Arms Offences Act |
(CHAPTER 14) |
(Original Enactment: Act 61 of 1973)
(30th March 1987) |
An Act relating to the unlawful possession of arms and ammunition and the carrying and using of arms. |
[8th February 1974] |
Short title |
1. This Act may be cited as the Arms Offences Act. |
Interpretation |
2. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires —
Penalty for being in unlawful possession of arms or ammunition |
Using or attempting to use arms |
4. Subject to any exception referred to in Chapter IV of the Penal Code [Cap. 224] which may be applicable, any person who uses or attempts to use any arm shall be guilty of an offence and shall on conviction be punished with death. |
Punishment for accomplices |
5. Where any arm is used by any person in committing or in attempting to commit any offence, each of his accomplices in respect of the last-mentioned offence present at the scene of the offence who may reasonably be presumed to have known that that person was carrying or had in his possession or under his control such arm, shall, unless he proves that he had taken all reasonable steps to prevent the use of such arm, be guilty of an offence and shall on conviction be punished with death. |
Trafficking in arms |
6.—(1) Any person trafficking in arms shall be guilty of an offence and shall on conviction be punished with —
Consorting with persons carrying arms |
7. Any person who consorts with, or is found in the company of, another person who is unlawfully carrying or is in unlawful possession of any arm in circumstances which raise a reasonable presumption that he knew that that other person was carrying or had in his possession or under his control any such arm shall, unless he proves that he had reasonable grounds for believing that that other person was not unlawfully carrying or not in unlawful possession of such arm, be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to the like punishment as that other person with whom he was consorting or in whose company he was found. |
Penalty for exhibiting imitation arm when committing scheduled offence |
8. Any person who at the time of committing or attempting to commit or abetting the commission of any scheduled offence exhibits any imitation arm in a manner likely to put any person in fear of death or hurt shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to imprisonment for a term which may extend to 10 years and shall also be punished with caning with not less than 3 strokes. |
Presumption |
9. Where any arm is found in or on any premises, the occupier of such premises shall be deemed to be in possession of such arm unless he proves that some other person was in possession thereof, or that he had no knowledge or reasonable means of knowing that such arm was in or on such premises and that he had taken all reasonable precautions against such arm being kept in or on such premises. |
Exemptions |
10. Nothing in section 3 shall apply to —
Saving |
11. The provisions of this Act shall have effect without prejudice to the provisions of the Arms and Explosives Act [Cap. 13] or of any other written law for the time being in force in Singapore relating to unlawful possession of arms or ammunition. |
Power to amend Schedule |
12. The President may at any time by order add to, amend or vary the Schedule. |
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