No. S 177
Central Provident Fund Act 1953
Central Provident Fund
(Medisave Account Withdrawals)
(Amendment) Regulations 2025
In exercise of the powers conferred by section 77(1)(j) of the Central Provident Fund Act 1953, the Minister for Manpower, after consulting with the Central Provident Fund Board, makes the following Regulations:
Citation and commencement
1.  These Regulations are the Central Provident Fund (Medisave Account Withdrawals) (Amendment) Regulations 2025 and come into operation on 1 April 2025.
Amendment of regulation 5
2.  In the Central Provident Fund (Medisave Account Withdrawals) Regulations (Rg 17) (called in these Regulations the principal Regulations), in regulation 5 —
(a)in paragraph (1)(a)(i)(A), delete “and” at the end;
(b)in paragraph (1)(a)(i)(B), replace “is admitted to the approved hospital on or after 1 March 2021” with “was admitted to the approved hospital on or after 1 March 2021 but before 1 April 2025”;
(c)in paragraph (1)(a)(i)(B)(BB), insert “and” at the end;
(d)in paragraph (1)(a)(i), after sub‑paragraph (B), insert —
(C)if the member or the member’s dependant is admitted to the approved hospital on or after 1 April 2025 — the aggregate of the following:
(CA)the relevant sum per day under paragraph (2)(e)(i) for the period of hospitalisation to which that relevant sum applies;
(CB)the relevant sum per day under paragraph (2)(e)(ii) for the period of hospitalisation to which that relevant sum applies;”;
(e)in paragraph (1)(a)(ii)(A)(AA), replace “or (B)” with “, (B) or (C)”;
(f)in paragraph (1)(a)(ii)(B)(BA), delete “or” at the end;
(g)in paragraph (1)(a)(ii)(B), replace sub‑paragraph (BB) with —
(BB)if the member or the member’s dependant was admitted to the approved hospital —
(I)before 1 June 2009 — $5,000;
(II)on or after 1 June 2009 but before 1 April 2025 — $7,550; or
(III)on or after 1 April 2025 — $5,290; or”;
(h)in paragraph (1)(a)(iii), replace sub‑paragraph (A) with —
(A)$7,500 per course of treatment (if the treatment started on or after 1 January 2008 but before 1 April 2025) or $3,750 per course of treatment (if the treatment started on or after 1 April 2025);”;
(i)in paragraph (2)(c), delete “and” at the end; and
(j)in paragraph (2), replace sub‑paragraph (d) with —
(d)if the member or the member’s dependant was admitted to the approved hospital on or after 1 March 2021 but before 1 April 2025 —
(i)for each of the first 2 days of hospitalisation during each admission — $550; and
(ii)for each of the third and subsequent days of hospitalisation during each admission — $400; and
(e)if the member or the member’s dependant is admitted to the approved hospital on or after 1 April 2025 —
(i)for each of the first 2 days of hospitalisation during each admission — $1,130; and
(ii)for each of the third and subsequent days of hospitalisation during each admission — $400.”.
