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Formal Consolidation |  2012 RevEd
Application for bail or release on personal bond in High Court
98.—(1)  An application to the High Court for bail or release on personal bond must, unless otherwise ordered, be supported by an affidavit stating sufficient facts to enable the court to determine whether or not such bail or release should be granted.
(2)  If the court orders that the accused or prisoner be granted bail or released on personal bond, the order must be drawn up with a direction that a warrant be issued to bring the accused or the prisoner before the court for the purpose of being bailed or released.
Informal Consolidation | Amended Act 40 of 2019
Application for bail or release on personal bond in General Division of High Court
98.—(1)  An application to the General Division of the High Court for bail or release on personal bond must, unless otherwise ordered, be supported by an affidavit stating sufficient facts to enable the court to determine whether or not such bail or release should be granted.
[Act 40 of 2019 wef 02/01/2021]
(2)  If the court orders that the accused or prisoner be granted bail or released on personal bond, the order must be drawn up with a direction that a warrant be issued to bring the accused or the prisoner before the court for the purpose of being bailed or released.
[Act 40 of 2019 wef 02/01/2021]