Regulations 2, 4, 5 and 8
Entries required to be made in the official log books
Part I
Entries Relating to Every Ship
Particulars of entry
   1.  The name of the ship, its port of registry, official number and gross and nett registered tonnage.
The master.
   2.  The name and address of the registered owner or ship’s manager.
The master.
   3.  The name of the master and the number of his certificate of competency and issuing authority.
The master.
   4.  Where a person ceases to be the master of the ship during a voyage, a record that he has delivered to his successor the documents relating to the ship or its crew which are in his custody.
The master in person and the former master in person.
   5.  The date on and place at which the official log book is opened.
The master.
   6.  The date on and place at which the official log book is closed.
The master.
   7.  A record of the date and hour of departure for sea from, and arrival from sea at, any dock, wharf, anchorage, port or harbour.
The master in person.
An officer.
   8.  A record of each occasion on which, in accordance with the Safety Regulations, a muster, drill or training of the crew in the use of life saving and fire appliances and equipment is held on board the ship or on which the appliances and equipment required by the rules for life-saving appliances to be carried are examined to see whether they are fit and ready for use; and of the result of any such examination.
The master.
A member of the crew.
   9.  Where a muster, drill or inspection is not held on board the ship when required by the Safety Regulations, a record of why the muster, drill or inspection, as the case may be, was not so held or held only in part.
The master.
A member of the crew.
   10.  Where any of the following casualties has occurred:
The master.
A member of the crew.
the loss or presumed loss, stranding, grounding, abandonment of or damage to the ship;
a loss of life caused by fire on board or by any accident to the ship or a ship’s boat, or by any accident occurring on board the ship or a ship’s boat; or
any damage caused by the ship,
a description of the casualty and the place where, or the position of the ship when, it occurred.
   11.  A record of every signal of distress or a message that a vessel, aircraft or person is in distress at sea observed or received.
The master in person.
A member of the crew.
   12.  Where the master, on receiving at sea a signal of distress or information from any source that a vessel or aircraft is in distress, is unable, or in the special circumstances of the case considers it unreasonable or unnecessary to go to the assistance of the persons in distress, a statement of his reasons for not going to the assistance of those persons.
The master in person.
A member of the crew.
   13.  Where a dispute relating to the amount payable to a seaman under a crew agreement is submitted to the Director under section 59 of the Act —
The Director
a statement of the dispute;
a record of whether he accepts the submission; and
if he accepts the submission, either —
(i)a record of his decision; or
(ii)a statement that he is of the opinion that the dispute ought not to be decided by him.
   14.  A record of —
The person in whose presence the seaman is discharged, or if the seaman is not present at the time he is discharged, the master.
A member of the crew.
every seaman discharged from the ship; and
the place, date and time of his discharge.
   15.  Where a seaman is left behind in any country outside Singapore or is taken to such a country on being shipwrecked, a record of —
The master.
A member of the crew.
the name of the seaman;
the date on which and the place at which the seaman was left behind;
the reason, if known to the master, for the seaman being left behind;
any provision made by the master on the seaman’s employer’s behalf to ensure that the Director is informed that the seaman has been left behind and is given the information referred to in regulation 4(1) of the Merchant Shipping (Repatriation) Regulations (Rg 25); and
the seaman’s employer being informed that the seaman has been left behind and of the employer being given any particulars required by him.
   16.  Where, in pursuance of regulation 7 of the Merchant Shipping (Repatriation) Regulations, the master is required by the Director to convey a person under a conveyance order, a record of —
The master.
A member of the crew.
the conveyance order identifying the person to whom it relates;
any direction received by the master in respect of any such requirement, specifying the direction given; and
whether the person is engaged as a member of the crew and, if not —
(i)the date on which and the place at which he came on board the ship; and
(ii)the date on which and the place at which he left the ship.
   17.  In respect of a seaman referred to in an entry made pursuant to paragraph 15, a record of —
The master.
