No. S 286
Parking Places Act
Parking Places
(Provision of Parking Places
and Parking Lots)
Rules 2018
In exercise of the powers conferred by section 22 of the Parking Places Act, the Land Transport Authority of Singapore, with the approval of the Minister for Transport, makes the following Rules:
Citation and commencement
1.  These Rules are the Parking Places (Provision of Parking Places and Parking Lots) Rules 2018 and come into operation on 8 May 2018.
2.  In these Rules, unless the context otherwise requires —
“approval of the competent authority” means permission granted by a competent authority to develop land, and includes authorisation by notification under section 21(6) of the Planning Act 1998;
[S 633/2022 wef 31/12/2021]
“approved development” means a proposed development of land in relation to which approval of the competent authority is granted;
“Business 1 zone” means any land that is zoned as a Business 1 zone in the Master Plan under the Planning Act 1998;
[S 633/2022 wef 31/12/2021]
“competent authority” means any person who is appointed under section 5 of the Planning Act 1998 for the purposes of Part 3 of that Act;
[S 633/2022 wef 31/12/2021]
“develop” has the meaning given by section 3 of the Planning Act 1998;
[S 633/2022 wef 31/12/2021]
“developer” means a person who has the approval of the competent authority to develop any land;
“development” has the meaning given by section 3 of the Planning Act 1998;
[S 76/2019 wef 01/02/2019]
[S 633/2022 wef 31/12/2021]
“ERP facility” has the meaning given by rule 2 of the Road Traffic (Electronic Road Pricing System) Rules 2015 (G.N. No. S 226/2015);
[S 612/2020 wef 27/07/2020]
“floor area” has the meaning given by the Planning (Development) Rules 2008 (G.N. No. S 113/2008);
[S 76/2019 wef 01/02/2019]
[S 633/2022 wef 01/08/2022]
“parking lot” includes a type of parking lot, such as a loading bay or unloading bay;
“qualified person” has the meaning given by section 2(1) of the Building Control Act 1989;
[S 633/2022 wef 31/12/2021]
“road line plan” means the plan maintained by the Authority showing, amongst others, road reserves, land required as road reserves, road access to approved developments (including roads that do not exist but are planned to be opened in the future, and roads that exist but are planned to be closed in the future);
[S 76/2019 wef 01/02/2019]
“white site” means any land that is zoned as a white site in the Master Plan under the Planning Act 1998.
[S 633/2022 wef 31/12/2021]
Proposals and plans
3.—(1)  Subject to paragraph (2), where —
(a)permission is granted by a competent authority under the Planning Act 1998 to develop any land; or
[S 633/2022 wef 31/12/2021]
(b)a development of any land is authorised by notification under section 21(6) of the Planning Act 1998, and a condition of the authorisation is the lodgment of plans or documents with the competent authority,
[S 633/2022 wef 31/12/2021]
the developer of the land must lodge with the Authority, together with a declaration made by a qualified person in the form required by the Authority, proposals and plans for the provision of parking places and parking lots on the land.
(2)  In addition, in the case of the provision of indoor parking places and parking lots in any development of land only for residential use, for commercial use, or for both residential and commercial uses, the developer must submit an application to the Authority for the approval of the relevant proposals and plans for the provision of parking places and parking lots on the land —
(a)immediately upon obtaining the permission of the competent authority for that development under the Planning Act 1998; or
[S 633/2022 wef 31/12/2021]
(b)immediately upon lodgment of any plan or document required by a condition of an authorisation by notification under section 21(6) of the Planning Act 1998.
[S 633/2022 wef 31/12/2021]
(2A)  In the case of any land or premises on which any private parking place is provided and where no development is or is to be carried out, the owner or occupier must, prior to carrying out any works on the land or premises, submit an application to the Authority for the approval of the relevant proposals and plans to change —
(a)the number of parking lots in the private parking place;
(b)the layout, arrangement, dimensions or area of any parking lot in the private parking place; or
(c)the design of parking facilities in the private parking place,
and change includes the making of a material change in the use as a parking lot.
[S 76/2019 wef 01/02/2019]
(3)  In this rule, “indoor parking places and parking lots” includes any elevated, basement or enclosed parking places or parking lots.
