Distress Act |
(CHAPTER 84) |
(Original Enactment: Ordinance 28 of 1934)
(30th April 1996) |
An Act relating to distress for rent. |
[1st January 1935] |
Short title |
1. This Act may be cited as the Distress Act. |
Interpretation |
2. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires —
Act not to apply to Government rents |
3. This Act shall not apply to rents due to the Government. |
No distress otherwise than under this Act |
4. No landlord shall distrain for rent except in the manner provided by this Act. |
Application for writ of distress |
Provision for distress by one of joint owners |
6. Where a right to a distraint accrues to persons jointly or together interested in any premises, such right may be exercised by any one of such persons in his own name and the names of those jointly or together interested with him, and the levy shall be a complete discharge to the defendant for the amount recovered; but the judge or registrar may in any case require the party so applying to produce a written authority to distrain, signed by the other persons jointly or together interested with him. [30/38] |
Writ of distress |
7. A writ of distress shall be addressed to the sheriff, directing him forthwith to distrain any movable property found by him on the premises named therein, or such part of the property as may in his judgment be sufficient, when sold, to realise the amount of rent therein stated to be due to the applicant, together with such sum as may be due to the applicant by way of costs and to the sheriff for his fees and expenses. |
Property exempted from seizure |
8. Property seizable under a writ of distress shall not include —
Inventory and estimate of property seized, and notice to tenant of the seizure |
9.—(1) After seizing any property under a writ of distress, the sheriff shall make an inventory and an approximate valuation thereof, and shall give to the tenant a notice of the seizure in the prescribed form, with a copy of the inventory and valuation attached, informing him of the amount due under the writ and that the property seized will be sold at a time and place to be named therein (not being less than 6 days from the date thereof), unless he pays the amount due within 5 days from the date thereof, or obtains an order restraining such sale.
Application by under-tenant, lodger, etc., for discharge, suspension or release |
10.—(1) Where any movable property of —
Payments by under-tenant or lodger to superior landlord to be deemed rent |
11.—(1) For the purposes of the recovery of any sums payable by an under-tenant or a lodger to a superior landlord under the undertaking specified in section 10, or under a notice served in accordance with section 14, the under-tenant or lodger shall be deemed to be the immediate tenant of the superior landlord, and the sums payable shall be deemed to be rent.
Exclusion of certain goods |
12. Section 10 shall not apply to —
Exclusion of certain under-tenants |
13. Section 10 shall not apply to any under-tenant where the under-tenancy has been created in breach of any covenant or agreement in writing between the landlord and his immediate tenant. |
Avoidance of distress |
14. Where the rent of the immediate tenant of the superior landlord is in arrear, it shall be lawful for the superior landlord to serve on any under-tenant or lodger a notice (by registered post addressed to the under-tenant or lodger at the premises) stating the amount of such arrears of rent, and requiring all future payments of rent, whether the same has already accrued due or not, by the under-tenant or lodger to be made direct to the superior landlord giving the notice until such arrears shall have been duly paid, and the notice shall operate to transfer to the superior landlord the right to recover, receive and give a discharge for the rent. |
Interpretation of sections 10 to 14 |
15. For the purposes of sections 10 to 14, “superior landlord” shall be deemed to include a landlord in cases where the goods seized are not those of an under-tenant or lodger; and “tenant” and “under-tenant” shall not include a lodger. |
Application by tenant |
16. The tenant may apply to a judge to discharge or suspend the execution of the writ, or to release any part of the property seized. |
Powers of court |
17. The judge may, on application for the release of any property distrained, deal with the matter summarily and dismiss the application or discharge the writ, or order the release unconditionally or on such terms as he thinks fit of any property seized, or may direct an issue to be tried and, pending the determination of such issue, suspend the execution of the writ, or may order the property to be sold and the proceeds of sale to be lodged in court, or may make such other order on such terms as he considers fair as between the parties pending the final determination of the matter. |
Costs |
18. Any costs incurred in any proceedings for the release of property distrained shall be in the discretion of the judge and may in proper cases be added to the amount leviable under the writ. |
Sale of property seized |
19.—(1) Subject to the provisions of this Act, the property seized under a writ of distress shall be sold at the time and place named in the notice required by section 9; and the net proceeds of sale shall be applied first in payment of the sheriff’s fees and expenses and then in satisfaction of the rent and costs due by the tenant to the landlord.
Procedure where property seizable under distress is already under seizure by way of execution |
20.—(1) Where any property liable to be seized under a writ of distress has already been seized under a writ of execution issued by any court, it shall not be seized under the writ of distress so long as it remains under such seizure; but the officer in possession under the writ of execution shall be notified of the writ of distress, and shall thereupon be liable to pay out of the proceeds of sale of the goods seized by him, after payment thereout of the expenses of the sale, but in priority to any other payment the amount appearing to be due to the landlord except that such payment shall not in any case exceed the amount due for the last 6 months’ rent.
Removal of goods to avoid distress |
21.—(1) If any person removes or causes or permits to be removed from any premises property liable to be seized under a writ of distress, with the intention of hindering or preventing the distraint thereof, a judge may, on application by the sheriff, authorise the sheriff, within 30 days of such removal, to follow and seize such property in execution of the writ, wherever it may be found, and to deal therewith as if it had been seized on the premises.
Where goods removed sold to bona fide purchaser |
22.—(1) If any property so removed has been sold for fair value, whether before or after removal, to a bona fide purchaser not knowing or having the means of knowing that it was liable to distress for non-payment of rent or was removed in order to hinder or prevent the distraint thereof, it shall not be seized, or, if seized, shall be restored to the purchaser.
Deserted premises |
23.—(1) Where —
Penalty |
24. Any person who sells or abets the sale of any property seized under a writ of distress in contravention of the provisions of this Act or of the Rules of Court relating to the sale of property seized under a writ of distress, shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $200. [37/52] [G.N. No. S 71/96] |
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