Comparison View

Formal Consolidation |  2006 RevEd
Register of director’s shareholdings
164.—(1)  A company shall keep a register showing with respect to each director of the company particulars of —
(a)shares in that company or in a related corporation, being shares of which the director is a registered holder or in which he has an interest and the nature and extent of that interest;
(b)debentures of or participatory interests made available by the company or a related corporation which are held by the director or in which he has an interest and the nature and extent of that interest;
(c)rights or options of the director or of the director and another person or other persons in respect of the acquisition or disposal of shares in the company or a related corporation; and
(d)contracts to which the director is a party or under which he is entitled to a benefit, being contracts under which a person has a right to call for or to make delivery of shares in the company or in a related corporation.
(2)  A company need not show, in its register with respect to a director, particulars of shares in a related corporation that is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the company or of another corporation.
(3)  A company that is a wholly-owned subsidiary of another company shall be deemed to have complied with this section in relation to a director who is a director of that other company if the particulars required by this section to be shown in the register of the first-mentioned company with respect to the director are shown in the register of the second-mentioned company.
(4)  For the purposes of subsections (2) and (3), a company is a wholly-owned subsidiary of another company if none of the members of the first-mentioned company is a person other than —
(a)the second-mentioned company;
(b)a nominee of the second-mentioned company;
(c)a subsidiary of the second-mentioned company being a subsidiary none of the members of which is a person other than the second-mentioned company or a nominee of the second-mentioned company; or
(d)a nominee of such a subsidiary.
(5)  A company shall, within 3 days after receiving notice from a director under section 165(1)(a), enter in its register in relation to the director the particulars referred to in subsection (1) including the number and description of shares, debentures, participatory interests, rights, options and contracts to which the notice relates and in respect of shares, debentures, participatory interests, rights or options acquired or contracts entered into after he became a director —
(a)the price or other consideration for the transaction, if any, by reason of which an entry is required to be made under this section; and
(b)the date of —
(i)the agreement for the transaction or, if it is later, the completion of the transaction; or
(ii)where there was no transaction, the occurrence of the event by reason of which an entry is required to be made under this section.
(6)  A company shall, within 3 days after receiving a notice from a director under section 165(1)(b), enter in its register the particulars of the change referred to in the notice.
(7)  A company is not, by reason of anything done under this section, to be taken for any purpose to have notice of or to be put upon inquiry as to the right of a person or in relation to a share in debenture of or participatory interest made available by the company.
(8)  A company shall, subject to this section, keep its register at the registered office of the company and the register shall be open for inspection by a member of the company without charge and by any other person on payment for each inspection of a sum of $3 or such lesser sum as the company requires.
(9)  A person may request a company to furnish him with a copy of its register or any part thereof on payment in advance of a sum of $1 or such lesser sum as the company requires for every page or part thereof required to be copied and the company shall send the copy to that person within 21 days or such longer period as the Registrar thinks fit after the day on which the request is received by the company.
(10)  The Registrar may by notice in writing require a company to send to him within such time as may be specified in the notice a copy of its register or any part thereof.
(11)  A company shall produce its register at the commencement of each annual general meeting of the company and keep it open and accessible during the meeting to all persons attending the meeting.
(12)  It is a defence to a prosecution for failing to comply with subsection (1) or (5) in respect of particulars relating to a director if the defendant proves that the failure was due to the failure of the director to comply with section 165 with respect to those particulars.
(13)  In this section —
(a)a reference to a participatory interest is a reference to a unit in a collective investment scheme within the meaning of section 2 of the Securities and Futures Act (Cap. 289); and
(b)a reference to a person who holds or acquires shares, debentures or participatory interests or an interest in shares, debentures or participatory interests includes a reference to a person who under an option holds or acquires a right to acquire or dispose of a share, debenture or participatory interest or an interest in a share, debenture or participatory interest.
[49/73; 42/2001]
(14)  In determining for the purposes of this section whether a person has an interest in a debenture or participatory interest, the provisions of section 7, except subsections (1) and (3) thereof, have effect and in applying those provisions a reference to a share shall be read as a reference to a debenture or participatory interest.
