Trade Unions Act
(CHAPTER 333, Section 28(3))
Trade Unions (Government Officers — Exemption) Notification
N 2
G.N. No. S 313/1985

(25th March 1992)
[1st November 1985]
1.  This Notification may be cited as the Trade Unions. (Government Officers — Exemption) Notification.
Categories of exempted Government officers and employees
2.  With the exception of all members of the Singapore Police Force and the Singapore Armed Forces, and subject to paragraph 3, all Government officers and employees are exempted from section 28(3) of the Trade Unions Act.
Membership of unions
3.—(1)  The Government officers and employees exempted under paragraph 2 may join or be members of a trade union only where the membership of the union is confined to persons employed by any one or more or all of the following:
(a)the Government;
(b)Government-Aided Schools (non-teaching staff);
(c)the Board of Commissioners of Currency, Singapore;
(d)the Central Provident Fund Board;
(e)the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS);
(f)the Economic Development Board;
(g)the Institute of Education (non-teaching staff);
(h)the Jurong Town Corporation;
(i)the Monetary Authority of Singapore;
(j)the National Maritime Board;
(k)the National Productivity Board;
(l)the National Theatre Trust;
(m)the National University of Singapore (non-academic staff);
(n)the Rubber Association of Singapore;
(o)the Sentosa Development Corporation;
(p)the Singapore Corporation of Rehabilitative Enterprises (SCORE);
(q)the Singapore Institute of Standards and Industrial Research (SISIR);
(r)the Singapore Polytechnic;
(s)the Singapore Science Centre;
(t)the Singapore Sports Council;
(u)the Singapore Tourist Promotion Board;
(v)the Timber Industry Board of Singapore;
(w)the Vocational and Industrial Training Board (non-training staff);
(x)the Nanyang Technological Institute (non-teaching staff);
(y)the National Computer Board;
(z)the Trade Development Board;
(za)the Construction Industry Development Board;
(zb)Mass Rapid Transit Corporation;
(zc)the Science Council of Singapore;
(zd)National Parks Board; and
(ze)Temasek Polytechnic;
(zf)National Arts Council.
[S 47/92 wef 31/01/1992]
(zg)National Science and Technology Board.
[S 432/92 wef 16/10/1992]
(zh)Institute of Technical Education, Singapore.
[S 432/92 wef 16/10/1992]
(zi)Nanyang Polytechnic.
[S 432/92 wef 16/10/1992]
(2)  Any such trade union whose membership is so confined may only amalgamate with or agree to act on the instructions of a trade union whose membership is similarly restricted.
Government officers and employees who are tradesmen or professional persons
4.—(1)  Notwithstanding paragraph 3 and with the prior approval of the Minister for Finance —
(a)Government officers and employees exempted under paragraph 2 who are tradesmen or professional persons may join a union composed of craftsmen or of members following a professional occupation, as the case may be, whose membership is not confined to persons employed by or under the Government; and
(b)any trade union whose membership is confined to the persons set out in paragraph 3(1) may affiliate to or federate with a trade union or federation of trade unions whose membership is not so restricted.
(2)  The approval granted under sub-paragraph (1) may, at any time in the discretion of the Minister for Finance, be withdrawn.
[G.N. Nos. S 313/85; S 63/87; S 89/88; S 161/90; S 282/91]