Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore Act
(CHAPTER 170A, Section 41)
Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore
(Port) Regulations
Rg 7
G.N. No. S 187/1997

(30th April 2000)
[9th April 1997]
1.  These Regulations may be cited as the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (Port) Regulations.
2.  In these Regulations, unless the context otherwise requires —
“authorised officer” means —
(a)any duly authorised employee of the Authority;
(b)any police or customs officer; or
(c)any person authorised by the Authority in writing for the purposes of these Regulations;
“Class ‘A’ petroleum” means any petroleum that has a flash point less than 23° Celsius and includes liquefied petroleum gas;
“Collision Regulations” means the Merchant Shipping (Prevention of Collisions at Sea) Regulations (Cap. 179, Rg 10);
[Deleted by S 518/2017 wef 18/09/2017]
“control centre” means any communication centre or any station, the purpose of which is to aid the direction, or control, of movements of shipping;
[S 518/2017 wef 18/09/2017]
“Cruise Bay” means the area of the port bounded by a line joining the position in 1°15.594'N 103°48.425'E on the coast of Tanjong Rimau to the position in 1°15.756'N 103°48.323'E on the coast of Tanjong Berlayer, thence eastward along the mainland coast to the position in 1°15.882'N 103°48.392'E, thence by a line to position 1°15.879'N 103°48.604'E, thence eastward along the mainland coast to the position in 1°15.784'N 103°49.395'E on the mainland coast, thence southward along the western side of the road link between the mainland coast and the Sentosa coast to the position in 1°15.454'N 103°49.384'E on the northern coast of Sentosa, thence westward along the northern coast of Sentosa to the point of origin in position 1°15.594'N 103°48.425'E at Tanjong Rimau;
[S 518/2017 wef 18/09/2017]
[Deleted by S 26/2005 wef 31/01/2005]
“dangerous goods” has the same meaning as in regulation 35 of the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (Dangerous Goods, Petroleum and Explosives) Regulations 2005 (G.N. No. S 24/2005);
[S 26/2005 wef 31/01/2005]
“designated control centre” means any control centre designated by the Authority to receive and transmit telecommunications by radio for the purposes of these Regulations;
[S 518/2017 wef 18/09/2017]
“GT” means the gross tonnage of a vessel —
(a)as determined in accordance with the provisions of the International Convention on Tonnage Measurements for Ships, where the vessel has an International Tonnage Certificate (ITC 69) issued under that Convention; or
(b)in any other case, as stated in the vessel’s certificate of registry;
[S 518/2017 wef 18/09/2017]
[Deleted by S 26/2005 wef 31/01/2005]
“height”, in relation to a vessel, means the height of the vessel measured vertically from the waterline of the vessel to the highest point of the vessel including its cargo, structure or equipment on board;
“IMDG Code” means the International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code issued by the International Maritime Organisation and such amendments to the Code from time to time as may be adopted by Singapore;
[S 109/2018 wef 01/03/2018]
“ISPS Code” has the same meaning as in Regulation 1 of Chapter XI-2 of the Safety Convention Regulations;
[S 215/2004 wef 01/07/2004]
[Deleted by S 518/2017 wef 18/09/2017]
“laid-up”, in relation to any vessel, means the vessel is not under repair or actively employed;
“length”, in relation to any vessel, means the length overall of the vessel;
[S 518/2017 wef 18/09/2017]
[Deleted by S 518/2017 wef 18/09/2017]
“MARPOL 73/78” means the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (including its protocols, annexes and appendixes) which constitutes attachment 1 to the final act of the International Conference on Marine Pollution signed in London on 2nd November 1973, as modified and added to by the Protocol of 1978;
“oil terminal” means any place having a permanent means of loading or discharging petroleum, whether in bulk or packaged, into or from any vessel;
“operator”, in relation to a port facility, means a person other than the Authority who, for the time being, manages the port facility;
[S 215/2004 wef 01/07/2004]