(15)  For the purposes of the application of this section —
(a)a director of a company shall be deemed to hold or have an interest or a right in or over any shares or debentures if a wife or husband of the director (not being herself or himself a director thereof) holds or has an interest or a right in or over any shares or debentures or an infant son or infant daughter of that director (not being himself or herself a director) holds or has an interest in shares or debentures; and
(b)any contract, assignment or right of subscription exercised or made by or grant made to the wife or husband of a director of a company (not being herself or himself a director thereof) shall be deemed to have been entered into or exercised or made or, as the case may be, as having been made to the director; and so shall a contract, assignment or right of subscription entered into, exercised or made by or grant made to an infant son or infant daughter of a director of a company (not being himself or herself a director thereof).
(16)  In subsection (15), “son” includes step-son and adopted son and “daughter” includes step-daughter and adopted daughter.
(17)  If default is made in complying with this section the company and every officer of the company who is in default shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $15,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 3 years and, in the case of a continuing offence, to a further fine of $1,000 for every day during which the offence continues after conviction.
[49/73; 15/84]
[Aust., 1961, s. 126]
Informal Consolidation | Amended Act 36 of 2014
Register of director’s and chief executive officer’s shareholdings
164.—(1)  A company shall keep a register showing with respect to each director of the company particulars of —
(a)shares in that company or in a related corporation, being shares of which the director is a registered holder or in which he has an interest and the nature and extent of that interest;
(b)debentures of or participatory interests made available by the company or a related corporation which are held by the director or in which he has an interest and the nature and extent of that interest;
(c)rights or options of the director or of the director and another person or other persons in respect of the acquisition or disposal of shares in the company or a related corporation; and
(d)contracts to which the director is a party or under which he is entitled to a benefit, being contracts under which a person has a right to call for or to make delivery of shares in the company or in a related corporation.
(1A)  A company shall keep a register showing with respect to each chief executive officer of the company particulars of —
(a)shares in that company, being shares of which the chief executive officer is their registered holder or in which he has an interest and the nature and extent of that interest;
(b)debentures of the company which are held by the chief executive officer or in which he has an interest and the nature and extent of that interest;
(c)rights or options of the chief executive officer or of the chief executive officer and another person or other persons in respect of the acquisition or disposal of shares in the company; and
(d)contracts to which the chief executive officer is a party or under which he is entitled to a benefit, being contracts under which a person has a right to call for or to make delivery of shares in the company.
[Act 36 of 2014 wef 03/01/2016]
(2)  A company need not show, in its register with respect to a director, particulars of shares in a related corporation that is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the company or of another corporation.
(3)  A company that is a wholly-owned subsidiary of another company shall be deemed to have complied with this section in relation to a director or chief executive officer of that other company (whether or not he is also a director of that company) if the particulars required by this section to be shown in the registers of the first-mentioned company with respect to the director or chief executive officer (as the case may be) are shown in the registers of the second-mentioned company.
[Act 36 of 2014 wef 03/01/2016]
(4)  For the purposes of subsections (2) and (3), a company is a wholly-owned subsidiary of another company if none of the members of the first-mentioned company is a person other than —
(a)the second-mentioned company;
(b)a nominee of the second-mentioned company;
(c)a subsidiary of the second-mentioned company being a subsidiary none of the members of which is a person other than the second-mentioned company or a nominee of the second-mentioned company; or
(d)a nominee of such a subsidiary.
(5)  A company shall, within 3 days after receiving notice from a director or chief executive officer under section 165(1)(a) of this Act or section 133(1)(a), (b), (c), (d) or (e) of the Securities and Futures Act, enter in its register in relation to the director or chief executive officer (as the case may be) the particulars referred to in subsection (1) or (1A), as the case may be, including the number and description of shares, debentures, participatory interests (if applicable), rights, options and contracts to which the notice relates and in respect of shares, debentures, participatory interests (if applicable), rights or options acquired or contracts entered into after he became a director or chief executive officer (as the case may be) —
(a)the price or other consideration for the transaction, if any, by reason of which an entry is required to be made under this section; and
(b)the date of —
(i)the agreement for the transaction or, if it is later, the completion of the transaction; or
(ii)where there was no transaction, the occurrence of the event by reason of which an entry is required to be made under this section.
