1. These Regulations may be cited as the Free Trade Zones Regulations.
[S 146/2024 wef 01/03/2024]
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Dutiable goods not to be transferred
5.—(1) No person shall transfer dutiable goods from one free trade zone to another except with the prior written permission of the proper officer of customs.
(2) Any person wishing to obtain such written permission shall submit a declaration in such form as may be prescribed by the Director-General.
(3) In granting any permission under this regulation, the proper officer of customs may impose such conditions as he thinks fit.
Revocation of permission to assemble, mix or otherwise manipulate goods
5A. The Director-General may revoke any permission granted to any person to assemble, mix or otherwise manipulate goods in a free trade zone, for entry into customs territory, without assigning any reason.