Subsidiary Legislation

Planning Act
Revised Edition published on 15 Dec 1998
Short Title     |   Number
Appointment of Competent Authority
Appointment of Competent Authority
Appointment of Competent Authority
Appointment of Competent Authority
Appointment of Competent Authority
Appointment of Competent Authority
Appointment of Conservation Authority
Declaration under Section 12
Declaration under Section 12
Planning (Changes in Use — Lodgment Authorisation) Notification
Planning (Changes in Use — Lodgment Authorisation) Notification
Planning (Changes in Use — Lodgment Authorisation) Notification
Planning (Changes in Use — Lodgment Authorisation) Notification
Planning (Changes in Use — Lodgment Authorisation) Notification
Planning (Changes in Use — Lodgment Authorisation) Notification
Planning (Changes in Use — Lodgment Authorisation) Notification
Planning (Changes in Use — Lodgment Authorisation) Notification
Planning (Changes in Use — Lodgment Authorisation) Notification
Planning (Changes in Use — Lodgment Authorisation) Notification
Planning (Changes in Use — Lodgment Authorisation) Notification
Planning (Changes in Use — Lodgment Authorisation) Notification
Planning (Changes in Use — Lodgment Authorisation) Notification
Planning (Changes in Use — Lodgment Authorisation) Notification 2002
Planning (Changes in Use — Lodgment Authorisation) Notification 2002
Planning (Changes in Use — Lodgment Authorisation) Notification 2002
Planning (Changes in Use — Lodgment Authorisation) Notification 2002
Planning (Child Care Centre — Authorisation) Notification
Planning (Child Care Centre — Authorisation) Notification
Planning (Child Care Centre — Authorisation) Notification
Planning (Child Care Centre — Authorisation) Notification
Planning (Child Care Centre — Authorisation) Notification 2005
Planning (Child Care Centre — Change in Use Lodgment Authorisation) Notification 2005
Planning (Child Care Centre — Change in Use Lodgment Authorisation) Notification 2005
Planning (Child Care Centre — Change in Use Lodgment Authorisation) Notification 2005
Planning (Child Care Centre — Change in Use Lodgment Authorisation) Notification 2005
Planning (Child Care Centre — Change in Use Lodgment Authorisation) Notification 2005
Planning (Child Care Centre — Change in Use Lodgment Authorisation) Notification 2005
Planning (Child Care Centre — Change in Use Lodgment Authorisation) Notification 2005
Planning (Composition of Offences) Rules 2018
Planning (Consent for Application — Exemption) Notification 2020
Planning (Covered Pedestrian Linkways Authorisation) Notification 2014
Planning (Declaration by Qualified Person) Rules
Planning (Declaration by Qualified Person) Rules 2005
Planning (Deferment of Payment of Development Charge by Charities) Rules
Planning (Deferment of Payment of Development Charge by Charities) Rules 2006
Planning (Deferment of Payment of Development Charge by Charities) Rules 2017
Planning (Deferment of Payment of Temporary Development Levy by Charities) Rules 2016
Planning (Development Charge — Exemption in relation to Historical Base Value) Rules 2008
Planning (Development Charge — Exemption in relation to Historical Base Value) Rules 2008
Planning (Development Charge — Exemption) Rules
Planning (Development Charge — Exemption) Rules
Planning (Development Charge — Exemption) Rules
Planning (Development Charge — Exemption) Rules
Planning (Development Charge — Exemption) Rules
Planning (Development Charge — Exemption) Rules
Planning (Development Charge — Exemption) Rules
Planning (Development Charge — Exemption) Rules
Planning (Development Charge — Exemption) Rules
Planning (Development Charge — Exemption) Rules
Planning (Development Charge — Exemption) Rules 1996
Planning (Development Charge — Exemption) Rules 2001
Planning (Development Charge — Exemption) Rules 2001
Planning (Development Charge — Exemption) Rules 2001
Planning (Development Charge — Exemption) Rules 2001
Planning (Development Charges) Rules
Planning (Development Charges) Rules
Planning (Development Charges) Rules
Planning (Development Charges) Rules
Planning (Development Charges) Rules
Planning (Development Charges) Rules
Planning (Development Charges) Rules
Planning (Development Charges) Rules
Planning (Development Charges) Rules
Planning (Development Charges) Rules
Planning (Development Charges) Rules
Planning (Development Charges) Rules
Planning (Development Charges) Rules
Planning (Development Charges) Rules
Planning (Development Charges) Rules
Planning (Development Charges) Rules
Planning (Development Charges) Rules
Planning (Development Charges) Rules
Planning (Development Charges) Rules
Planning (Development Charges) Rules
Planning (Development Charges) Rules
Planning (Development Charges) Rules
Planning (Development Charges) Rules
Planning (Development Charges) Rules
Planning (Development Charges) Rules