“passenger” means any person carried in a ship, except —
(a)a person employed or engaged in any capacity on board the ship on the business of the ship;
(b)a person on board the ship either —
(i)pursuant to the obligation on the master to carry shipwrecked, distressed or other persons; or
(ii)by reason of any circumstance that neither the master nor the charterer (if any) could have prevented or forestalled; and
(c)a child below one year of age;
“petroleum” includes —
(a)the liquids commonly known by the names of Rock oil, Rangoon oil, Burma oil, kerosene, paraffin oil, petrol, gasoline, benzol, benzoline, benzine or naptha; and
(b)any like flammable liquid, whether —
(i)a natural product;
(ii)a product made from petroleum, coal, schist, shale or any other bituminous substance; or
(iii)a by-product of any substance mentioned in sub‑paragraph (i) or (ii);
[S 518/2017 wef 18/09/2017]
“port facility” has the same meaning as in Regulation 1 of Chapter XI-2 of the Safety Convention Regulations;
[S 215/2004 wef 01/07/2004]
“port facility security plan” means a plan approved by the Authority that is developed to ensure the application of measures designed to protect —
(a)the port facility; and
(b)ships, persons, cargo, cargo transport units and ship stores within the port facility,
from the risks of a security incident;
[S 215/2004 wef 01/07/2004]
“recognised security organisation” has the same meaning as in Regulation 1 of Chapter XI-2 of the Safety Convention Regulations;
[S 215/2004 wef 01/07/2004]
“Safety Convention Regulations” means the Merchant Shipping (Safety Convention) Regulations (Cap. 179, Rg 11);
[S 215/2004 wef 01/07/2004]
[Deleted by S 518/2017 wef 18/09/2017]
“security incident” has the same meaning as in Regulation 1 of Chapter XI-2 of the Safety Convention Regulations;
[S 215/2004 wef 01/07/2004]
“ship” means any type of vessel used in navigation by water, however propelled or moved, and includes —
(a)a barge, lighter, mobile offshore drilling unit, high speed craft or other floating vessel; or
(b)an air-cushioned vehicle or other similar craft used wholly or primarily in navigation by water;
[S 215/2004 wef 01/07/2004]
“Statement of Compliance” means a Statement of Compliance issued by the Authority in respect of a port facility under regulation 63C;
[S 215/2004 wef 01/07/2004]
“towage” means any operation in connection with holding, pushing, pulling, or moving, or attending for that purpose, any vessel;
“underway”, in relation to a vessel, means that the vessel is not —
(a)at anchor;
(b)moored or berthed alongside a wharf or jetty;
(c)made fast to the shore; or
[S 518/2017 wef 18/09/2017]
[Deleted by S 518/2017 wef 18/09/2017]
Information required by Port Master or Authority prior to arrival or departure of vessel or while vessel is in port
3.—(1)  The owner, agent, master or person-in-charge of a vessel entering or leaving the port must —
(a)prior to the arrival or departure of the vessel; or
(b)if the vessel is within the port, prior to any movement of the vessel,
inform the Port Master or the Authority, in the manner determined by the Port Master or the Authority (as the case may be), of the particulars of the vessel including its type, draught, length, beam, height and manoeuvring characteristics, the peculiarities of the vessel and any abnormal circumstances of the vessel which may affect its safe navigation.
(2)  The master or person-in-charge of any vessel required to be under pilotage must, prior to the movement of the vessel, give the pilot information as to the type of vessel, its draught, length, beam and height, its manoeuvring characteristics, the peculiarities of the vessel and any abnormal circumstances of the vessel which may affect its safe navigation.
(3)  The owner, agent, master or person-in-charge of a vessel must inform the Port Master —
(a)of the estimated time of arrival or departure of the vessel; and
(b)while the vessel is in the port, of the position of the vessel.
(4)  The owner, agent, master or person-in-charge of a vessel must give the Port Master or the Authority all the information the Port Master or the Authority may reasonably require relating to the cargo on board, to be loaded on, or to be discharged from, the vessel.
