Application to Court of Appeal for leave to appeal against judgment or order of High Court (O. 57, r. 2A)
2A.—(1)  This Rule applies where the High Court refuses to grant leave to appeal against a judgment or an order of the High Court.
(2)  An application to the Court of Appeal for leave to appeal against the judgment or order of the High Court must be made within 7 days after the refusal of the High Court to grant leave.
(3)  An application for leave under this Rule must be made by summons and be supported by an affidavit.
(4)  The summons and supporting affidavit must be filed and served on all other parties to the proceedings in which the judgment or order was obtained, or on their solicitors.
(5)  A party who wishes to oppose an application under this Rule may, within 7 days after the summons and supporting affidavit are served on the party, file an affidavit stating the grounds on which the party opposes the application.
(6)  An affidavit under paragraph (5) must be served on all other parties to the proceedings in which the judgment or order was obtained, or on their solicitors.
(7)  Except as allowed under this Rule, no affidavit is to be filed in an application for leave under this Rule without the leave of the Court of Appeal.
(8)  A party who has obtained leave to appeal to the Court of Appeal under this Rule must file and serve a notice of appeal within one month after such leave is given.
[S 850/2014 wef 01/01/2015]