Cattle Act |
(CHAPTER 34) |
(Original Enactment: Ordinance 15 of 1964)
(31st December 2002) |
An Act to provide for the licensing of places used for the keeping of cattle, the control of the movement and transport of cattle and matters incidental thereto for the purpose of the preservation of public health. |
[1st January 1965] |
Short title |
1. This Act may be cited as the Cattle Act. |
Interpretation |
2. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires —
Keeping cattle within restricted area prohibited |
Licence required for keeping cattle |
4.—(1) The Director-General may license any place for the purpose of keeping cattle.
Movement and transport of cattle |
5.—(1) Where the Agency considers it necessary for the purpose of preserving public health, the Agency may, with the approval of the Minister, by notification in the Gazette, declare that as from a date specified therein such category, class or kind of cattle as may be named therein shall not be moved or transported from one place to another within Singapore or any part thereof as may be specified therein without a licence issued in that behalf by the Director-General. [4/2002]
Authorisation of public officers, etc. |
6. Any public officer authorised by the Director-General in writing in that behalf and any officer of any statutory board or body who is, with the approval of the Minister, so authorised may exercise such powers under this Act as the Director-General may empower him to exercise, subject to such conditions or limitations as the Director-General may specify. [4/2002] |
Fees, etc., payable to Agency |
7. All fees, charges, composition fines and moneys collected under this Act shall be paid to the Agency. [6A [4/2002] |
Regulations |
8.—(1) The Agency may, with the approval of the Minister, make regulations for or with respect to every purpose which is considered by him necessary for carrying out the provisions of this Act and for the prescribing of any matter which is authorised or required under this Act to be prescribed. [4/2002]
Transitional provision |
9. Any licence, permit, document, application, approval, permission, order, direction, ruling or notice issued, made, given or approved by the Commissioner of Public Health under any provision of this Act immediately before 1st July 20021 shall be deemed to have been issued, made, given or approved under the same provision by the Director-General.
[8 [4/2002] |
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