(5)  If the Port Master or the Authority, or a pilot, is not satisfied with the information provided under paragraph (1) or (2) respectively, the owner, agent, master or person-in-charge of the vessel must —
(a)immediately ascertain the accuracy of the information required; and
(b)if the information relates to the height of the vessel, measure the height of the vessel, if necessary.
(6)  In the case of a tow, the information required under paragraph (1) or (2) must be provided by the owner, agent, master or person-in-charge of the tow.
(7)  Any owner, agent, master or person-in-charge of a vessel who contravenes paragraph (1) or (2) shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $10,000.
(8)  Any owner, agent, master or person-in-charge of a vessel who contravenes paragraph (3) shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $5,000.
(9)  For the purposes of paragraphs (7) and (8), an owner, agent, master or person-in-charge of a vessel does not contravene paragraph (1), (2) or (3) if that owner, agent, master or person-in-charge of that vessel knew that the information required had been provided by another person in compliance with paragraph (1), (2) or (3), as the case may be.
[S 518/2017 wef 18/09/2017]
Power-driven vessel to be installed with transponder
3A.—(1)  The owner, agent, master or person-in-charge of a power-driven vessel not under tow must, at all times while the vessel is within the port, ensure that there is installed and maintained in operation on board the vessel a transponder of a type and specification —
(a)that complies with the requirements of an automatic identification system (AIS) in Regulation 19(b)(iv)(5) of Chapter V of the Safety Convention Regulations, which sets out the requirements in Chapter V of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea 1974 as amended from time to time; or
(b)that is approved for use within the port by the Authority or the Port Master.
[S 518/2017 wef 18/09/2017]
(2)  Without prejudice to the powers of the Port Master under any written law, if the Port Master is not satisfied that a transponder is installed and maintained in operation on board the power-driven vessel, or that the transponder on board the power-driven vessel complies with the requirements of paragraph (1), he may —
(a)prohibit or delay the entry or departure of the vessel;
(b)restrict or prohibit the movement of the vessel within the port and the approaches to the port;
(c)board the vessel and inspect —
(i)the transponder; or
(ii)the vessel or any part of the vessel for the purpose of locating the transponder;
(d)cause the vessel to be detained if, in his opinion, such detention is necessary; and
(e)by notice served on the owner, agent, master or person-in-charge of the vessel, direct that there be installed and maintained in operation on board the vessel a transponder within such time as the Port Master may determine.
(3)  Any person who —
(a)contravenes or fails to comply with paragraph (1);
(b)tampers or interferes with the normal operation of any transponder on any vessel; or
(c)contravenes or fails to comply with any direction issued by the Port Master under paragraph (2)(a), (b) or (e),
shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $20,000 and, in the case of a continuing offence, to a further fine not exceeding $2,000 for every day or part thereof during which the offence continues after conviction.
[S 679/2011 wef 01/01/2012]
Change of ownership or agency
4.—(1)  The owner or agent of a vessel who informs or represents to the Port Master or the Authority, whether personally or through any agent, that the person is the owner or agent of the vessel must inform the Port Master or the Authority, as the case may be, immediately of any change of ownership or agency that occurs while the vessel is in the port.
(2)  Where the owner or agent of a vessel fails to comply with paragraph (1), the owner or agent is liable, despite the change of ownership or agency, to pay to the Authority any dues, rates, charges and fees that an owner or agent of a vessel, as the case may be, is liable to pay under any written law until such time that the owner or agent informs the Authority of the change of ownership or agency.
(3)  Nothing in this regulation affects the liability of a new owner or agent to pay any dues, rates, charges and fees that an owner or agent of a vessel, as the case may be, is liable to pay under any written law but the Authority is not entitled to recover the same set of dues, rates, charges and fees twice.
[S 518/2017 wef 18/09/2017]
[G.N. No. S 187/97]