Requirements for parking lots, etc.
4.—(1)  Subject to these Rules, where the proposed use of an approved development that is situated within Zone 1, 2 or 3 falls within —
(a)any of the categories specified in the first column of Division 1 or 1A of Part 1 of the Schedule, the number of parking lots for cars, motor cycles, coaches or lorries to be provided in respect of that approved development —
(i)must not be less than the appropriate number (rounded to the nearest whole number) specified opposite in the second column; and
(ii)must not be more than the appropriate number (rounded to the nearest whole number) (if any) specified opposite in the third column,
and where the approved development has more than one proposed use, the total number of parking lots to be provided for the approved development is calculated by aggregating the number of parking lots to be provided for each proposed use; or
[S 76/2019 wef 01/02/2019]
(b)any of the categories specified in the first column of Division 2 of Part 1 of the Schedule, the number of parking lots for bicycles to be provided in respect of that approved development must not be less than the appropriate number (rounded to the nearest whole number) specified opposite in the second column.
[S 76/2019 wef 01/02/2019]
(1A)  In addition, paragraph (1)(a) also does not apply where —
(a)the road line plan shows that there is no road access to the approved development and that no road access is planned to be opened in the future;
(b)the road line plan shows that there is road access to the approved development and that such road access is planned to be closed in the future; or
(c)the approved development or any part of that approved development is situated below a flyover, overpass or viaduct over which a road passes.
[S 76/2019 wef 01/02/2019]
(1B)  The owner or occupier of an approved development may purchase an extract of the road line plan mentioned in paragraph (1A)(a) from the Authority.
[S 76/2019 wef 01/02/2019]
(2)  The minimum dimensions of every such parking lot, circulation aisle, access ramp and other details in design must be in accordance with the requirements set out in Part 2 of the Schedule.
(3)  Paragraphs (2), (8) and (9) do not apply where the parking system implemented in the parking place is a fully or partially‑automated vehicle parking system operated by means of a motor or other mechanical device.
[S 76/2019 wef 01/02/2019]
(4)  [Deleted by S 76/2019 wef 01/02/2019]
(5)  The Authority may reduce the number of bicycle parking lots specified in paragraph (1)(b) by up to 50% (rounded to the nearest whole number).
(6)  Where an application is made by an owner or occupier to the Authority under rule 3(2A) to change the number of parking lots for cars, motor cycles, coaches or lorries (as the case may be) in the private parking place, and where the use of the approved development falls within any of the categories specified in the first column of Division 1 or 1A of Part 1 of the Schedule, the number of parking lots to be provided in respect of an approved development —
(a)must not be less than the appropriate number (rounded to the nearest whole number) specified opposite in the second column; and
(b)must not be more than the appropriate number (rounded to the nearest whole number) (if any) specified opposite in the third column.
[S 76/2019 wef 01/02/2019]
(7)  Where an application is made by an owner or occupier to the Authority under rule 3(2A) to change the number of parking lots for bicycles in the private parking place, and where the use of the approved development falls within any of the categories specified in the first column of Division 2 of Part 1 of the Schedule, the number of parking lots for bicycles to be provided in respect of that approved development must not be less than —
(a)the appropriate number (rounded to the nearest whole number) specified opposite in the second column; or
(b)the existing number of parking lots for bicycles provided on the approved development,
whichever is the lower.
[S 76/2019 wef 01/02/2019]
(8)  For the purposes of paragraphs (6) and (7), where the application relates to an increase in the number of parking lots, the layout, arrangement, dimensions or area of any additional parking lot must be in accordance with the requirements set out in Part 2 of the Schedule.
[S 76/2019 wef 01/02/2019]
(9)  Where an application is made by an owner or occupier to the Authority under rule 3(2A) to change the layout, arrangement, dimensions or area of any parking lot in the private parking place, or to change the design of parking facilities in that private parking place, the layout, arrangement, dimensions and area of every such parking lot or the design of every such parking facility (as the case may be) must be in accordance with the requirements set out in Part 2 of the Schedule.
