Education Service Incentive
Payment Act 2001
This revised edition incorporates all amendments up to and including 1 December 2021 and comes into operation on 31 December 2021
An Act to establish a scheme known as the CONNECT Plan to encourage long service by teachers under the control or management of the Government and the CONNECT Fund for the purpose of that Plan and for matters connected therewith.
[1 January 2002]
Short title
1.  This Act is the Education Service Incentive Payment Act 2001.
2.  In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires —
“aided school” means a school which —
(a)is established by any person other than the Government; and
(b)is conducted by a committee of management which is in receipt of a grant-in-aid from the Government for the defraying of the expenses incurred for conducting the school,
but excludes an independent school;
“CONNECT Plan” means the CONNECT Plan established by regulations made under section 3;
“Fund” means the CONNECT Fund established under section 11;
“Government school” means any school that is established by and under the management of the Government but excludes an independent school;
“independent school” means any school that is —
(a)specified in any order made under section 3(1) of the School Boards (Incorporation) Act 1990; or
(b)a school which is declared by the Minister by notification in the Gazette to be an independent school for the purposes of this Act;
“qualifying service” means teaching service prescribed to be qualifying service;
“school” includes a junior college and a centralised institute but excludes any tertiary institute or training institute;
“teaching duties” includes —
(a)the administration of any school;
(b)the inspection or supervision of individuals engaged in teaching duties in any school; and
(c)other duties connected with the teaching or other services provided at any school, being duties for the performance of which experience as a teacher is an advantage;
“teaching service” means service, whether part‑time or full‑time —
(a)as a public officer in the Education Service; or
(b)as an employee of an aided school for teaching duties.