An Act relating to education and registration of schools.
[13th December 1957]
Short title
1. This Act may be cited as the Education Act.
2. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires —
“building” includes part of a building;
“committee of management” means the committee of management of a school referred to in section 26;
“Director” means the Director of Education;
“document” includes any book, textbook, exercise book, accounts, counterfoils, pamphlet, publication, newspaper, poster, drawing, sketch, film, film-strip, slide, gramophone record, and other printed, written or recorded matter, whether relating to instruction, recreation, school management or otherwise;
“fees” includes all amounts which a pupil is required to pay with respect to his education at a school;
“functions” includes powers and duties;
“Government school” means a school organised and conducted directly by the Government;
“Government teacher” means a teacher directly employed by the Government;
“higher education” means education beyond the standard normally required for admission to a university;
“manager” of a school means a member of the committee of management of a school;
“medical officer” means a registered medical practitioner in the service of the Government;
“principal” means the headmaster or headmistress of a school;
“public health inspector” means a health inspector of the Ministry of the Environment;
“pupil” means a person of any age receiving instruction in a school;
“register of managers and supervisors”, “register of schools” and “register of teachers” mean the respective registers maintained by the Director under section 19, and “registered” means entered upon one of those registers;
“school” means according to the context —
an organisation for the provision of education for 10 or more persons; or
a place where 10 or more persons are being or are habitually taught whether in one or more classes, or in the case of a correspondence school, the place or places where instruction is prepared or where answers are examined or corrected;
“school premises” means school buildings and includes school playgrounds and playing fields;
“supervisor” means the manager registered as the supervisor under section 28;
“teacher” means a person who teaches pupils in a school or who prepares or issues lessons or corrects written answers in a correspondence school and includes a principal;
“unlawful society” means a society deemed to be an unlawful society under the provisions of the Societies Act [Cap. 311].
3. The Minister may by notification in the Gazette, if he is satisfied that the teaching in any school is of a purely religious character or that any school is an institution of higher education, exempt that school and the managers or teachers thereof from all or any of the provisions of this Act and may at any time revoke any such exemption.
Schools to which this Act does not apply
4. This Act shall not apply to a school —
maintained partly or wholly by the Vocational and Industrial Training Board established under the Vocational and Industrial Training Board Act [Cap. 345]; or
registered under Part V of that Act.
Delegation of Director’s functions
5. The functions of the Director under the provisions of this Act may be exercised and discharged by such officers of the Ministry of Education as may from time to time be authorised for that purpose by the Minister by notification in the Gazette.