No. S 102
Pharmacists Registration Act
Pharmacists Registration
(Exemption) Order 2018
In exercise of the powers conferred by section 71 of the Pharmacists Registration Act, the Minister for Health, after consultation with the Singapore Pharmacy Council, makes the following Order:
Citation and commencement
1.  This Order is the Pharmacists Registration (Exemption) Order 2018 and comes into operation on 28 February 2018.
2.—(1)  Section 28(1)(a) of the Act does not apply to a collaborative prescribing practitioner if —
(a)the collaborative prescribing practitioner provides a collaborative prescribing service for and on behalf of an approved person, in accordance with the Healthcare Services (Collaborative Prescribing Service) Regulations 2023 (G.N. No. S 398/2023); and
[S 402/2023 wef 26/06/2023]
(b)for the purpose, or in the course, of providing the collaborative prescribing service, the collaborative prescribing practitioner does any of the following in accordance with his or her collaborative practice agreement with the approved person:
(i)administers medication;
(ii)initiates or modifies medication therapy;
(iii)manages medication therapy.
[S 576/2018 wef 17/09/2018]
[S 402/2023 wef 26/06/2023]
[S 576/2018 wef 17/09/2018]
(2)  In this paragraph —
“approved person” means a person who is —
(a)authorised by a licence under the Healthcare Services Act 2020 to provide a licensable healthcare service within the meaning of that Act; and
(b)approved under section 11D of that Act to provide a collaborative prescribing service;
“collaborative practice agreement”, “collaborative prescribing practitioner” and “collaborative prescribing service” have the meanings given by regulation 2 of the Healthcare Services (Collaborative Prescribing Service) Regulations 2023.
[S 402/2023 wef 26/06/2023]
Made on 8 February 2018.
Permanent Secretary,
Ministry of Health,
[MH 036:014\004-0000; AG/LEGIS/SL/230/2015/2 Vol. 1]