No. S 905
Motor Vehicles
(Third‑Party Risks and Compensation) Act
Motor Vehicles
(Third‑Party Risks and Compensation)
(Continental Automotive Singapore Pte Ltd —
Exemption) (No. 2) Notification 2021
In exercise of the powers conferred by section 23 of the Motor Vehicles (Third‑Party Risks and Compensation) Act, the Minister for Transport makes the following Notification:
Citation and period in force
1.—(1)  This Notification is the Motor Vehicles (Third‑Party Risks and Compensation) (Continental Automotive Singapore Pte Ltd — Exemption) (No. 2) Notification 2021.
(2)  This Notification is in force for the period between 1 December 2021 and 31 March 2022 (both dates inclusive).
2.  In this Notification —
“specified motor vehicle” means an autonomous motor vehicle that —
(a)is known as a Corriere Pro; and
(b)has complied with the requirements of the test known as the Supervised Trial Readiness Assessment (Provisional Version) for Autonomous Vehicles on Public Paths that is jointly administered by the Authority and the Centre of Excellence for Testing & Research of Autonomous Vehicles — NTU (CETRAN);
“specified road” means any of the roads delineated by the black‑coloured line in the map set out in the Schedule.
Exemption for use of specified motor vehicle
3.  Section 3 of the Act does not apply to any person who uses, or causes or permits any other person to use, a specified motor vehicle on a specified road under the following conditions:
(a)the person (called in this Notification the safety operator) using the specified motor vehicle is authorised by Continental Automotive Singapore Pte Ltd (UEN 199708326N) to use the specified motor vehicle;
(b)the safety operator —
(i)when the specified motor vehicle is in motion — must be close enough to the specified motor vehicle to conduct an emergency stop if required;
(ii)when the specified motor vehicle is used across a pedestrian crossing or an informal crossing — must take manual control of the specified motor vehicle; and
(iii)when the specified motor vehicle is in motion with its autonomous system activated — must only engage in the following activities:
(A)monitoring the movement of the specified motor vehicle and its surroundings;
(B)taking manual control of the specified motor vehicle when a failure of the autonomous system of the vehicle or other emergency is detected;
(c)the specified motor vehicle is only used —
(i)for the purpose of transporting goods;
(ii)from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. daily; and
(iii)at a speed not exceeding 5 km/h;
(d)there is in force, at any time the specified motor vehicle is used in connection with the purpose mentioned in sub‑paragraph (c)(i), a policy of insurance insuring against any liability in respect of —
(i)the death of or bodily injury sustained by any person (other than the safety operator); and
(ii)property damage suffered by any person (other than the safety operator),
caused by or arising out of the use of the specified motor vehicle;
(e)the risk under the policy of insurance mentioned in sub‑paragraph (d) is assumed by an insurer who, at the time the policy is issued, is lawfully carrying on an insurance business in Singapore.
Made on 29 November 2021.
Permanent Secretary,
Ministry of Transport,
[LTA/L18.MV.002/DH/EO.CASPL.21.01; AG/LEGIS/SL/189/2020/1 Vol. 2]