Comparison View

Amendments are not highlighted in legislation amended before 2012. We are working on it.
Formal Consolidation |  1985 RevEd
(a)Any man who has carnal knowledge of a woman with or without her consent who is to his knowledge his grand-daughter, daughter, sister, half-sister or mother (whether such relationship is or is not traced through lawful wedlock); or
(b)any woman of or above the age of 16 who with consent permits her grandfather, father, brother, half-brother or son (whether such relationship is or is not traced through lawful wedlock) to have carnal knowledge of her (knowing him to be her grandfather, father, brother, half-brother or son, as the case may be),
is said to commit “incest”.
Informal Consolidation | Amended Act 51 of 2007
Sexual penetration of minor under 16
376A.—(1)  Any person (A) who —
(a)penetrates, with A’s penis, the vagina, anus or mouth, as the case may be, of a person under 16 years of age (B);
(b)sexually penetrates, with a part of A’s body (other than A’s penis) or anything else, the vagina or anus, as the case may be, of a person under 16 years of age (B);
(c)causes a man under 16 years of age (B) to penetrate, with B’s penis, the vagina, anus or mouth, as the case may be, of another person including A; or
(d)causes a person under 16 years of age (B) to sexually penetrate, with a part of B’s body (other than B’s penis) or anything else, the vagina or anus, as the case may be, of any person including A or B,
with or without B’s consent, shall be guilty of an offence.
(2)  Subject to subsection (3), a person who is guilty of an offence under this section shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to 10 years, or with fine, or with both.
(3)  Whoever commits an offence under this section against a person (B) who is under 14 years of age shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to 20 years, and shall also be liable to fine or to caning.
(4)  No person shall be guilty of an offence under this section for an act of penetration against his or her spouse with the consent of that spouse.
(5)  No man shall be guilty of an offence under subsection (1)(a) for penetrating with his penis the vagina of his wife without her consent, if his wife is not under 13 years of age, except where at the time of the offence —
(a)his wife was living apart from him ––
(i)under an interim judgment of divorce not made final or a decree nisi for divorce not made absolute;
(ii)under an interim judgment of nullity not made final or a decree nisi for nullity not made absolute;
(iii)under a judgment or decree of judicial separation; or
(iv)under a written separation agreement;
(b)his wife was living apart from him and proceedings have been commenced for divorce, nullity or judicial separation, and such proceedings have not been terminated or concluded;
(c)there was in force a court injunction to the effect of restraining him from having sexual intercourse with his wife;
(d)there was in force a protection order under section 65 or an expedited order under section 66 of the Women’s Charter (Cap. 353) made against him for the benefit of his wife; or
(e)his wife was living apart from him and proceedings have been commenced for the protection order or expedited order referred to in paragraph (d), and such proceedings have not been terminated or concluded.
[51/2007 wef 01/02/2008]