Aviation (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 2018 (Commencement) Notification 2018
S 296/2018
Auxiliary Police Forces Regulations
Cap. 235, RG 2
Authority to Grant Sanctions to Prosecute
Cap. 234, N 1
Authorised Officers
Cap. 293A, N 2
Authorisation to Extend Expired Certificates
Cap. 179, N 3
Auditor-General to Audit Accounts
Cap. 20, N 3
Audit (Amendment) Act 2017 (Commencement) Notification 2017
S 626/2017
Attachment of Personnel Order
Cap. 344, OR 4
Assignment of Functions to National Environment Agency
S 309/2004
Assignment of Functions to Housing and Development Board (Consolidation) Notification
Cap. 129, N 6
Assignment of Function to Singapore Land Authority
S 731/2010
Assignment of Function to Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore
S 122/2005
Assignment of Function to Land Transport Authority of Singapore
Cap. 158A, N 1
Assignment of Function to Land Transport Authority of Singapore
S 282/2008
Assignment of Function to Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority
S 621/2008
Arms and Explosives (Theatrical and Sporting Use — Exemption) Order 2020
S 795/2020
Arms and Explosives (School Uniformed Corps — Exemption) Order 2020
S 794/2020
Arms and Explosives (Movement Control) Rules
Cap. 13, R 4
Arms and Explosives (Government Arms Exhibitions — Exemption from Section 13) Order 2018
S 157/2018
Arms and Explosives (Explosives) Rules
Cap. 13, R 2