The My Collections feature allows you to create personal lists of in force legislation for your quick access and search. You can rely on cookies sent by this website to your browser to create your collection(s) of in force legislation. Please note that if the cookies are refreshed or removed from your browser, your collection(s) of in force legislation will be deleted.
You can create a maximum of 5 personal collections. Each of your collections is allowed a maximum of 10 in force legislation (Acts/Subsidiary Legislation).
You can add an in force legislation to your personal collections by:
(a) using the ‘Add to My Collections’ option available on the sticky bar at the top of the legislation content page;
(b) using the icon
appearing in the same row as the legislation in the Browse Page; or
(c) using the icon
appearing next to search results displaying in force legislation.
You can add the in force legislation to an existing collection that you have created. If you want to add the in force legislation to a new collection, enter the name of the new collection in the ‘Add to New Collection’ box and click on + to create the new collection.