No. S 630
Private Education Act 2009
(Act 21 of 2009)
Private Education (Proscribed Names) Notification 2009
In exercise of the powers conferred by section 37(1)(h)(iv) of the Private Education Act 2009, the Minister for Education hereby makes the following Notification:
Citation and commencement
1.  This Notification may be cited as the Private Education (Proscribed Names) Notification 2009 and shall come into operation on 21st December 2009.
Proscribed names for private education institutions, etc.
2.  For the purposes of section 10(1)(h)(iv) of the Act, the kinds of names which the Minister has directed the Agency not to accept for registration as the name of any private education institution, the name of any premises or school of a private education institution (or any department or faculty thereof), or the name of any education offered to be provided or provided by a private education institution are names which consist of or contain, in any language, all or any of the following:
(a)the word “Singapore” or “national”, or any other term that is likely to lead members of the public to think that the private education institution is associated with the Singapore Government or has its patronage;
(b)the word “university”;
(c)any term that is likely to lead members of the public to think that the private education institution is a branch or subsidiary of a tertiary institution outside Singapore, regardless of whether or not it is so;
(d)any derivative or abbreviation of any word or term referred to in sub-paragraph (a), (b) or (c), or any acronym of the name of a tertiary institution in Singapore.
[S 469/2016 wef 03/10/2016]
[S 979/2022 wef 31/12/2021]

Made this 21st day of December 2009.

Permanent Secretary,
Ministry of Education,
[EDUN. C24-02-016-V5; AG/LEG/SL/247A/2009/5 Vol. 1]