Amendment of regulation 6
3.  In the principal Regulations, in regulation 6(1)(a) —
(a)in sub‑paragraph (i)(A), replace “if he was admitted to the approved community hospital on or after 1st January 2002 but before 1st June 2010; or” with “if the member or the member’s dependant was admitted to the approved community hospital on or after 1 January 2002 but before 1 June 2010;”;
(b)in sub‑paragraph (i)(B), replace “if he was admitted to the approved community hospital on or after 1st June 2010” with “if the member or the member’s dependant was admitted to the approved community hospital on or after 1 June 2010 but before 1 April 2025”;
(c)in sub‑paragraph (i), after sub‑paragraph (B), insert —
(C)a sum of $250 per day, if the member or the member’s dependant is admitted to the approved community hospital on or after 1 April 2025; or”;
(d)in sub‑paragraph (ii), replace sub‑paragraph (A) with —
(A)the lower of the following amounts:
(AA)the applicable sum as follows, multiplied by the number of days the member or the member’s dependant was hospitalised:
(I)if the member or the member’s dependant was admitted to the approved community hospital on or after 1 January 2002 but before 1 June 2010 — $150 per day;
(II)if the member or the member’s dependant was admitted to the approved community hospital on or after 1 June 2010 — $250 per day;
(AB)the actual total hospital charges; and”;
(e)in sub-paragraph (ii)(B)(BA), delete “or” at the end; and
(f)in sub‑paragraph (ii)(B), replace sub‑paragraph (BB) with —
(BB)if the member or the member’s dependant was admitted to the approved community hospital —
(I)before 1 June 2009 — $5,000;
(II)on or after 1 June 2009 but before 1 April 2025 — $7,550; or
(III)on or after 1 April 2025 — $5,290; or;”.
Amendment of regulation 9B
4.  In the principal Regulations, in regulation 9B(2), replace sub‑paragraph (a) with —
(a)must not exceed —
(i)$200 per month per patient, if the member or the member’s dependant received the approved out‑patient parenteral nutrition on or after 1 November 2018 but before 1 April 2025; or
(ii)$220 per month per patient, if the member or the member’s dependant received the approved out‑patient parenteral nutrition on or after 1 April 2025; and”.
Amendment of regulation 12A
5.  In the principal Regulations, in regulation 12A(3), replace sub‑paragraphs (a) and (b) with —
(a)if the episode of qualifying combined treatment started before 1 April 2025 —
(i)$550 for each of the first 2 days of the episode; and
(ii)$400 for each of the third and subsequent days of the episode; and
(b)if the episode of qualifying combined treatment started on or after 1 April 2025 —
(i)$1,130 for each of the first 2 days of the episode; and
(ii)$400 for each of the third and subsequent days of the episode.”.
Amendment of regulation 13B
6.  In the principal Regulations, in regulation 13B(3), replace sub‑paragraphs (a) and (b) with —
(a)if the episode of MIC@Home treatment started on or after 1 April 2024 but before 1 April 2025 —
(i)$550 for each of the first 2 days of the episode; and
(ii)$400 for each of the third and subsequent days of the episode; and
(b)if the episode of MIC@Home treatment started on or after 1 April 2025 —
(i)$1,130 for each of the first 2 days of the episode; and
(ii)$400 for each of the third and subsequent days of the episode.”.
Amendment of regulation 16
7.  In the principal Regulations, in regulation 16 —
(a)in paragraph (2)(a)(ii)(A), replace “or (b)” with “, (b) or (c)”;
(b)in paragraph (2), replace sub‑paragraph (b) with —
(b)in a case involving one or more additional operations, the amount of operation fees for a maximum of 3 surgical procedures involving not more than 2 anatomical systems and not more than 2 procedures within each system, which must not exceed the lower of the following amounts:
(i)the amount determined by the Minister for Health for such operation or operations;
(ii)if the female member or female dependant was admitted to the approved hospital —
(A)before 1 June 2009 — $5,000;
(B)on or after 1 June 2009 but before 1 April 2025 — $7,550; or
(C)on or after 1 April 2025 — $5,290.”;
(c)in paragraph (2A)(a), delete “and” at the end;
