Road users on foot
Walking along the road
7.  If there is no footpath and you have to walk along the road, then walk as close as possible to the edge of the road. Avoid using any mobile communication device while walking along the road.
[S 3173/2019 wef 01/12/2019]
8.  If you walk on an unlit or dimly lit road at night, always wear or carry something light-coloured or reflective. This will help to make you more visible to motorists.
[S 3173/2019 wef 01/12/2019]
9.  [Deleted by S 3173/2019 wef 01/12/2019]
Crossing the road
10.  Where a pedestrian crossing is available, always use the pedestrian crossing to cross the road. Where a pedestrian crossing is not available, always cross the road by the shortest possible route, which is from one side to the other. Do not risk death or injury by trying to cross at other places in heavy traffic. You must also obey the traffic signs and traffic lights.
[S 3173/2019 wef 01/12/2019]
10A.  While crossing any road, make sure you have a clear view of the road both ways. Take extra care if your view is limited by stationary vehicles or other obstruction. Before crossing, practise the kerb drill for crossing the road mentioned in paragraph 13.
[S 3173/2019 wef 01/12/2019]
10B.  Avoid using any mobile communication device while crossing any road.
[S 3173/2019 wef 01/12/2019]
11.  Before you risk crossing the road in front of an approaching motor vehicle remember that although you could stop almost immediately, a motor vehicle would have to travel a considerable distance before it stops. Be aware that the stopping distance of a moving vehicle varies with the speed of the vehicle, the distance travelled by the vehicle when a driver reacts, and the braking distance of the vehicle (refer to paragraph 69).
[S 3173/2019 wef 01/12/2019]
12.  In rainy weather do not rush across the street with your head down, or with an umbrella obscuring your view.
13.  Teach children the kerb drill for crossing the road, which is “look right, look left, then look right again, and if the road is clear, quick march”.
[S 3173/2019 wef 01/12/2019]
14.  Do not follow other pedestrians blindly without yourself checking that it is safe to cross.
Pedestrian crossings
15.  Do not step onto a pedestrian crossing until approaching vehicles have come to a complete stop. When crossing at a pedestrian crossing, be alert for vehicles being driven inconsiderately and without care or attention. If possible, make eye contact with drivers to ensure that they are aware of your presence.
[S 3173/2019 wef 01/12/2019]
16.  Take extra care at night. Remember that unless a pedestrian crossing is floodlit, it may not show up very clearly. On rainy nights the markings may be almost invisible to an approaching driver.
17.  When you have stepped off the kerb on to a pedestrian crossing you have the right of way but allow approaching vehicles ample time to give way, especially if the road is wet.
18.  Do not stand on the pavement at a pedestrian crossing if you do not intend to cross the road.
19.  Once you are on the pedestrian crossing, look right and left as you cross, because a driver may not have seen you.
20.  Where a pedestrian crossing has a central refuge, each half is a separate crossing and you should treat it as such.
20A.  If there is a choice between using a bicycle crossing or a pedestrian crossing to cross a road, use the pedestrian crossing.
[S 1217/2018 wef 05/05/2018]
Crossing the Road at Junction
21.  When crossing the road at junctions, look out for vehicles negotiating the corner.
Signal Controlled Crossings
22.  At a light controlled crossing, wait on the footway until the traffic, in front of which you intend to cross, has come to a standstill.
23.  If traffic lights have a “green man” signal, do not cross until the signal appears. If possible, make eye contact with drivers to ensure that they are aware of your presence.
[S 3173/2019 wef 01/12/2019]
24.  Pedestrian signals portray ‘a standing red man’ and a ‘walking green man’.
(1)  When the ‘walking green man’ is lighted up, you may cross.
(2)  When the ‘walking green man’ starts flickering, it means that the light will change soon, so —
(a)if you are already crossing, move briskly across; or
(b)if you are about to start crossing, do not cross.
(3)  When the ‘stationary red man’ is lighted up, do not cross.
25.  When push-buttons are provided on the traffic signal pole, push the button if you want the ‘green man’ to appear and wait until the ‘green man’ appears before crossing.
Police-controlled Crossings
26.  Do not cross the road against a signal to stop given by a police officer controlling traffic.
Pedestrian overpasses and underpasses
27.  Where there is a pedestrian overpass or an underpass, you must make use of it. Pedestrian overpasses and underpasses are built for your safety and must always be used when crossing the road.
[S 3173/2019 wef 01/12/2019]
Getting on or off Public Vehicles
28.  Do not get on or off a bus while it is moving, or when it is not at a bus stop. Do not step out suddenly from behind a stationary or slowly moving bus. If you want to get on a bus at a bus stop, give a clear signal for it to stop. Do not step onto the road until it has stopped.