No. S 475
Requisition of Resources Act
Requisition of Resources
(No. 5) Order 2012
Whereas the Minister for Defence has deemed it necessary to bring Part III of the Requisition of Resources Act into operation for a limited period of exercises to be conducted for the securing of public safety and the defence of the Republic.
Now therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by section 2 of the Requisition of Resources Act, the Minister for Defence hereby makes the following Order:
1.  This Order may be cited as the Requisition of Resources (No. 5) Order 2012.
Date of requisition
2.  The provisions of Part III of the Act shall come into and remain in operation on 23rd September 2012.
Made this 5th day of September 2012.
Permanent Secretary
(Defence Development),
Ministry of Defence,
[MINDEF U96J/16-2-1-18/JC]