(d)in paragraph (2A)(b), replace “is admitted to the approved hospital on or after 1 March 2021” with “was admitted to the approved hospital on or after 1 March 2021 but before 1 April 2025”;
(e)in paragraph (2A)(b)(ii), replace the full‑stop at the end with “; and”;
(f)in paragraph (2A), after sub‑paragraph (b), insert —
(c)if the female member or female dependant is admitted to the approved hospital on or after 1 April 2025 — the aggregate of the following:
(i)the relevant sum per day under paragraph (3)(e)(i) for the period of hospitalisation to which that relevant sum applies;
(ii)the relevant sum per day under paragraph (3)(e)(ii) for the period of hospitalisation to which that relevant sum applies.”;
(g)in paragraph (3), delete “(a) and (b)(i) and (ii)”;
(h)in paragraph (3)(c), delete “and” at the end;
(i)in paragraph (3), replace sub‑paragraph (d) with —
(d)if the female member or female dependant was admitted to the approved hospital on or after 1 March 2021 but before 1 April 2025 —
(i)for each of the first 2 days of hospitalisation during each admission — $550; and
(ii)for each of the third and subsequent days of hospitalisation during each admission — $400; and
(e)if the female member or female dependant is admitted to the approved hospital on or after 1 April 2025 —
(i)for each of the first 2 days of hospitalisation during each admission — $1,130; and
(ii)for each of the third and subsequent days of hospitalisation during each admission — $400.”;
(j)in paragraph (6), replace sub‑paragraph (b) with —
(b)in a case involving one or more additional operations, the amount of operation fees for a maximum of 3 surgical procedures involving not more than 2 anatomical systems and not more than 2 procedures within each system, which must not exceed the lower of the following amounts:
(i)the amount determined by the Minister for Health for such operation or operations;
(ii)if the female member or female dependant was admitted to the approved hospital —
(A)before 1 June 2009 — $5,000;
(B)on or after 1 June 2009 but before 1 April 2025 — $7,550; or
(C)on or after 1 April 2025 — $5,290.”;
(k)in paragraph (7)(b), delete “and” at the end;
(l)in paragraph (7)(c), replace “1st May 2007.” with “1 May 2007 but before 1 April 2025; and”; and
(m)in paragraph (7), after sub‑paragraph (c), insert —
(d)$830 if the female member or female dependant received the day surgical treatment on or after 1 April 2025.”.
Amendment of regulation 20
8.  In the principal Regulations, in regulation 20 —
(a)replace paragraph (1) with —
(1)  Notwithstanding anything in this Part (other than regulation 4), where a member or the member’s dependant has received any psychiatric treatment as an in‑patient from an approved medical practitioner in an approved hospital, the amount that may be withdrawn by the member from the member’s medisave account for the payment of the treatment received must not —
(a)exceed the relevant sum per day; and
(b)if the member or the member’s dependant was admitted to the approved hospital before 1 April 2025 — exceed the relevant sum per year.”;
(b)in paragraph (2)(b), replace “1st January 2007” with “1 January 2007 but before 1 April 2025”; and
(c)in paragraph (3), replace sub‑paragraphs (a) and (b) with —
(a)if the member or the member’s dependant was admitted to an approved hospital before 1 March 2021, or was admitted to a designated hospital on or after 1 March 2021 but before 1 April 2025 — $150;
(b)if the member or the member’s dependant was admitted to an approved hospital (not being a designated hospital) on or after 1 March 2021 but before 1 April 2025 —
(i)for each of the first 2 days of hospitalisation during each admission — $550; and
(ii)for each of the third and subsequent days of hospitalisation during each admission — $150;
(c)if the member or the member’s dependant is admitted to a designated hospital on or after 1 April 2025 — $230; and
(d)if the member or the member’s dependant is admitted to an approved hospital (not being a designated hospital) on or after 1 April 2025 —
(i)for each of the first 2 days of hospitalisation during each admission — $1,130; and
(ii)for each of the third and subsequent days of hospitalisation during each admission — $230.”.