[S 76/2019 wef 01/02/2019]
(10)  For the purposes of paragraph (9), where the application does not include a change to the number of parking lots for cars, motor cycles, coaches, lorries or bicycles (as the case may be) in the private parking place, the number of parking lots to be provided must be the existing number of parking lots provided on the approved development.
[S 76/2019 wef 01/02/2019]
Deficiency charge
5.  For the purposes of section 6B(3) of the Act, the deficiency charge must be calculated in accordance with the rates set out in Part 3 of the Schedule.
Refund of moneys paid under section 6B(1)(b) of Act
6.—(1)  Subject to paragraphs (2) and (3), the Authority must refund to the owner or occupier of any land or premises mentioned in section 6B(1) of the Act (without any interest) the whole or part of any deficiency charge already paid pursuant to section 6B(1)(b) of the Act under any of the following circumstances:
(a)if a proposal for any amendment, change, addition or alteration to the approved development is made to and approved by the competent authority —
(i)within the period for which the approval of the competent authority for such development is in force;
(ii)where there is more than one approval of the competent authority for such development, within the period for which the first approval of the competent authority granted therefor is in force; or
(iii)within such further period as the competent authority may allow in the circumstances of any particular case,
and as a consequence some or all of the parking lots for which such deficiency charge was paid are in compliance with the applicable number of parking lots; or
(b)if a proposal for the provision of parking lots, being parking lots in respect of which such deficiency charge was paid, at a place other than at the land comprised in the approved development is made to and approved by the Authority within any of the periods mentioned in sub-paragraph (a), and if the proposal is fully implemented and the parking lots are maintained or operated in accordance with any written law and with the permission of the Authority within a period specified by the Authority.
(2)  No refund is to be made under paragraph (1)(a) or (b) unless a claim for the refund is made to the Authority within the relevant period specified in paragraph (1)(a) or the period specified by the Authority in paragraph (1)(b), as the case may be.
(3)  Except in such special circumstances as may be approved by the Minister, no refund of any money paid to the Authority pursuant to these Rules is to be made by the Authority unless it is made in accordance with this rule.
7.  These Rules apply to all developments of land carried out or to be carried out by any person (including any statutory body established by any written law), except any development specified in Part 4 of the Schedule.
8.—(1)  The following fees are payable in respect of any lodgment, or application for approval, of any proposal or plan under these Rules:
(a)erection of buildings, amendment to approved plans, addition and alteration to existing buildings, change of use to existing buildings or any other development of land — $10 per 100 square metres of gross floor area involved in the proposal, subject to a minimum of $120;
(b)public housing development under the Housing and Development Act 1959 — $20,000 per year;
[S 633/2022 wef 31/12/2021]
(c)subdivision and amalgamation of buildings or land — $70 per application;
(d)regularisation of parking lots — $70 per application;
[S 76/2019 wef 01/02/2019]
(e)change in the number of parking lots in a private parking place — $120 per application;
[S 76/2019 wef 01/02/2019]
(f)change in the layout, arrangement, dimensions or area of any parking lot in a private parking place — $120 per application;
[S 76/2019 wef 01/02/2019]
(g)change in the design of parking facilities in a private parking place — $120 per application.
[S 76/2019 wef 01/02/2019]
[S 76/2019 wef 01/02/2019]
(2)  The following fees in respect of the following types of requests in relation to any proposal, plan or approved development under these Rules must be paid to the Authority:
(a)request for waiver of any requirements in these Rules as to the layout, arrangement, dimensions or area of any parking lot, or as to the design of parking facilities for a private parking place on the land or premises — $80 per requirement per proposal, plan or approved development;
(b)request for waiver of any of the requirements in these Rules as to applicable number of parking lots — $120 per class of vehicles per proposal, plan or approved development.
(3)  All fees payable under this rule must be paid to the Authority.
[S 76/2019 wef 01/02/2019]
9.  The Parking Places (Provision of Parking Places and Parking Spaces) Rules (R 5) are revoked.
Made on 7 May 2018.
Deputy Chairman,
Land Transport Authority of Singapore.
[LTA/LEGL/L18.033.002/KT/DT/PPP.18.01; AG/LEGIS/SL/214/2015/4 Vol. 2]
(To be presented to Parliament under section 22(3) of the Parking Places Act).