Comparison View

Amendments are not highlighted in legislation amended before 2012. We are working on it.
Formal Consolidation |  1997 RevEd
Power to make advance medical directive
3.—(1)  A person of sound mind who has attained the age of 21 years and who desires not to be subjected to extraordinary life-sustaining treatment in the event of his suffering from a terminal illness, may at any time make an advance medical directive in the prescribed form.
(2)  Subject to subsection (3), the directive must be witnessed by 2 witnesses present at the same time one of whom shall be the patient’s family medical practitioner or any other practitioner of his choice; and the other shall be a person who has attained the age of 21 years.
(3)  A witness shall be a person who to the best of his knowledge —
(a)is not a beneficiary under the patient’s will or any policy of insurance;
(b)has no interest under any instrument under which the patient is the donor, settlor or grantor;
(c)would not be entitled to an interest in the estate of the patient on the patient’s death intestate;
(d)would not be entitled to an interest in the moneys of the patient held in the Central Provident Fund or other provident fund on the death of that patient; and
(e)has not registered an objection under section 10(1).
Informal Consolidation | Amended Act 21 of 2008
Power to make advance medical directive
3.—(1)  A person who is not mentally disordered, who has attained the age of 21 years and who desires not to be subjected to extraordinary life-sustaining treatment in the event of his suffering from a terminal illness, may at any time make an advance medical directive in the prescribed form.
[21/2008 wef 01/03/2010]
(2)  Subject to subsection (3), the directive must be witnessed by 2 witnesses present at the same time one of whom shall be the patient’s family medical practitioner or any other practitioner of his choice; and the other shall be a person who has attained the age of 21 years.
(3)  A witness shall be a person who to the best of his knowledge —
(a)is not a beneficiary under the patient’s will or any policy of insurance;
(b)has no interest under any instrument under which the patient is the donor, settlor or grantor;
(c)would not be entitled to an interest in the estate of the patient on the patient’s death intestate;
(d)would not be entitled to an interest in the moneys of the patient held in the Central Provident Fund or other provident fund on the death of that patient; and
(e)has not registered an objection under section 10(1).