A member of the crew.
whether he left any property (including money) on board the ship;
all such property of which the master has taken charge in pursuance of regulation 16(3) of the Merchant Shipping (Repatriation) Regulations (Rg 25) specifying each item of such property;
each article forming part of such property sold in pursuance of regulation 16(4)(a) of the Merchant Shipping (Repatriation) Regulations, and the price received for it;
each article forming part of such property destroyed or disposed of in pursuance of regulation 16(4)(b) of the Merchant Shipping (Repatriation) Regulations and the name of the person to whom disposal was made; and
each article forming part of such property delivered to any person in pursuance of regulation 16(5) or (6) of the Merchant Shipping (Repatriation) Regulations specifying the person (whether the seaman, his employer or his next-of-kin) to whom the delivery was made and the date, place and manner of delivery.
   18.  A record of any inspection of the provisions and water to be supplied to seaman employed in the ship with the result of the inspection.
The persons making the inspection.
   19.  Where 3 or more seamen employed in the ship complain to the master under section 71 of the Act (which relates to complaints about provision and water) about the provisions or water provided for the seamen employed in the ship, a record of —
The master (sub-paragraphs (a) to (e))
One of the seamen making the complaint.
the names of the seamen making the complaint;
the complaint specifying —
(i)the provisions or the water complained of; and
(ii)the manner in which they are alleged not to be in accordance with regulations made under section 70 of the Act (whether because of bad quality, unfitness for use or deficiency in quantity);
action taken by the master on the complaints;
whether the seamen state to the master their dissatisfaction with the action taken by the master and whether they claim to complain to the Director;
if the seamen claim to complain to the Director, the arrangements made by the master to enable the seamen to do so;
the investigations of the complaint by the Director; and
The Director (sub-paragraph (f)).
every examination of provisions and water made under section 71 of the Act.
The person making the inspection (sub-paragraph (g)).
   20.  Where a seaman employed in the ship complains to the master under section 71 of the Act (which relates to complaints other than complaints about provisions and water) about the master or any other seaman employed on board the ship or about the condition on the ship, a record of —
the name of the seaman making the complaint;
The master (sub-paragraphs (a) to (e)).
The seaman making the complaint.
the complaint, specifying the person or matter complained of and the nature of the complaint;
action taken by the master on the complaint;
whether the seaman states his dissatisfaction with the action taken by the master on the complaint and whether he claims to complain to the Director;
if the seaman claims to complain to the Director, the arrangements made by the master to enable the seaman to do so; and
the investigation of the complaint by the Director.
The Director.
   21.  Where by reason of any event it appears to the master that an officer —
The master in person.
An officer other than the officer referred to in an entry under sub-paragraph (i).
may be unfit to discharge his duties, whether by reason of incompetency or misconduct or for any other reason; or
may have been seriously negligent in the discharge of his duties,
a record of —
the name of the officer and the grade and number of his certificate;
any such event or a reference to any other entry relating to it;
any statement made by the officer to the master in respect of that event or those events and which the officer wishes to be recorded; and
that the entries made in pursuance of sub-paragraphs (i) to (iii) have been read over to the officer by the master, and if they are not read over, the reason for not doing so.
   22.  A record of any re-rating (including promotion) of a seaman, with the date upon which the re-rating takes effect.
The master.
A member of the crew.
   23.  Where a seaman is convicted by a court of law of any offence committed in the ship during a voyage, a record of the conviction and of the punishment inflicted.
The master.
A member of the crew.
   24.  Where, in the opinion of the master, consideration should be given to the prosecution of any person in respect of the conduct in the ship during a voyage (whether under the Act or otherwise), a record —
The master.
A member of the crew other than the person named in an entry under sub-paragraph (b).
of the event;
of the name of the person concerned;
of any statement made by the person concerned to the master in respect of that event which that person wishes to be recorded; and
that the entries made in pursuance of sub-paragraphs (a) to (c) have been read over by the master to the person concerned.
   25.  A record of any reduction in the scale of provisions or water to be provided for seaman employed in the ship specifying —
The master.
A member of the crew.
the reduction made;
the reason for the reduction made; and
the duration of the reduction.
   26.—(1)  Where a child is born on board the ship or on one of the ship’s boats, a record of —
The master in person.
The mother of the child.
(i)date of the birth;
(ii)if the birth takes place at sea, the position of the ship by latitude and longitude at the time of the birth and, in any other case, the place of birth;
(iii)name (if any) and surname of the child; and
(iv)sex of the child.