Planning (Development Charges) Rules
Planning (Development Charges) Rules
Planning (Development Charges) Rules
Planning (Development Charges) Rules
Planning (Development Charges) Rules
Planning (Development Charges) Rules
Planning (Development Charges) Rules
Planning (Development Charges) Rules
Planning (Development Charges) Rules
Planning (Development Charges) Rules
Planning (Development Charges) Rules
Planning (Development Charges) Rules
Planning (Development Charges) Rules
Planning (Development Charges) Rules
Planning (Development Charges) Rules
Planning (Development Charges) Rules
Planning (Development Charges) Rules
Planning (Development Charges) Rules
Planning (Development Charges) Rules
Planning (Development Charges) Rules
Planning (Development Charges) Rules
Planning (Development Charges) Rules
Planning (Development Charges) Rules
Planning (Development Charges) Rules
Planning (Development Charges) Rules
Planning (Development Charges) Rules
Planning (Development Charges) Rules
Planning (Development Charges) Rules
Planning (Development Charges) Rules
Planning (Development Charges) Rules
Planning (Development Charges) Rules 1998
Planning (Development Charges) Rules 1998
Planning (Development Charges) Rules 1998
Planning (Development of Land — Lodgment Authorisation) Notification
Planning (Development of Land — Lodgment Authorisation) Notification
Planning (Development of Land — Lodgment Authorisation) Notification
Planning (Development of Land — Lodgment Authorisation) Notification
Planning (Development of Land — Lodgment Authorisation) Notification
Planning (Development of Land — Lodgment Authorisation) Notification
Planning (Development of Land — Lodgment Authorisation) Notification
Planning (Development of Land — Lodgment Authorisation) Notification
Planning (Development of Land — Lodgment Authorisation) Notification
Planning (Development of Land — Lodgment Authorisation) Notification
Planning (Development of Land — Lodgment Authorisation) Notification
Planning (Development of Land — Lodgment Authorisation) Notification
Planning (Development of Land — Lodgment Authorisation) Notification 2002
Planning (Development of Land Authorisation for Applicable State Property) Notification 2015
Planning (Development of Land Authorisation for Housing and Development Board and Jurong Town Corporation) Notification
Planning (Development of Land Authorisation for Housing and Development Board and Jurong Town Corporation) Notification
Planning (Development of Land Authorisation for Housing and Development Board and Jurong Town Corporation) Notification
Planning (Development of Land Authorisation for Housing and Development Board and Jurong Town Corporation) Notification
Planning (Development of Land Authorisation for Housing and Development Board and Jurong Town Corporation) Notification
Planning (Development of Land Authorisation for Housing and Development Board and Jurong Town Corporation) Notification 1997
Planning (Development of Land Authorisation for Last Approved Use) Notification 2017
Planning (Development of Land Authorisation for Medical Clinics) Notification 2014
Planning (Development of Land Authorisation for Medical Clinics) Notification 2014
Planning (Development of Land Authorisation for Medical Clinics) Notification 2014
Planning (Development of Land Authorisation for Medical Clinics) Notification 2014
Planning (Development of Land Authorisation for National Parks Board) Notification
Planning (Development of Land Authorisation for National Parks Board) Notification
Planning (Development of Land Authorisation for National Parks Board) Notification
Planning (Development of Land Authorisation for National Parks Board) Notification 2004
Planning (Development of Land Authorisation for Specified Property) Notification 2015
Planning (Development of Land Authorisation for Specified Property) Notification 2015
Planning (Development of Land Authorisation for Specified Property) Notification 2015
Planning (Development of Land Authorisation) Notification
Planning (Development of Land Authorisation) Notification
Planning (Development of Land Authorisation) Notification
Planning (Development of Land Authorisation) Notification
Planning (Development of Land Authorisation) Notification
Planning (Development of Land Authorisation) Notification
Planning (Development of Land Authorisation) Notification
Planning (Development of Land Authorisation) Notification
Planning (Development of Land Authorisation) Notification
Planning (Development of Land Authorisation) Notification
Planning (Development of Land Authorisation) Notification
Planning (Development of Land Authorisation) Notification
Planning (Development of Land Authorisation) Notification
Planning (Development of Land Authorisation) Notification
Planning (Development of Land Authorisation) Notification
Planning (Development of Land Authorisation) Notification 1998
