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Amendments are not highlighted in legislation amended before 2012. We are working on it.
Formal Consolidation |  2006 RevEd
Record of Appeal and Appellant’s Case (O. 57, r. 9)
9.—(1)  Within 2 months after service of the notice referred to in Rule 5(2), the appellant must file —
(a)one copy of the record of appeal;
(b)subject to Rule 9A, the Appellant’s Case referred to in that Rule; and
(c)a core bundle of documents (referred to in this Order as the core bundle),
and serve a copy each thereof on every respondent to the appeal or his solicitor except that if the appeal is to be heard by a Court of Appeal consisting of 2 Judges of Appeal, these documents shall be filed and served within one month after service of the notice referred to in Rule 5(2).
(2)  The record of appeal shall consist of a copy each of —
(a)the notice of appeal;
(b)the certificate of payment of security for costs;
(c)the record of proceedings referred to in Rule 5(3);
(ca)the affidavits of evidence in chief;
(d)the documents in the nature of pleadings;
(e)other documents, so far as are relevant to the matter decided and the nature of the appeal; and
(f)the judgment or order appealed from.
(2A)  The core bundle shall contain —
(a)a copy of the grounds of the judgment or order referred to in Rule 5(1);
(b)[Deleted by S 612/2001];]
(c)other documents, including notes of evidence, pleadings and affidavits, or portions thereof, that are relevant to any question in the appeal or will be referred to in the Appellant’s Case, the Respondent’s Case or the joint Case or at the appeal;
(d)the judgment or order appealed from; and
(e)an index of the documents included therein, which shall cross-refer each document to its location in the record of appeal or joint record of appeal, as the case may be.
(3)  A draft index of the documents to be included in the record of appeal shall be sent by the appellant’s solicitor to the solicitors for the respondents who or (if more than one) any of whom may within 3 days object to the inclusion or exclusion of any document. Where in the course of preparation of the record one party objects to the inclusion of a document on the ground that it is unnecessary or irrelevant and the other party nevertheless insists on its being included, the record, as finally printed or typed shall, with a view to the subsequent adjustment of the costs of and incidental to such document, indicate, in the index of papers, or otherwise, the fact that, and the party by whom, the inclusion of the document was objected to.
(4)  Where an appellant omits to comply with paragraph (1), the appeal shall be deemed to have been withdrawn, but nothing in this Rule shall be deemed to limit or restrict the powers of extending time conferred upon the Court of Appeal.
(4A)  Where an appeal is deemed to have been withdrawn pursuant to paragraph (4) and all the parties to the appeal consent to the payment of any sum lodged in Court as security for the costs of the appeal to the appellant, the appellant shall file the document signifying such consent signed by the parties or by their solicitor, and in such event any sum lodged in Court as security for the costs of the appeal shall be paid out to the appellant.
(5)  In the event of a cross-appeal, a joint record of appeal may be filed if all the parties to the appeal and the cross-appeal consent.
(6)  Written notice of intention to file such a joint record must be given to the Registrar within the time specified in paragraph (1).
(7)  Subject to paragraph (5), any party to the appeal or the cross-appeal may apply to the Registrar for directions as to the filing of the record of appeal.
Informal Consolidation | Amended S 228/2007
Record of Appeal and Appellant’s Case (O. 57, r. 9)
9.—(1)  Within 2 months after service of the notice referred to in Rule 5(2), the appellant must file —
(a)one copy of the record of appeal;
(b)subject to Rule 9A, the Appellant’s Case referred to in that Rule; and
(c)a core bundle of documents (referred to in this Order as the core bundle),
and serve a copy each thereof on every respondent to the appeal or his solicitor except that if the appeal is to be heard by a Court of Appeal consisting of 2 Judges of Appeal, these documents shall be filed and served within one month after service of the notice referred to in Rule 5(2).
(2)  The record of appeal shall consist of a copy each of —
(a)the notice of appeal;
(b)the certificate of payment of security for costs;
(c)the record of proceedings referred to in Rule 5(3);
(ca)the affidavits of evidence in chief;
(d)the documents in the nature of pleadings;
(e)other documents, so far as are relevant to the matter decided and the nature of the appeal; and
(f)the judgment or order appealed from.
(2A)  The core bundle shall contain —
(a)a copy of the grounds of the judgment or order referred to in Rule 5(1);
(b)[Deleted by S 612/2001];]
(c)other documents, including notes of evidence, pleadings and affidavits, or portions thereof, that are relevant to any question in the appeal or will be referred to in the Appellant’s Case, the Respondent’s Case or the joint Case or at the appeal;
(d)the judgment or order appealed from; and
(e)an index of the documents included therein, which shall cross-refer each document to its location in the record of appeal or joint record of appeal, as the case may be.
(3)  A draft index of the documents to be included in the record of appeal shall be sent by the appellant’s solicitor to the solicitors for the respondents who or (if more than one) any of whom may within 3 days object to the inclusion or exclusion of any document. Where in the course of preparation of the record one party objects to the inclusion of a document on the ground that it is unnecessary or irrelevant and the other party nevertheless insists on its being included, the record, as finally printed or typed shall, with a view to the subsequent adjustment of the costs of and incidental to such document, indicate, in the index of papers, or otherwise, the fact that, and the party by whom, the inclusion of the document was objected to.
(4)  Where an appellant omits to comply with paragraph (1), the appeal shall be deemed to have been withdrawn, but nothing in this Rule shall be deemed to limit or restrict the powers of extending time conferred upon the Court of Appeal.
(4A)  Where an appeal is deemed to have been withdrawn pursuant to paragraph (4) and all the parties to the appeal consent to the payment of any sum lodged in Court or sum held pursuant to a solicitor’s undertaking as security for the costs of the appeal to the appellant, the appellant shall file the document signifying such consent signed by the parties or by their solicitor, and in such event any sum lodged in Court as security for the costs of the appeal shall be paid out to the appellant or any solicitor’s undertaking shall be discharged.
[S 228/2007 wef 01/07/2007]
(5)  In the event of a cross-appeal, a joint record of appeal may be filed if all the parties to the appeal and the cross-appeal consent.
(6)  Written notice of intention to file such a joint record must be given to the Registrar within the time specified in paragraph (1).
(7)  Subject to paragraph (5), any party to the appeal or the cross-appeal may apply to the Registrar for directions as to the filing of the record of appeal.