(i)name and surname of the father;
(ii)country of domicile;
(iii)race and nationality;
(iv)National Registration Identity Card or passport number;
(v)occupation, rank or profession; and
   (2)  If the child is illegitimate, a record of —
(i)name and surname of the mother;
(ii)her maiden surname;
(iii)country of domicile;
(iv)race and nationality;
(v)National Registration Identity Card or passport number; and
(vi)age; and
the making of a return of the birth identifying the officer to whom return was made.
No particulars of the father shall be entered except at the joint request of the mother and of the person acknowledging himself to be the father given to the master in writing and signed by both the mother and that person.
   27.  Where any person dies on board the ship or on a ship’s boat or is lost from the ship or a ship’s boat or where any person employed in the ship dies outside Singapore, a record of —
The master in person (sub-paragraphs (a) to (i)).
A member of the crew.
the date of the death or loss;
(i)if the death takes place on board the ship or on a ship’s boat or if the deceased is lost from the ship or a ship’s boat, the place of death or the position of the ship or of the ship’s boat by latitude and longitude at the time of the death or loss (as the case may require); or
(ii)if the death or loss does not take place in or from the ship, or in or from a ship’s boat, the place of death;
name and surname of the deceased;
sex of the deceased;
date of birth (if known) or age;
if the deceased was a woman who has been married, her maiden name (if known);
occupation, rank or profession of the deceased;
usual residence of the deceased at the time of death or loss;
race and nationality;
(i)cause of death or loss; and
The ship’s doctor, if there is no ship’s doctor, the master in person (sub-paragraph (j)(i)).
A member of the crew.
(ii)if death not due to natural cause, circumstances of death or loss;
The master in person (sub-paragraphs (j)(ii) to (m)).
A member of the crew.
if the deceased was lost from the ship or ship’s boat, the steps taken to rescue him;
the making of a return of the death, identifying the officer to whom the return was made; and
the notification of the death to the deceased’s next-of-kin, and the name and address of the next-of-kin.
   28.  In respect of a seaman dying while or after being employed in the ship, a record of —
The master in person.
A member of the crew.
whether he left any property (including money) on board the ship;
all such property of which the master has taken charge in pursuance of regulation 4(2)(a) of the Merchant Shipping (Property of Deceased Seamen) Regulations (Rg 23) specifying each item of such property;
each item forming part of such property sold in pursuance of Regulation 4(3)(a) of the Merchant Shipping (Property of Deceased Seamen) Regulations and the price received for it;
each article forming part of such property destroyed or disposed of in pursuance of regulation 4(3)(b) of the Merchant Shipping Act (Property of Deceased Seamen) Regulations and the name of the person to whom disposal was made; and
each article forming part of such property delivered to any person in pursuance of regulation 4(3) or 5(1) of the Merchant Shipping (Property of Deceased Seamen) Regulations specifying to whom delivery was made, and the date, place and manner of delivery.
   29.  Where inquiry into the cause of a death is held pursuance to the Merchant Shipping (Returns of Births and Deaths) Regulations (Rg 26), a record of —
the name of the deceased and a reference to the relevant entry made under paragraph 27; and
The master (sub-paragraph (a)).
the name of the person holding the inquiry and the date and place at which the inquiry is held.
The person holding the inquiry (sub-paragraph (b)).
   30.  Where a person employed on board the ship falls ill or is injured, a record of —
the circumstances of the injury;
The master (sub-paragraph (a)).
A member of crew.
the nature of the illness or injury or the symptoms thereof;
the treatment adopted; and
The ship’s doctor or (if there is no ship’s doctor) the master (sub-paragraphs (b) to (d)).
the progress of the illness or injury.
Part II
Entries Relating to Ships to Which the Merchant Shipping (Disciplinary Offences) Regulations (Rg 21) Apply
Particulars of entry
   31.  Where a seaman is charged with a disciplinary offence under the Merchant Shipping (Disciplinary Offences) Regulations (Rg 21), a record of —
if the offence is not to be dealt with by the master, the name of the officer authorised under regulation 5(2) to exercise the powers and duties of that offence;
The master or the officers named in an entry under sub-paragraph (a).
