No. S 262
Property Tax Act
(Chapter 254)
Property Tax (Non-residential Buildings) (Remission) Order 1998
In exercise of the powers conferred by section 6(5B) of the Property Tax Act, the Minister for Finance hereby makes the following Order:
Citation and commencement
1.  This Order may be cited as the Property Tax (Non-Residential Buildings) (Remission) Order 1998 and shall have effect from 1st July 1998 to 30th June 2000.
Remission of tax
2.  There shall be remitted 55% of the tax payable in respect of any building or part thereof which is permitted to be used under the Planning Act 1998 (Act 3 of 1998) for any purpose other than for human habitation.
Application of Order
3.  This Order shall not apply to —
(a)any building or part thereof owned and occupied by any statutory board for which payment in lieu of tax is made under section 6(7) of the Act;
(b)any building or part thereof owned and let by any statutory board, other than the Housing and Development Board, Urban Redevelopment Authority, Jurong Town Corporation, Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore and Public Utilities Board, for which payment in lieu of tax is made under section 6(7) of the Act;
(c)any building or part thereof situated or is being erected on any land where the annual value of that property has been assessed as if it were vacant land under section 2(3)(b) of the Act;
(d)any building or part thereof situated or is being erected on that part of any land which has been demarcated as excess land under section 2(5) of the Act and the annual value has been separately assessed by deeming that part of the land as vacant land;
(e)any premises in respect of which a standard rent is being paid under the Control of Rent Act (Cap.58); or
(f)any premises exempted under section 30 of the Control of Rent Act and occupied by any person under a tenancy agreement with or a temporary occupation licence from the Housing and Development Board or the Urban Redevelopment Authority.
Made this 17th day of April 1998.
Permanent Secretary,
Ministry of Finance,
[MF(R) R50.3.002 Vol.6; AG/LEG/SL/254/97/1 Vol.1]