Planning (Development of Land Authorisation) Notification 2002
Planning (Development of Land Authorisation) Notification 2002
Planning (Development of Land for Agricultural Use — Lodgment Authorisation) Notification 2019
Planning (Development of Land for Agricultural Use — Lodgment Authorisation) Notification 2019
Planning (Development of Land for Agricultural Use — Lodgment Authorisation) Notification 2019
Planning (Development of Land for Agricultural Use — Lodgment Authorisation) Notification 2019
Planning (Development) Rules
Planning (Development) Rules 2008
Planning (Development) Rules 2008
Planning (Development) Rules 2008
Planning (Development) Rules 2008
Planning (Development) Rules 2008
Planning (Development) Rules 2008
Planning (Development) Rules 2008
Planning (Electronic Transmission) Rules
Planning (Electronic Transmission) Rules
Planning (Electronic Transmission) Rules 1998
Planning (Electronic Transmission) Rules 1998
Planning (Enterprise District — Lodgment Authorisation) Notification 2020
Planning (Exemption under Section 53) (No. 10) Notification 2014
Planning (Exemption under Section 53) (No. 10) Notification 2018
Planning (Exemption under Section 53) (No. 11) Notification 2014
Planning (Exemption under Section 53) (No. 12) Notification 2014
Planning (Exemption under section 53) (No. 2) Notification
Planning (Exemption under Section 53) (No. 2) Notification 2007
Planning (Exemption under Section 53) (No. 2) Notification 2008
Planning (Exemption under Section 53) (No. 2) Notification 2009
Planning (Exemption under Section 53) (No. 2) Notification 2010
Planning (Exemption under Section 53) (No. 2) Notification 2011
Planning (Exemption under Section 53) (No. 2) Notification 2012
Planning (Exemption under Section 53) (No. 2) Notification 2013
Planning (Exemption under Section 53) (No. 2) Notification 2014
Planning (Exemption under Section 53) (No. 2) Notification 2015
Planning (Exemption under Section 53) (No. 2) Notification 2016
Planning (Exemption under Section 53) (No. 2) Notification 2017
Planning (Exemption under Section 53) (No. 2) Notification 2018
Planning (Exemption under Section 53) (No. 2) Notification 2019
Planning (Exemption under Section 53) (No. 3) Notification 2007
Planning (Exemption under Section 53) (No. 3) Notification 2008
Planning (Exemption under Section 53) (No. 3) Notification 2009
Planning (Exemption under Section 53) (No. 3) Notification 2010
Planning (Exemption under Section 53) (No. 3) Notification 2013
Planning (Exemption under Section 53) (No. 3) Notification 2014
Planning (Exemption under Section 53) (No. 3) Notification 2015
Planning (Exemption under Section 53) (No. 3) Notification 2017
Planning (Exemption under Section 53) (No. 3) Notification 2018
Planning (Exemption under Section 53) (No. 3) Notification 2018
Planning (Exemption under Section 53) (No. 4) Notification 2007
Planning (Exemption under Section 53) (No. 4) Notification 2008
Planning (Exemption under Section 53) (No. 4) Notification 2013
Planning (Exemption under Section 53) (No. 4) Notification 2014
Planning (Exemption under Section 53) (No. 4) Notification 2015
Planning (Exemption under Section 53) (No. 4) Notification 2017
Planning (Exemption under Section 53) (No. 4) Notification 2018
Planning (Exemption under Section 53) (No. 5) Notification 2007
Planning (Exemption under Section 53) (No. 5) Notification 2007
Planning (Exemption under Section 53) (No. 5) Notification 2008
Planning (Exemption under Section 53) (No. 5) Notification 2013
Planning (Exemption under Section 53) (No. 5) Notification 2014
Planning (Exemption under Section 53) (No. 5) Notification 2015
Planning (Exemption under Section 53) (No. 5) Notification 2017
Planning (Exemption under Section 53) (No. 5) Notification 2018
Planning (Exemption under Section 53) (No. 6) Notification 2013
Planning (Exemption under Section 53) (No. 6) Notification 2014
Planning (Exemption under Section 53) (No. 6) Notification 2015
Planning (Exemption Under Section 53) (No. 6) Notification 2017
Planning (Exemption under Section 53) (No. 6) Notification 2018
Planning (Exemption under Section 53) (No. 7) Notification 2014
Planning (Exemption under Section 53) (No. 7) Notification 2015
Planning (Exemption under Section 53) (No. 7) Notification 2018
Planning (Exemption under Section 53) (No. 8) Notification 2014
Planning (Exemption under Section 53) (No. 8) Notification 2018
Planning (Exemption under Section 53) (No. 9) Notification 2014
Planning (Exemption under Section 53) (No. 9) Notification 2018
Planning (Exemption under Section 53) Notification 2005
Planning (Exemption under Section 53) Notification 2006
Planning (Exemption under Section 53) Notification 2007
Planning (Exemption under Section 53) Notification 2008
Planning (Exemption under Section 53) Notification 2009
Planning (Exemption under Section 53) Notification 2010