A member of the crew other than the seaman named in an entry under sub-paragraph (c).
if the offence is not dealt with within 24 hours of it coming to the notice of the master, the reason for the delay;
the name of the seaman charged;
the charge;
that the master or the officer referred to in sub-paragraph (a) has read the charge to the seaman;
(i)if the seaman admits the charge, a statement that he admits it; or
(ii)in any other case, a statement that the seaman does not admit the charge;
(i)particulars of any statement made by the seaman in answer to the charge; or
(ii)that he declines to make a statement in answer to the charge; and
the decision of the master or of the officer referred to in sub-paragraph (a) —
(i)as to whether he finds that the seaman has committed the offence charged; and
(ii)if he finds that the seaman has committed the offence, as to the amount of the fine which he is imposing for that offence or that he is imposing no fine.
   32.  If the master remits the whole or a part of a fine in accordance with the Merchant Shipping (Disciplinary Offences) Regulations (Rg 21), a record of the remission, referring to the relevant entry under paragraph 31, and stating the amount remitted and the reasons for the remission.
The master
   33.  Where a seaman makes an appeal against a fine, a record —
The master (sub-paragraphs (a), (b) and (c)).
A member of the crew other than the seaman named in an entry under paragraph 31(b).
of the date of receipt by the master of —
(i)the seaman’s notice of appeal;
(ii)the seaman’s withdrawal of the appeal (if any);
of the reason for the delay if the master does not give notice to the Director within 7 days of the receipt of the seaman’s notice of appeal;
that the appeal is to be heard in Singapore or at a place designated by the Director;
(i)the date of receipt by the Director or by the person appointed by the Director of the notice of appeal;
The Director or person appointed by the Director to hear the appeal (sub-paragraph (d)).
(ii)the identity of the person receiving notice of the appeal;
(iii)the receipt by the Director or person appointed by the Director of the seaman’s withdrawal of appeal (if any); and
(iv)the decision of the Director or person appointed by the Director stating whether he confirms or quashes the decision of the master and whether he remits the whole or part of the fine.
   34.  Where a fine has been imposed on a seaman for a disciplinary offence, a record —
that the amount of the fine so far as not remitted by the master or on appeal has been paid to the Director —
The master in person.
(i)identifying the seaman on whom the fine was imposed; and
(ii)specifying the amount paid; and
of the receipt by the Director of the amount specified in the entry made in pursuance of sub-paragraph (a) (ii).
The Director.
Part III
Entries relating to ships in respect of which a load line certificate has been issued
Particulars of entry
   35.  A record of —
all the particulars stated in the Load Line Certificate currently in force in respect of the ship, relating to the freeboard assigned to the ship and the positions of deck-line and load lines; and
The master.
the draught which would be shown on the stem and on the stern post of the ship if it were on an even keel and so loaded that the upper edge of the summer load line marked on each side of the ship were on the surface of the water.
   36.—(1)  A record of —
The master.
An officer.
(i)the draughts referred to in paragraph 35(b);
(ii)the freeboard on each side of the ship; and
(iii)the mean freeboard,
 taken in each case when the ship is ready to leave any dock, wharf, anchorage, harbour, port or other place for the purpose of proceeding to sea;
the density of the water in which the ship was when the particulars referred to in sub-paragraph (c) were taken;
the allowance, if any, to be made in order to determine the mean freeboard which the ship will have when it first reaches salt water after leaving as aforesaid, being allowances in respect of —
(i)the density of the water in which the ship was when the particulars referred to in sub-paragraph (a) were taken; and
(ii)the weight of fuel, water and stores required for consumption before the ship reaches salt water; and
the mean draught and mean freeboard which the ship will have on reaching salt water, calculated after making the allowances referred to in sub-paragraph (c),
except that sub-paragraphs (b), (c) and (d) do not apply if, at the time when the particulars referred to in sub-paragraph (a) were taken, the load line indicating the maximum depth to which the ship could then be loaded in salt water was not submerged.
   (2)  In this paragraph —
“freeboard” means the distance measured vertically downwards from the upper edge of the deck-line marked on the side of the ship to the surface of the water;
“mean draught” means the mean of the draughts shown on the stem and the stern post of the ship;
“mean freeboard” means the mean of the freeboards on each side of the ship.
[G.N. No. S 48/96]