101.  Drivers of large vehicles must always —
(a)keep such vehicles to the road or vehicle speed limit (whichever is lower); and
(b)travel on the extreme left lane of the road (except for bus lanes during their operating hours) to allow faster vehicles to overtake on the right.
[S 3173/2019 wef 01/12/2019]
102.  Any goods vehicle which has an open deck for the carriage of goods and is to be used to carry any person on the floor of the vehicle must comply with the applicable requirements in the Road Traffic (Motor Vehicles , Construction and Use) Rules (R 9). Persons carried in a goods vehicle with an open deck for the carriage of goods must be seated in accordance with the Road Traffic (Carriage of Persons in Goods Vehicles ) Rules 2010 (G.N. No. S 663/2010).
[S 3173/2019 wef 01/12/2019]