or gas fitting that links the gas service isolation valve to (but excluding) the meter.
(3)  Where the gas fitting is used for the supply of gas to a direct access customer, the gas transporter may, in discharging its obligation under section 29(4) of the Act, require the direct access customer to —
(a)engage a professional engineer to certify the fitness of such part of the gas fitting for which the direct access customer is responsible under regulation 13; and
(b)submit a certificate of fitness by that professional engineer.
(4)  Any person who fails to submit the certificate of fitness as required under paragraph (3) or who submits such certificate of fitness knowing that it is false or misleading shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $5,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 6 months.
(5)  The gas transporter shall ensure that the gas installation or gas fitting in any premises is inspected at such intervals in accordance with such code of practice as may be approved by the Authority and published on the website of the Authority.
Responsibilities of responsible persons to inspect, etc., gas fittings
11.  The responsible person for any premises shall at his own expense be responsible for the inspection, maintenance, repair or renewal of any gas fitting linking the gas service isolation valve to the meter installation.
Responsibilities of consumers to maintain gas appliances, etc.
12.  The consumer shall at his own expense be responsible for the proper maintenance, repair or replacement of the gas appliances and the consumer’s internal pipe.
Responsibilities of direct access customers to maintain gas fittings, etc.
13.  The direct access customer shall at his own expense be responsible for the inspection of the gas fitting and the proper maintenance, repair or renewal of the gas plants and gas appliances, and of such gas fittings as may be agreed upon between the gas transporter and the direct access customer.
Replacement of, or addition or alteration to gas installation, etc.
14.—(1)  No person shall carry out any replacement of, or addition or alteration to, the gas installation or gas fitting located from the gas service isolation valve to (and including) the meter installation unless —
(a)he has made an application to the gas transporter for the approval of such replacement, addition or alteration; and
(b)the gas transporter has approved the application.
(2)  Where the consumer is a direct access customer, no person shall carry out any installation or replacement of, or addition or alteration to, the gas fitting unless —
(a)he is a professional engineer; or
(b)he is under the supervision of a professional engineer when carrying out the work.
(3)  Where the consumer is not a direct access customer, no person shall carry out any addition or alteration to the consumer’s internal pipe unless —
(a)he has made an application to the relevant gas retailer for the approval of such addition or alteration; and
[S 23/2015 wef 01/02/2015]
(b)the relevant gas retailer has approved the application.
[S 23/2015 wef 01/02/2015]
(4)  Any person who contravenes paragraph (1), (2) or (3) shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $5,000.
Protection of gas installation, etc., against damage
15.—(1)  Any person who installs a gas installation or gas fitting shall ensure that every part of it is properly supported and protected from damage.
(2)  Subject to paragraph (3), no person shall install a gas installation or gas fitting in a position where it is likely to be exposed to any substance which may corrode the gas installation or gas fitting.
(3)  Paragraph (2) shall not apply to a gas installation or gas fitting that is —
(a)constructed of materials resistant to being so corroded; or
(b)suitably protected against such corrosion.
(4)  Any person who contravenes paragraph (1) or (2) shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $5,000.
Work on premises not to affect existing gas installation, etc.
16.—(1)  No person shall carry out or cause to be carried out any work on any premises which may affect any gas installation or gas fitting on those premises in such a manner that the subsequent use of such gas installation or gas fitting might endanger any person or property.
(2)  Before any person carries out or causes to be carried out any work on any premises which may affect any gas installation or gas fitting on those premises, he shall —
(a)take due care to ascertain the existence of any gas supply to the premises and the location of the gas installation or gas fitting within those premises; and
(b)take the necessary precautions to ensure that the work will not cause any damage to the gas installation or gas fitting within those premises.
(3)  Any person carrying out or causing to be carried out any work on any premises which may affect the gas installation or gas fitting on those premises shall —
(a)check at the end of each day’s work that the relevant gas meter does not register any passage of gas when all gas appliances within the premises have been turned off; and
(b)take such other steps as may be necessary throughout the duration of the work to ensure that there is no escape of gas from the gas installation or gas fitting within the premises.
(4)  Any person carrying out or causing to be carried out any work on any premises who knows or has reason to suspect that gas is escaping in those premises shall immediately —
(a)take all reasonable steps to cause the supply of gas to be shut off at such place as may be necessary to prevent further escape of the gas; and
(b)inform the gas transporter of the escape or suspected escape of gas in those premises.
(5)  Any person who contravenes paragraph (1), (2), (3) or (4) shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $5,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 6 months or to both.
Safe use of gas installation, etc.