Amendment of regulation 21
9.  In the principal Regulations, in regulation 21 —
(a)in paragraph (1)(c)(i), delete “or” at the end;
(b)in paragraph (1)(c), replace sub‑paragraph (ii) with —
(ii)for day surgical treatment received —
(A)before 1 June 2009 — $5,000;
(B)on or after 1 June 2009 but before 1 April 2025 — $7,550; or
(C)on or after 1 April 2025 — $5,290;”;
(c)in paragraph (1), replace sub‑paragraph (da) with —
(da)the payment of radiosurgery treatment must not exceed —
(i)$7,500 per course of treatment if the treatment started on or after 1 January 2008 but before 1 April 2025; or
(ii)$3,750 per course of treatment if the treatment started on or after 1 April 2025; and”;
(d)in paragraph (2)(b), delete “and” at the end;
(e)in paragraph (2)(c), replace “1st May 2007.” with “1 May 2007 but before 1 April 2025; and”; and
(f)in paragraph (2), after sub‑paragraph (c), insert —
(d)$830 if the member or dependant received the day surgical treatment on or after 1 April 2025.”.
Amendment of First Schedule
10.  In the principal Regulations, in the First Schedule —
(a)replace item 1(e) with —
“(e)Stereotactic radiotherapy for cancer
For course of treatment beginning on or after 1 November 1999 but before 1 April 2025
$2,800 per treatment or the total credit balance in the member’s medisave account, whichever is the lower.
For course of treatment beginning on or after 1 April 2025
$325 per treatment or the total credit balance in the member’s medisave account, whichever is the lower.”;
(b)replace item 1(i) with —
“(i)Proton beam therapy for a Category 3 clinical indication listed in the Approved Indications for PBT
For course of treatment beginning on or after 1 October 2022 but before 1 April 2025
$2,800 per treatment or the total credit balance in the member’s medisave account, whichever is the lower.
For course of treatment beginning on or after 1 April 2025
$325 per treatment or the total credit balance in the member’s medisave account, whichever is the lower.”; and
(c)replace item 10 with —
“10.Immunosuppressants for organ transplant
With effect from 1 January 2006 but before 1 April 2025
$300 per month per patient or the total credit balance in the member’s medisave account, whichever is the lower.
With effect from 1 April 2025
$210 per month per patient or the total credit balance in the member’s medisave account, whichever is the lower.”.
Miscellaneous amendments
11.  In the principal Regulations —
(a)in the following provisions, replace “his dependant” wherever it appears with “the member’s dependant”:
Regulation 5
Regulation 6
Regulation 21;
(b)in the following provisions, replace “his dependant” with “the member’s dependant”:
Regulation 12A(1)
Regulation 13B(1);
(c)in the following provisions, replace “1st December 2006” with “1 December 2006”:
Regulation 16(7)(a)
Regulation 21(2)(a);
(d)in the following provisions, replace “1st December 2006 but before 1st May 2007” with “1 December 2006 but before 1 May 2007”:
Regulation 16(7)(b)
Regulation 21(2)(b); and
(e)in regulation 20(2)(a), replace “1st January 2007” with “1 January 2007”.
[G.N. Nos. S 224/2007; S 527/2007; S 731/2007; S 149/2008; S 456/2008; S 682/2008; S 86/2009; S 239/2009; S 523/2009; S 659/2009; S 88/2010; S 118/2010; S 289/2010; S 548/2010; S 367/2011; S 725/2011; S 107/2013; S 482/2013; S 623/2013; S 427/2014; S 872/2014; S 177/2015; S 625/2015; S 377/2016; S 530/2016; S 723/2016; S 340/2017; S 789/2017; S 145/2018; S 341/2018; S 730/2018; S 787/2018; S 397/2019; S 200/2020; S 389/2020; S 855/2020; S 899/2020; S 1089/2020; S 131/2021; S 157/2021; S 315/2021; S 3/2022; S 285/2022; S 716/2022; S 770/2022; S 466/2023; S 652/2023; S 773/2023; S 59/2024; S 558/2024; S 696/2024]
Made on 14 March 2025.
Permanent Secretary,
Ministry of Manpower,
[RESD/Cross-cutting Policy/CPFSL/2025; AG/LEGIS/SL/36/2025/1]
(To be presented to Parliament under section 78(2) of the Central Provident Fund Act 1953).