Bretton Woods Agreements Act |
(CHAPTER 27) |
(Original Enactment: Act 17 of 1966)
(31st March 2012) |
An Act to enable Singapore to become a member of the International Monetary Fund and of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development by acceptance of the International Agreements for the establishment and operation of the Fund and the Bank. |
Whereas the International Monetary Fund and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development were established in pursuance of agreements drawn up at the United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference held at Bretton Woods in New Hampshire in the United States of America in July 1944: |
And Whereas copies of the text of the Articles of the said Agreements have been presented to Parliament: |
And Whereas the International Monetary Fund and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development have prescribed the terms and conditions set out in the First and Second Schedules as the terms and conditions upon which Singapore may be admitted to membership of the International Monetary Fund and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development respectively: |
And Whereas, for the purpose of complying with the terms and conditions aforesaid, it is necessary to make provision as hereinafter set out. |
[4th July 1966] |
Short title |
1. This Act may be cited as the Bretton Woods Agreements Act. |
Authorisation of signature of Articles of Agreements of Fund and Bank respectively |
2. The President is hereby authorised by instruments under his hand to empower such person as may be named in such instruments, on behalf of the Government —
Interpretation |
3. In this Act —
Subscription to International Monetary Fund |
Power of Monetary Authority of Singapore in respect of special drawing rights |
5. The Monetary Authority of Singapore shall have power from time to time to acquire, hold and deal with special drawing rights of the Government in accordance with the Fund Agreement and to perform all acts supplemental or incidental thereto, including —
Power of Monetary Authority of Singapore in relation to operations of General Resources Account of Fund |
6. The Monetary Authority of Singapore is hereby authorised —
Subscription to International Bank for Reconstruction and Development |
7.—(1) There shall be charged on the Consolidated Fund such part of the subscription of Singapore specified in paragraph 2 of the terms and conditions set out in the Second Schedule as may, in accordance with those terms and conditions and the provisions of Article II of the Bank Agreement, be payable in gold or United States dollars or in the currency of Singapore.
Other payments to International Bank |
8. There shall be charged on the Consolidated Fund —
Power to raise loans |
9. For the purpose of providing any sums required for making any payments under the Fund Agreement, Bank Agreement, or the membership resolutions set out in the First and Second Schedules, the Minister with the President’s concurrence under Article 144(1)(b) of the Constitution may, on behalf of the Government, raise loans by the creation and issue of securities bearing such rates of interest and subject to such conditions as to repayment, redemption or otherwise as he may think fit and the principal and interest of such securities and the charges and expenses incurred in connection with their issue shall be charged on and paid out of the Consolidated Fund. [11/91] |
Moneys received by Government to be paid into Consolidated Fund |
10. Any moneys received by the Government from the Bank in connection with the membership of Singapore shall be paid into and form part of the Consolidated Fund. [4/80] |
Orders for carrying Agreements into effect |
11.—(1) The President may, by order, make such provision as he may consider reasonably necessary for carrying into effect any of the provisions of the Fund Agreement and the Bank Agreement including but not limited to those relating to the status, immunities and privileges of the International Monetary Fund and of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and their respective governors, executive directors, alternates, officers and employees, and the provisions of the Fund Agreement with regard to the unenforceability of exchange contracts.
Companies Act not to apply to Bank and to issue by Bank of shares, debentures, etc. |
12. The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development shall be deemed not to be a corporation within the meaning of the Companies Act (Cap. 50); and the provisions of that Act shall not, accordingly, apply to the Bank or to the issue by the Bank of any shares, debentures, bonds, notes or other securities. [13/81] |
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