17.—(1)  No person shall use any gas installation or gas fitting unless it is installed in a position where it can be used safely.
(2)  No person shall use —
(a)a pipe conveying or supplying gas;
(b)a gas installation; or
(c)a gas fitting,
for earth connection or as a protective conductor for any circuit in an electrical or a supply installation.
(3)  Any person who contravenes paragraph (1) or (2) shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $5,000.
Work on pipe containing gas
18.—(1)  No person shall carry out any work on any pipe that is used or intended to be used as part of a gas installation or gas fitting unless he has taken all reasonable steps to ensure that the work will not cause danger to any person or property.
(2)  Any person who contravenes paragraph (1) shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $5,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 6 months or to both.
Re-admitting gas on completion of work
19.—(1)  Any person who carries out any work in relation to a gas installation or gas fitting which may affect the integrity of any part of that gas installation or gas fitting thereof shall, upon the completion of such work, ensure that the affected part of the gas installation or gas fitting has been installed in compliance with these Regulations and is appropriately tested to verify that it is gas-tight.
(2)  Any person who has completed any work referred to in paragraph (1) shall ensure that —
(a)immediately after complying with that paragraph, purging is safely carried out on the gas installation or gas fitting to prevent the formation of any potentially explosive mixture of air and gas in the gas installation or gas fitting;
(b)if such purging has been carried out through a loosened connection, appropriate tests are conducted on the connection to confirm that it is leak free after it has been re-tightened;
(c)every seal fitted after such purging is appropriately tested to confirm that it is leak free; and
(d)if a supply of gas has been discontinued to any other part of the gas installation or gas fitting which may be affected by the work referred to in that paragraph, appropriate tests are conducted on that part of the gas installation or gas fitting to confirm that it is leak free when re-admitting gas.
(3)  If gas is not re-admitted to the gas installation or gas fitting referred to in paragraph (1) on completion of the procedures referred to in paragraphs (1) and (2), any person who re-admits gas to such gas installation or gas fitting shall ensure that the procedures are conducted again accordingly.
(4)  Any person who contravenes paragraph (1), (2) or (3) shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $5,000.
Installation of gas appliance
20.—(1)  Any person who installs any gas appliance shall ensure that the appliance can be used without constituting a danger to any person or property, and for this purpose, he shall ensure that —
(a)the gas appliance is installed in accordance with the specifications of the manufacturer;
(b)there is available a sufficient and permanent supply of air for the gas appliance (as specified by the manufacturer) for proper combustion;
(c)there is in place a flue, pipework or proper means of removal of products of combustion from the gas appliance;
(d)the room or the internal space in which the gas appliance is to be used has adequate ventilation (as specified by the manufacturer);
(e)there is a means of shutting off the supply of gas to such gas appliance; and
(f)the gas appliance is easily accessible for operation, inspection and maintenance.
(2)  In the case of any gas appliance used by a direct access customer, no person shall carry out any installation, repair, alteration or replacement of any gas appliance unless —
(a)he is a professional engineer; or
(b)he carries out the work under the supervision of a professional engineer.
(3)  Any person who contravenes paragraph (1) or (2) shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $5,000.
Testing of gas appliances
21.—(1)  Any person who carries out any installation, maintenance or repair of a gas appliance at a time when gas is being supplied to the premises in which the gas appliance is installed shall, immediately after completion of such installation, maintenance or repair, test the gas appliance and its connection to the gas installation to check that —
(a)the gas appliance is safe to be used;
(b)the connection of the gas appliance to the gas installation is gas-tight; and
(c)the work is in compliance with these Regulations.
(2)  If, on completion of the tests referred to in paragraph (1), it is found that the gas appliance is safe to be used, the person performing the tests shall issue a written statement certifying the gas appliance is safe for use.
(3)  No person shall use any gas appliance that has not been certified safe for use.
(4)  Any person who contravenes paragraph (1), (2) or (3) shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $5,000.
Marking of pipe for identification
22.—(1)  Any person who installs any pipe being a part of a gas installation in a part of any premises not used for dwelling purposes shall permanently mark the pipe in the manner specified in the Singapore Standard SS 608:2015 so that the pipe is readily identifiable upon inspection as a pipe for conveying or supplying gas.
[S 288/2016 wef 01/07/2016]
(2)  The responsible person for the premises in which any such pipe is situated shall ensure that the pipe continues to be so identifiable in the manner referred to in paragraph (1) so long as it is installed for use for conveying or supplying gas.
(3)  Any person who contravenes paragraph (1) or (2) shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $5,000.