107.  You must give way upon hearing the emergency siren of any motor vehicle used for ambulance, fire brigade, military, police, customs or civil defence purposes (called in this paragraph an emergency vehicle ) or seeing the flashing lights of such a vehicle. In addition, you must observe the following:
(a)Stay calm and check the direction of the oncoming emergency vehicle .
(b)Give way by signalling early and filter towards the left if it is safe to do so. Do not wait until the last minute to do so.
(c)If you are unable to filter to the left safely, slow down to let the emergency vehicle overtake you.
(d)Do not speed up to block an overtaking emergency vehicle or try to overtake or tailgate an emergency vehicle as this can put yourself and other road users in danger.
(e)Do not break the law to give way to an emergency vehicle (e.g. by driving through a red light).
[S 3173/2019 wef 01/12/2019]