[Act 36 of 2014 wef 03/01/2016]
(6)  A company shall, within 3 days after receiving a notice from a director or chief executive officer (as the case may be) under section 165(1)(b) of this Act or section 133(1)(g) (in respect of a change in the particulars of any matter referred to in section 133(1)(a) to (e)) of the Securities and Futures Act, enter in its register the particulars of the change referred to in the notice.
[2/2009 wef 19/11/2012]
[Act 36 of 2014 wef 03/01/2016]
(7)  A company is not, by reason of anything done under this section, to be taken for any purpose to have notice of or to be put upon inquiry as to the right of a person or in relation to a share in debenture of or participatory interest made available by the company.
(8)  A company shall, subject to this section, keep its register at the registered office of the company and the register shall be open for inspection by a member of the company without charge and by any other person on payment for each inspection of a sum of $3 or such lesser sum as the company requires.
(9)  A person may request a company to furnish him with a copy of its register or any part thereof on payment in advance of a sum of $1 or such lesser sum as the company requires for every page or part thereof required to be copied and the company shall send the copy to that person within 21 days or such longer period as the Registrar thinks fit after the day on which the request is received by the company.
(10)  The Registrar may by notice in writing require a company to send to him within such time as may be specified in the notice a copy of its register or any part thereof.
(11)  A company shall produce its register at the commencement of each annual general meeting of the company and keep it open and accessible during the meeting to all persons attending the meeting.
(12)  It is a defence to a prosecution for failing to comply with subsection (1), (1A) or (5) in respect of particulars relating to a director or chief executive officer if the defendant proves that the failure was due to the failure of the director or chief executive officer to comply with section 165 of this Act, or (as the case may be) section 133 of the Securities and Futures Act with respect to those particulars.
[Act 36 of 2014 wef 03/01/2016]
(13)  In this section —
(a)a reference to a participatory interest is a reference to a unit in a collective investment scheme within the meaning of section 2 of the Securities and Futures Act (Cap. 289); and
(b)a reference to a person who holds or acquires shares, debentures or participatory interests or an interest in shares, debentures or participatory interests includes a reference to a person who under an option holds or acquires a right to acquire or dispose of a share, debenture or participatory interest or an interest in a share, debenture or participatory interest.
[49/73; 42/2001]
(14)  In determining for the purposes of this section whether a person has an interest in a debenture or participatory interest, the provisions of section 7, except subsections (1) and (3) thereof, have effect and in applying those provisions a reference to a share shall be read as a reference to a debenture or participatory interest.
(15)  For the purposes of the application of this section —
(a)a director or chief executive officer of a company shall be deemed to hold or have an interest or a right in or over any shares or debentures if —
(i)a wife or husband of the director or chief executive officer (as the case may be) (not being herself or himself a director or chief executive officer thereof) holds or has an interest or a right in or over any shares or debentures; or
(ii)a child of less than 18 years of age of that director or chief executive officer (as the case may be) (not being himself or herself a director or chief executive officer) holds or has an interest in shares or debentures; and
(b)any contract, assignment or right of subscription shall be deemed to have been entered into or exercised or made by, or a grant shall be deemed as having been made to, the director or chief executive officer (as the case may be) if —
(i)the contract, assignment or right of subscription is entered into, exercised or made by, or a grant is made to, the wife or husband of a director or chief executive officer of a company (not being herself or himself a director or chief executive officer thereof); or
(ii)the contract, assignment or right of subscription is entered into, exercised or made by, or a grant is made to, a child of less than 18 years of age of a director or chief executive officer of a company (not being himself or herself a director or chief executive officer thereof).
[Act 36 of 2014 wef 03/01/2016]
(16)  In subsection (15), “child” includes step-son, adopted son, step-daughter and adopted daughter.
[Act 36 of 2014 wef 03/01/2016]
(17)  If default is made in complying with this section the company and every officer of the company who is in default shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $15,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 3 years and, in the case of a continuing offence, to a further fine of $1,000 for every day during which the offence continues after conviction.
[49/73; 15/84]
[Aust., 1961, s. 126]
[Act 36 of 2014 wef 03/01/2016]