No. S 189
Infectious Diseases Act 1976
Infectious Diseases
(Notification of Prescribed Infectious Diseases)
(Amendment) Regulations 2025
In exercise of the powers conferred by section 73 of the Infectious Diseases Act 1976, the Minister for Health makes the following Regulations:
Citation and commencement
1.  These Regulations are the Infectious Diseases (Notification of Prescribed Infectious Diseases) (Amendment) Regulations 2025 and come into operation on 12 April 2025.
Amendment of regulation 2
2.  In the Infectious Diseases (Notification of Prescribed Infectious Diseases) Regulations 2008 (G.N. No. S 612/2008) (called in these Regulations the principal Regulations), in regulation 2, replace “” with “https://de‑”.
Replacement of regulation 3
3.  In the principal Regulations, replace regulation 3 with —
Form and manner of notification
3.—(1)  Any notification of a prescribed infectious disease to be given to the Director‑General of Health under section 6(1), (2) or (3) of the Act must be given —
(a)through the electronic notification system; or
(b)if the electronic notification system is unavailable, by email to
(2)  Any notification mentioned in paragraph (1) must —
(a)if given through the electronic notification system, be in the appropriate form relating to the person giving that notification, as set out in the electronic notification system; or
(b)if given by email, be in the appropriate form relating to the person giving that notification and the type of prescribed infectious disease in question, as set out on the website at
(3)  In paragraph (2), “appropriate form” refers to the current version of the form required by the Director‑General of Health and set out in the electronic notification system or on the website mentioned in paragraph (2)(b), as the case may be.”.
Deletion of regulation 4
4.  In the principal Regulations, delete regulation 4.
Amendment of regulation 5
5.  In the principal Regulations, in regulation 5(3), replace “Director” with “Director‑General of Health”.
Amendment of Schedule
6.  In the principal Regulations, in the Schedule, in Part 1, in the second column, in item (l), after “Virus”, insert “Infection”.
[G.N. Nos. S 175/2009; S 619/2010; S 521/2014; S 36/2016; S 450/2016; S 225/2018; S 163/2019; S 79/2020; S 141/2020; S 514/2022; S 64/2023; S 173/2024]
Made on 21 March 2025.
Permanent Secretary
(Policy and Development),
Ministry of Health,
[MH 78:25\V59; AG/LEGIS/SL/137/2020/3]