Regulation of Imports and Exports Act
(Chapter 272A, Section 2 (1))
Appointment of Officers
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G.N. No. S 14/1996

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[12th January 1996]
The Minister for Trade and Industry has appointed —
—(1)  the following officers to exercise the powers and perform the duties conferred and imposed on a senior authorised officer by the Act:
(a)the Assistant Commissioner of Public Health, Food Control Division, Ministry of the Environment;
(b)the Deputy Assistant Commissioner of Public Health, Food Control Department, Ministry of the Environment; and
(c)the Senior Public Health Inspectors, Food Control Department, Ministry of the Environment; and
(2)  the Public Health Inspectors, Food Control Department, Ministry of the Environment to exercise the powers and perform the duties conferred and imposed on an authorised officer by the Act.
[G.N. No.S 14/96]