No. S 98
Massage Establishments Act 2017
(ACT 45 OF 2017)
Massage Establishments
(Composition of Offences)
Rules 2018
In exercise of the powers conferred by section 35 of the Massage Establishments Act 2017 read with section 243(3) of the Criminal Procedure Code (Cap. 68), the Minister for Home Affairs makes the following Rules:
Citation and commencement
1.  These Rules are the Massage Establishments (Composition of Offences) Rules 2018 and come into operation on 1 March 2018.
Compoundable offences
2.  The following offences may be compounded by the Licensing Officer in accordance with section 243(2) of the Criminal Procedure Code (Cap. 68):
(a)any offence under section 27(1)(c) of the Act;
(b)any offence under rule 6(3), 10(2), 14(6), 15(2) or 16(2) of the Massage Establishments Rules 2018 (G.N. No. S 96/2018);
(c)any offence under rule 12(2) of the Massage Establishments Rules 2018 for contravening rule 12(1)(d) of those Rules.
Maximum composition sum
3.  The Licensing Officer may compound an offence specified in rule 2 by collecting from the person reasonably suspected of having committed the offence a sum not exceeding $2,000.
4.  The Massage Establishments (Composition of Offences) Rules 2005 (G.N. No. S 657/2005) are revoked.
Made on 23 February 2018.
Permanent Secretary,
Ministry of Home Affairs,
[MHA 112/2/0104; AG/LEGIS/SL/173/2015/3 Vol. 1]